The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1931
January 1st
At Copthorne Road men repairing, Steam Roller at work.
January 2nd
Drafting application form for Park Keeper.
January 6th
Motored with P Walker to Loudwater to set out line of fence Col Woolrych's land. Walked back along river walk saw Stone re filling holes in bank etc.
January 15th
At Cameron Jeffs office re widening Loudwater Lane, he was late for appointment but phoned to my office after. Would not give land unless widening was complete by 1st July.
January 27th
At Revells with Annear, Gonville Avenue, re alteration of boundary fence.
February 7th
At Croxley Green to see Cooper who is still in bed.
February 20th
Meeting Mr Hunter & Mr Funnel from Post Office re telephone kiosks, visiting High St, Church St, Ebury Road and Station Road as to suggested positions of same.
At Copthorne Road men repairing, Steam Roller at work.
January 2nd
Drafting application form for Park Keeper.
January 6th
Motored with P Walker to Loudwater to set out line of fence Col Woolrych's land. Walked back along river walk saw Stone re filling holes in bank etc.
January 15th
At Cameron Jeffs office re widening Loudwater Lane, he was late for appointment but phoned to my office after. Would not give land unless widening was complete by 1st July.
January 27th
At Revells with Annear, Gonville Avenue, re alteration of boundary fence.
February 7th
At Croxley Green to see Cooper who is still in bed.
February 20th
Meeting Mr Hunter & Mr Funnel from Post Office re telephone kiosks, visiting High St, Church St, Ebury Road and Station Road as to suggested positions of same.
February 23rd
Cemetery site Woodcocks Hill.
April 7th
Seeing Mr Dean of Gonville Caius College re development of land at Croxley.
April 16th
At Wilson's estate Croxley re road next Coach & Horses as to sewer, width of road etc. Met Wilson and Raymond there.
(Albert is referring to Neggie Wilson, Headmaster of the boys’ school in the Watford Road. Neggie had a house in Old Barn Lane, The Green.)
Cemetery site Woodcocks Hill.
April 7th
Seeing Mr Dean of Gonville Caius College re development of land at Croxley.
April 16th
At Wilson's estate Croxley re road next Coach & Horses as to sewer, width of road etc. Met Wilson and Raymond there.
(Albert is referring to Neggie Wilson, Headmaster of the boys’ school in the Watford Road. Neggie had a house in Old Barn Lane, The Green.)
April 25th
At Croxley Hall Farm to see Mr Sansom re rubbish in wood land for allotments etc.
April 28th
Getting out costs of motor lorries for Fire Brigade & House Refuse Committees.
April 29th
At Watford washed Ballast Co office, to see demonstration by (?) Wiely tipping lorry & afterwards at Croxley Pits & Market Sq Watford loading and tipping sand.
At Scotsbridge Meadow with Mr Reed from Board of Agriculture & Mr Dubbin to inspect method of raising land by refuse.
May 1st
Taking Wallis to Yorke Road & Dickinson Avenue re name plates.
(Albert is referring to road name signs)
May 4th
Called to see Cooper at Green Lane - still very ill.
May 26th
Looking up correspondence re Col Woolrych's land at Croxley Green with SAB.
May 27th
Mr Weller, Bursar & Mr Tubbs solicitor Gonville & Caius College Cambridge called re Town Planning sites for hogging, sewer extensions etc on their Croxley Estate.
Town by 1.38 at Mr Little's office re housing sites, Col Woolrych's land at Croxley.
June 1st
Croxley with Annear inspecting land near Harvey Road for hogging.
Seeing Downer re dust collection.
June 8th
Seeing Downer re schedule of streets for dust collection.
June 10th
With Annear on plan showing proposed housing sites at Croxley Green - drafting report.
June 11th
Report on housing sites at Croxley Green - costs of sewers & roads etc.
June 30th
Seeing Mr J Godwin re gas supply to the Cottages Croxley Green.
At Croxley Green seeing Dr Bell re certificate as to Cooper's illness.
July 2nd
Mr Dean called from Caius College re Croxley Woods Bird Sanctuary, - drainage and layout of land etc.
July 7th
At Croxley Hall Woods with Annear meeting Mr Dean from Caius College re Bird Sanctuary & walking over estate re drainage.
July 13th
Refuge Insurance representative called re Coopers illness.
July 14th
Mr Raggett called & read through report re housing sites & approved same.
July 16th
At Croxley Green with Chairman and Vice Chairman view proposed housing sites back of New Road and Harvey Road.
July 18th
Seeing the Lewis Omnibus Company re MOT enquiry at Bedford on Monday re Green Line bus traffic. (Ministry of Transport)
July 20th
Motored SAB to Lewis's garage Watford & he went with Lewis to Bedford to attend Inquiry at Bedford re bus routes.
July 22nd
At Rickmansworth Gravel Company works Croxley Green, inspecting petrol tank.
(This site below Long Valley Woods, now called Buddleia Walk)
July 27th
To Town to attend Public Cleansing Conference at Guildhall with CDR Harold.
17 counties represented - return fare 4/10 lunch (2) 6/8
July 28th
Town by 10am train attending Conference on Public Cleansing at Olympia tt& exhibition of vehicles.
September 7th
Seeing draughtsman from " Geographia" Ltd re new streets for revising maps.
(Geographia a design, printing and publishing map company in London.)
September 10th
Downer out on Manchester lorry with foreman from Watford Motor Company.
Mr Neall (Builder?) called re Town Planning, Nuttfields.
(This would be the intended Frankland Road development. ‘Manchester’ was the name badge of a 1.25 ton lorry type vehicle built in the early 1930’s, assembled by Willys-Overland-Crossley Ltd, operated out of premises in Heaton Chapel, Stockport, just a short distance from Manchester for the British market. Downer obviously testing the suitability for collecting household rubbish)
At Harvey Road testing 10 lengths of drain at Eames houses. (Probably the builder)
At Croxley Hall Farm to see Mr Sansom re rubbish in wood land for allotments etc.
April 28th
Getting out costs of motor lorries for Fire Brigade & House Refuse Committees.
April 29th
At Watford washed Ballast Co office, to see demonstration by (?) Wiely tipping lorry & afterwards at Croxley Pits & Market Sq Watford loading and tipping sand.
At Scotsbridge Meadow with Mr Reed from Board of Agriculture & Mr Dubbin to inspect method of raising land by refuse.
May 1st
Taking Wallis to Yorke Road & Dickinson Avenue re name plates.
(Albert is referring to road name signs)
May 4th
Called to see Cooper at Green Lane - still very ill.
May 26th
Looking up correspondence re Col Woolrych's land at Croxley Green with SAB.
May 27th
Mr Weller, Bursar & Mr Tubbs solicitor Gonville & Caius College Cambridge called re Town Planning sites for hogging, sewer extensions etc on their Croxley Estate.
Town by 1.38 at Mr Little's office re housing sites, Col Woolrych's land at Croxley.
June 1st
Croxley with Annear inspecting land near Harvey Road for hogging.
Seeing Downer re dust collection.
June 8th
Seeing Downer re schedule of streets for dust collection.
June 10th
With Annear on plan showing proposed housing sites at Croxley Green - drafting report.
June 11th
Report on housing sites at Croxley Green - costs of sewers & roads etc.
June 30th
Seeing Mr J Godwin re gas supply to the Cottages Croxley Green.
At Croxley Green seeing Dr Bell re certificate as to Cooper's illness.
July 2nd
Mr Dean called from Caius College re Croxley Woods Bird Sanctuary, - drainage and layout of land etc.
July 7th
At Croxley Hall Woods with Annear meeting Mr Dean from Caius College re Bird Sanctuary & walking over estate re drainage.
July 13th
Refuge Insurance representative called re Coopers illness.
July 14th
Mr Raggett called & read through report re housing sites & approved same.
July 16th
At Croxley Green with Chairman and Vice Chairman view proposed housing sites back of New Road and Harvey Road.
July 18th
Seeing the Lewis Omnibus Company re MOT enquiry at Bedford on Monday re Green Line bus traffic. (Ministry of Transport)
July 20th
Motored SAB to Lewis's garage Watford & he went with Lewis to Bedford to attend Inquiry at Bedford re bus routes.
July 22nd
At Rickmansworth Gravel Company works Croxley Green, inspecting petrol tank.
(This site below Long Valley Woods, now called Buddleia Walk)
July 27th
To Town to attend Public Cleansing Conference at Guildhall with CDR Harold.
17 counties represented - return fare 4/10 lunch (2) 6/8
July 28th
Town by 10am train attending Conference on Public Cleansing at Olympia tt& exhibition of vehicles.
September 7th
Seeing draughtsman from " Geographia" Ltd re new streets for revising maps.
(Geographia a design, printing and publishing map company in London.)
September 10th
Downer out on Manchester lorry with foreman from Watford Motor Company.
Mr Neall (Builder?) called re Town Planning, Nuttfields.
(This would be the intended Frankland Road development. ‘Manchester’ was the name badge of a 1.25 ton lorry type vehicle built in the early 1930’s, assembled by Willys-Overland-Crossley Ltd, operated out of premises in Heaton Chapel, Stockport, just a short distance from Manchester for the British market. Downer obviously testing the suitability for collecting household rubbish)
At Harvey Road testing 10 lengths of drain at Eames houses. (Probably the builder)
September 17th
Reading through representations re Amersham Rural District Council proposed Sewerage disposal works at West Hyde.
September 22nd
Called at Stone's to inspect cowsheds and at Sears re cows.
(Mr Stone would be engaged with many jobs for the Council - cutting grass at Scotsbridge Meadows for football /cricket games)
October 8th
At Berean cottages inspecting Hicks cottage.
(These cottage were originally adjacent to All Saints church and were replaced with the church hall in 1932)
Reading through representations re Amersham Rural District Council proposed Sewerage disposal works at West Hyde.
September 22nd
Called at Stone's to inspect cowsheds and at Sears re cows.
(Mr Stone would be engaged with many jobs for the Council - cutting grass at Scotsbridge Meadows for football /cricket games)
October 8th
At Berean cottages inspecting Hicks cottage.
(These cottage were originally adjacent to All Saints church and were replaced with the church hall in 1932)
October 9th
Seeing Mr Batchelor & Major Hinton re land Col Woolrych's as to development.
October 10th
Seeing Stone re football matches.
October 14th
Seeing Downer at my house (eve) 6.45pm re refuse collection complaints from Croxley - all cleared this afternoon.
October 17th
Attending funeral of Tom Bevan.
(Local Rickmansworth school teacher, historian, author)
October 19th
At Watford Road, Gonville Avenue, Springfield Close to see Downer re Time Table of house refuse removal.
Seeing Mr Batchelor & Major Hinton re land Col Woolrych's as to development.
October 10th
Seeing Stone re football matches.
October 14th
Seeing Downer at my house (eve) 6.45pm re refuse collection complaints from Croxley - all cleared this afternoon.
October 17th
Attending funeral of Tom Bevan.
(Local Rickmansworth school teacher, historian, author)
October 19th
At Watford Road, Gonville Avenue, Springfield Close to see Downer re Time Table of house refuse removal.
October 9th
Seeing Mr Batchelor & Major Hinton re land Col Woolrych's as to development.
October 10th
Seeing Stone re football matches.
October 14th
Seeing Downer at my house (eve) 6.45pm re refuse collection complaints from Croxley - all cleared this afternoon.
October 17th
Attending funeral of Tom Bevan.
(Local Rickmansworth school teacher, historian, author)
October 19th
At Watford Road, Gonville Avenue, Springfield Close to see Downer re Time Table of house refuse removal.
October 20th
At Berean cottages with Dr Clark 2 detailed inspections to be made - no water supply to No 6
October 23th
Seeing Stone re cutting grass on Hockey Ground Croxley.
Mr Creasey of Twickenham called re land at back of Copthorne Rd -Watsons
Inspecting draft plan of houses & road sewers etc.
October 24th
Seeing Chairman going with him to Berean cottages re condition & meeting Mr Raggett & Annear there also inspecting Boys & Infants schools at Croxley.
October 26th
Copthorne Road to see Mr Oddie re land at back, also Mr Adams on same matter.
Office seeing SAB re Berean cottages & looking up Housing Acts as to procedure.
October 28th
Drafting final report on Berean cottages for MOH (Ministry of Health)
Mr Cressey called re land back of Copthorne Road & submitted plans of road & houses. Wants estimate for gas mains.
Phoning Gonville & Caius College re right of way.
(The Berean cottages built in 1827 were now below housing standards and were being assessed to their condition)
October 29th
Seeing Dr Clarke re report on Berean cottages.
October 30th
Meeting of staff re reduction of salaries -
(Albert also had a meeting a short while ago for reduction of staff.)
October 31st
Mrs Coopers Green Lane.
November 2nd
Seeing SAB drainage of new Croxley Green school.
November 3rd
Town 1.28pm train MOH etc also Radiation House, Grosvenor Place with Turner to see new development of Gas Fire- Exhibition and demonstration.
November 27th
Croxley Woods to see bungalow being erected by Mr Sansom, bedroom ceiling too low. SAB & Echart attended Conference of Clerks in Herts re boundaries.
December 1st
With Guy and Annear on division of District into wards getting out number of voters.
December 2nd
Dictating letters re housing sites Croxley Green to Gonville Caius, & Mr Little sending plans of sites with letters.
December 11th
At Seabrooks, Berean cottages, re council house - rent to much, seeing Doggett & Mrs Miller re cottage Scots Hill & arranging with Fowler to take council house, 8 Springfield Close, so that Seabrook could have his cottage.
Seabrook called in afternoon & decided to take Mrs Miller's cottage.
December 15th
Mr Adams called re building estate back of Copthorne Road.
December 16th
Watford Road with Annear re land for housing site.
Green Lane etc re building land back of Copthorne Road.
Seeing Mr Batchelor & Major Hinton re land Col Woolrych's as to development.
October 10th
Seeing Stone re football matches.
October 14th
Seeing Downer at my house (eve) 6.45pm re refuse collection complaints from Croxley - all cleared this afternoon.
October 17th
Attending funeral of Tom Bevan.
(Local Rickmansworth school teacher, historian, author)
October 19th
At Watford Road, Gonville Avenue, Springfield Close to see Downer re Time Table of house refuse removal.
October 20th
At Berean cottages with Dr Clark 2 detailed inspections to be made - no water supply to No 6
October 23th
Seeing Stone re cutting grass on Hockey Ground Croxley.
Mr Creasey of Twickenham called re land at back of Copthorne Rd -Watsons
Inspecting draft plan of houses & road sewers etc.
October 24th
Seeing Chairman going with him to Berean cottages re condition & meeting Mr Raggett & Annear there also inspecting Boys & Infants schools at Croxley.
October 26th
Copthorne Road to see Mr Oddie re land at back, also Mr Adams on same matter.
Office seeing SAB re Berean cottages & looking up Housing Acts as to procedure.
October 28th
Drafting final report on Berean cottages for MOH (Ministry of Health)
Mr Cressey called re land back of Copthorne Road & submitted plans of road & houses. Wants estimate for gas mains.
Phoning Gonville & Caius College re right of way.
(The Berean cottages built in 1827 were now below housing standards and were being assessed to their condition)
October 29th
Seeing Dr Clarke re report on Berean cottages.
October 30th
Meeting of staff re reduction of salaries -
(Albert also had a meeting a short while ago for reduction of staff.)
October 31st
Mrs Coopers Green Lane.
November 2nd
Seeing SAB drainage of new Croxley Green school.
November 3rd
Town 1.28pm train MOH etc also Radiation House, Grosvenor Place with Turner to see new development of Gas Fire- Exhibition and demonstration.
November 27th
Croxley Woods to see bungalow being erected by Mr Sansom, bedroom ceiling too low. SAB & Echart attended Conference of Clerks in Herts re boundaries.
December 1st
With Guy and Annear on division of District into wards getting out number of voters.
December 2nd
Dictating letters re housing sites Croxley Green to Gonville Caius, & Mr Little sending plans of sites with letters.
December 11th
At Seabrooks, Berean cottages, re council house - rent to much, seeing Doggett & Mrs Miller re cottage Scots Hill & arranging with Fowler to take council house, 8 Springfield Close, so that Seabrook could have his cottage.
Seabrook called in afternoon & decided to take Mrs Miller's cottage.
December 15th
Mr Adams called re building estate back of Copthorne Road.
December 16th
Watford Road with Annear re land for housing site.
Green Lane etc re building land back of Copthorne Road.
The Diaries for 1932-36 were missing at the time of transcribing them
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1930