1881 Census of Croxley Green
3rd April 1881 - The 1881 census was the first UK census to be indexed in its entirety. Details collected include: address, name, relationship to the head of the family, marital status, age at last birthday, gender, occupation, and place of birth. As with earlier censuses, the form asked whether any "lunatics", "imbeciles" or "idiots" lived in the household, causing the Registrar General to observe that: "It is against human nature to expect a mother to admit her young child to be an idiot, however much she may fear this to be true.
Croxley Green Census 1881
The information below is taken from the 1881 Census.
Hertforshire Rickmansworth ALL District 5 / Records: 0711 to 0749
Hertforshire Rickmansworth ALL District 6 / Records: 0751 to 0771
Hertforshire Watford ALL District 14 / Records: 0195 to 0212
The 1881 Census is downloadable below. Copyright still remains with The National Archives © and so please do not share or take the information or reproduce it in any form. Filtering is enabled on the spreadsheet below to enable searches.
Hertforshire Rickmansworth ALL District 5 / Records: 0711 to 0749
Hertforshire Rickmansworth ALL District 6 / Records: 0751 to 0771
Hertforshire Watford ALL District 14 / Records: 0195 to 0212
The 1881 Census is downloadable below. Copyright still remains with The National Archives © and so please do not share or take the information or reproduce it in any form. Filtering is enabled on the spreadsheet below to enable searches.
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All of the Croxley Green Census information can be viewed at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk
All of the Croxley Green Census information can be viewed at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk