The Community News Number 19 November 1948
In this Issue
SCHOOL MEALS So many parents have commented upon the subject of school meals that a report on the position in Croxley may be enlightening to many. Due to the higher school leaving age and the increasing percentage of children requiring school meals, the Herts. County Council, who have the responsibility directly or indirectly, to supplying the meals, find their task at the present time quite impossible, although they have provided a nice new canteen building at Harvey Road but equipment and unlimited equipment at Durrants with no proper canteen. Grand Dance at All Saints' Hall on November 13th (Saturday) at 8 p.m. Music will be provided by Stan Pike and his Five Aces. IT CAN BE DONE. For the first six months of 1947 the salvage of waste paper in Rickmansworth amounted to 44.5 tons. For the same period in 1948 the tonnage was 91 tons. This shows an increase of 46.5 tons. These figures could considerably be increased were every citizen to pull his weight. |
The Community News Number 20 December 1948
In this Issue
R. King-Jones wrote "I hope all who take more than an arm-chair interest in the development and well-being of this community will rally to the support of the Association in voicing the united opinions of the community." THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - As previously notified to all members, this meeting took place on Wednesday, 3rd of November in St. Oswald's Hall under the Chairmanship of Mr. R. King-Jones and was attended by a numerically small but nevertheless enthusiastic body of members. A successful dance was' held in All Saints' Hall on November 13th, which was thoroughly enjoyed by a good number of our younger members. We shall be holding a similar dance at All Saints on Saturday, December 11th 7-45 till 11.30 p.m. with music by Stan Pike's band. Where are the five aces? IF YOU REQUIRE HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES & PROVISIONS THEN GIVE US A TRIAL! Our Motto has always been and always will be- QUALITY SERVICE CIVILITY A. V. BRYANT 141 NEW ROAD, CROXLEY GREEN Telephone: RICKMANSWORTH 3323 DELIVERIES DAILY |
The Community News Number 21 January 1949
In this Issue
FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONS - In the words with which we are all familiar; "We proudly present" as from the February issue, a larger publication incorporating the following innovations:- Lucky Number-each copy of the "Community News" will be numbered and upon a certain date allowing for full distribution, a number will be drawn entitling the holder to a double ticket to a local cinema. "Have A Go" Competition-this will take the form of a letter of a limited number of words to be written upon a subject of especial interest to this district. The winner will receive a useful cash prize. Full details will be published in the February issue and in addition the "Community News" will be presented BI-MONTHLY-allowing eight pages instead of four as at present. THOSE NEW SCHOOLS - At last it seems that the efforts of this Association over a period not of months-but years will soon see fruition so much so, in fact, that the authorities are now concerned in finding suitable names for the schools when opened-surely a most encouraging sign. It is felt by the. Council that the school in Malvern Way might be so named as to commemorate the local connection with Gonville and Caius College and suggest the school be named after Dr. Keys who endowed the college with the Manor of Croxley Green. Regarding the school in Little Green Lane, as it would appear to be on land once forming part of Killingdown Farm, the Council recommend "Killingdown School " as being most appropriate in this instance. |
The Community News Number 22 February 1949
In this Issue
RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION DOWN UNDER.. Sir Patrick Abercrombie, the eminent authority on Town Planning has recently concluded a tour of Australia. Interviewed at Perth, Western Australia he is reported to have said he was glad to find various Town and Country Residents' Associations. In England he said, similar Associations had been extremely active in "pepping up" the authorities. There is likely to be a swing in favour of independence in local government when the results of the spring elections are known. Throughout the country Residents and Ratepayers Associations are active and energetically pursuing their campaign to banish forever the fear of political domination. The closure of the footpath from Lincolns Way to Lincoln Drive and from Lincoln Drive to Little Green Lane was agreed at the Epiphany meeting of the Herts. Quarter Sessions. The Herts. County Council estimates reveal plans to spend a further £204,000 on Education for the current year, making a total of £4,003,607 to be found from all sources. The £204,000' to be found from local sources will mean an increase of eight pence on the present rate. |
The Community News Number 23 April 1949
In this Issue
Educational Facilities in Croxley Green - It is nearly four years since war ended and it was four years before war began that I came to Croxley Green to take over from that fine old schoolmaster; Mr. H. T. Wilson "Neggy" to his boys. It is interesting to reflect on the changes that have taken place in Croxley schools during the intervening I4 years. In I935 the only schools for the village, apart from Oak House Preparatory, were the Boys' School in Watford Road and the Yorke Road School, in whose six rooms were housed all the girls and infants. As Croxley Green grew from 3,000 to 10,000 inhabitants, the Church Council, after much consideration, decided that the task of modernising and extending -its school buildings was too heavy a burden, particularly with the threat of war freezing bank loans. A. E. JEFFERY, B.Sc. A HOUSEWIFE ANSWERS BACK! - Dear Sir, Your sweeping statement in the last issue of the Community News that" women, having secured the vote, never bother to use them" cannot be allowed to' pass, Although there is no way of finding out officially, I have spoken to a number of "checkers," and they assure me that the proportion of men and Women who go to the poll are almost equal. Just because the majority of women have to spend a lot of their time in the kitchen and have not the opportunity to "air their views" on the 8.10, this does not mean that they neglect their civic duties. - A CROXLEY HOUSEWIFE |
In this Issue
Although Rickmansworth U.D.C. appear to be opposed to municipal trading they have left on their hands a quantity of seed potatoes which were purchased for re-sale. These are now to be planted and the produce used in the civic restaurants-a "potato nuts" scheme! The question of shops for Croxley Green is again being discussed and it is understood that permission is being sought to develop the land at junction of Winton Drive and Baldwins Lane. Rumour also has it that land at the top end of Baldwins Lane-opposite the prefab estate may also be developed for this purpose. The Divisional Planning Officer has been requested for a report. Controlled tipping by the Railway Executive of clean spoil on the Frankland Road site has been agreed by the Council. This should enable this site to eventually lose its title of Croxley's, eyesore No. 2 - the Pig bins being No. 1. Tenants of pre-fabricated houses are to be charged 5s.each time the flues are swept. This is because normal sweeping cannot be resorted to as the flues have to be swept from the top instead of the inside as is the case with ordinary flues. |
The Community News Number 25 October 1949
In this Issue
Resignation of Vice-President The Association will lose an enthusiastic worker and well-known personality in Mr. L. G. Young, who is leaving the district on his retirement. A founder-member since the Association was formed in the autumn of 1938, Mr. Young has displayed the utmost interest in all things relating to Croxley Green, and his services to the Association were recognised at the last annual general meeting, when he was elected Vice-President. The 500th Council house was recently allocated to a family of 11. The key .was handed to the new occupant by Sir John Wrigley, Deputy Secretary to the Ministry of Health. Again, moving around Croxley, it is apparent that a great many of us are engaged, in a very literal sense, in putting our own house" in order. A profusion of ladders, brushes and paint-pots seem to have emerged with the fine weather and soon we should have a "Brighter Croxley" composed of bricks and woodwork, even if the floral exhibits are not too successful. |
The Community News Number 26 November 1949
In this Issue
Right on your Doorstep Have you noticed the following alterations at the Croxley L.M.S. Station? (1) The partial clearance of the hedge at the corner of Watford Road and Baldwins Lane, and the laying of footpath. (2) Removal of the island. (3) The road wider towards Cassio Bridge. (4) The bus stop having been moved to this point. We are watching further developments with a particular interest. The Residents' Association would like to remind you that you can spend an interesting and instructive evening by attending the open monthly meetings of the Rickmansworth Urban District Council when you will have an opportunity of seeing and hearing your representatives in action. May 13th.-Old Time Dance - Croxley Guildhouse. Provisional date; to be confirmed later. Our popular M.C., Mr. J. S. Robinson, will be on the floor at these functions-all of which commence at 7.45 p.m., the dances finishing at 11.45p.m. Printed by G. Young & Son, Ltd., (T.U.), 34 Yorke Road, Croxley Green, and Published by the Croxley Green Residents Association, HO Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green. |