The Resident Number 61 No:1 1958
In this Issue
All Saints' Church, Croxley Green-Church Ground: The Open Spaces Committee's decision to consider the maintenance of the ground on the north side of All Saints' Church as a public open space has been shelved. This was agreed upon after a further discussion with the Vicar and one of the Church Wardens. It appeared that the approach to the Council had stimulated interest in maintenance of the ground by voluntary labour. Pubiic Conveniences - Moneyhill Parade and Croxley Green: The Council have approved the provision of two conveniences the first at Moneyhill Parade and the second at Croxley Green. At Moneyhill Parade the only available site would be the land at the western end of the shopping centre on the northern side of the road and forming part of the ground of York House School. The estimated cost of the building would be £2,000. At Croxley Green the selection of the site was more difficult but details of two sites were under consideration. Negotiations are being commenced for the purchase of the land at Moneyhill Parade. Croxley Green-Purchase of Land off Harvey Road: The Treasurer of Rickmansworth Urban District Council reported that the acquisition of this land by the Council had been approved for grant purposes under the Town and Country Planning (Grants) Regulations I956. |
The Resident Number 62 No:2 1958
In this Issue
CROXLEY THEATRE CLUB Wake Up! Wake Up! Croxley Residents. In your district there is a living! theatre. Most of you have, at some time, seen a notice advertising a play by Croxley Theatre Club, but have not thought it worthwhile to find out what it was like. Those who do take ari interest always go home thoroughly satisfied and full of praise for the high standard presented to them. Tear Yourself Away from Your Fireside! Take more interest in the activities of your neighbours when you are invited to do so, and CROXLEY THEATRE CLUB is frequently inviting you to take an interest in their activities. Look in the next issue of this magazine for details of the Club's October production then COME AND SEE A PLAY. L. L. BECKFORD (Chairman) . FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONS Saturday, 7th June: The Croxlev Green Conservatives will hold their Annual Fete at Parrotts, The Green, at 2.30 p.m. Saturday, 14th June: All Saints' Parish Church are holding their Summer Fair in the Church Garden adjoining the Green at 3 p.m. British Legion Summer Fete: This will be held sometime in August-details to be issued later. Note: At the time of going to print it is understood that the local La.bour Party have not arranged any social functions. |
The Resident Number 63 No:3 1958
The Resident Number 64 No:4 October 1958
In this Issue
The CGRA Chairman Chas E. Armson invited the ratepayers of Croxley Green to comment as to if they want to become part of the planned Watford Urban District Council. He also invited the mayor of Watford to attend a CGRA meeting to help explain the meaning of "County Borough Status". Out of total rates of 18/8d the County Council take as much as 12/4d The Croxley Green Choral Society were planning "Elijah" at the Dickinson Guildhouse April 1959. The 13th/14th November would see the play "John Marlows Profession" performed by the Croxley Theatre Guild. The aim of the CGRA was "to obtain information of interest to all those who live in this district" as ever, people were asked to form their own judgement and that the Resident only helped pass on information. TO ALL CROXLEY GREEN RESIDENTS The aim of the Association is to obtain information of interest to those who live in this district and printed below are details of our latest attempt in this direction, VVe would stress, however, that it is not the policy of the Association to influence public opinion: you, the people affected, must form your own judgment on. these very important matters. Our sole purpose 1S to enlighten you prior. to such conclusions. |
The Resident Number 65 No:1 1959
The Resident Number 66 No:2 1959
The Resident Number 67 No:3 1959
In this Issue
Train Service--Metropolitan Line Members have approached the Association regarding the effect the Amersham electrification and widening scheme will have on the future train service for this district and we give brief details quoted from the Transport Executive's correspondence with the Association: 1. Croxley Green will be served by eight trains per hour throughout both peak periods and, as an example, the evening "rush hour" traffic will be- From Aldgate, stopping at Finchley Road, North Harrow and all stations beyond - 4 trains per hour. From Baker Street, stopping at Finchley Road, Wembley Park and stations beyond - 4 trains per hour. 2. The eight trains per hour mentioned will each have a capacity of 448 seats. 3. Outside peak hours the trains will be at regular 15 minute intervals, each train having a capacity of 224 seats. The Public Relations Officer of the London Transport Executive admits there will be a reduction in the number of seats available to Croxley Green and Watford but the official view is that many passengers to intermediate stations between Harrow and Moor Park will be carried in additional trains between London and Chesham. He also points out that the new service is designed to meet the increasing demand from stations beyond Rickmansworth where residential districts are developing. N.B. - A slight "warning note" creeps into his letter that traffic on the Watford line has fallen by 22 % since 1950. |
The Resident Number 68 No:1 1960
In this Issue
Town Planning: A proposal to erect 30 Maisonettes and 30 Garages at the corner of Baldwins Lane and Winton Drive has been rejected by the Council. It appears that the land in question is reserved for Shops. An application to use part of a House in New Road as an office has been refused-the area in question being considered residential. . Permission to build houses in Valley Walk has been refused. The reason-the land is to form an Open Space between existing houses and the canal. Plans have been approved for erection of four Shops (with Flats over) on the Green. We understand that an application for Town Planning permission is pending. The R.D.D.C. have approved the building of ten lock-up Garages in New Road. Consideration of the Plans for the new Moor Park Railway Station was deferred at the Town Planning Meeting held on 29th December, 1959. A proposed residential development at Scots Hill has been refused because the land is required for road widening. We understand that a proposed extension at the new Rickmansworth Grammar School has aroused some concern to residents: it appears that a new three-story Classroom block plus Dining Hall and Kitchen block is to be built close to the houses on Scots Hill. Croxley Hall Woods - Two caravans and a lorry recently parked in the Woods. It was decided to tow the vehicles on to the Queens Highway and the Police advised of the obstruction thus caused. |
The Resident Number 69 No:2 1960
In this Issue
The Residents' Association still have a very active Committee who deserve all the support possible you can give them and it is with pride and great pleasure that we can now present the "Croxley Resident" in the form of six pages, instead of our previous four pages. Through these pages we shall continue to follow the activities of our elected Councillors and we shall watch them carefully. The local By-Electlon will an interesting one, but before passing on, we must notforget the retiring member, Mr. Burfit. He has given voluntarily much of his spare time to Public Service and especially in the role of Chairman of General Purpose Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Housing and Public Health Committee and was well known for his many years' loyal service with the local Branch of the British Legion. Thank you, Sir, on behalf of .the Croxley Green Residents' and Ratepayers' Association. May you enjoy a long retirement. Covered Swimming Pool The Council's Surveyor has submitted a preliminary report of Consulting Engineers, on the Council's proposal to provide a covered swimming pool. Let us hope that upon further consideration it is resolved to shelve this project. |
The Resident Number 70 No:3 1960
In this Issue
Make a Date to Meet Your Friends at the GUILDHOUSE, New Road, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1960, Croxley Green at 8 p.m. Publie Footpaths A barrier is to be erected at each end of the footpath between Green Lane and Copthorn Road. Whilst these barriers are effective in prohibiting horse riding, and making cyclists dismount to negotiate them, it is most distressing to Mothers with babies and young children pushing prams along these footpaths in bad weather, when they have to drop the hood of the pram to go under the barrier. Cu l-de-Sac The developers of land adjoining Scots Hill nurseries have been given approval to construct a Cul-de-Sac off Scots Hill. Concern is being felt as to the wisdom of this decision, as trademen's vans and private cars will have to filter out of this turning into the stream traffic of· the hill. Loud Hailer A Loud Hailer has been purchased by the Council and will be available to organisations who wish to hire it for a charge of 5/- a day with a minimum charge of 10/-. |