The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1929
January 2nd
Motored to Mr Adam's Croxley Green with Chairman to join Mr Adam's car with Col Du Cane & Mr C B Smith.
Motored to St Paul's Cray to inspect the Nash Bungalow. Saw Mr Nash inspected Public Hall built of concrete blocks, bungalow and Lyle's works at Crayford to see blocks being made & also bungalow under one roof.
January 10th
At Nuttfield Corner to meet Baker re new lamp & kerb.
January 12th
Mr Forbes (Metropolitan Estates) called re numbering Uxbridge Rd & land at Croxley Green.
January 15th
Nuttfield Croxley Green giving gas men position of new street lamp.
January 17th
At Berean cottage meeting Mr Dubbin & Rev Bisshopp re rats.
January 22nd
Mr Cole Berkhampstead called re roads Copthorne Estate, development Baldwins Lane etc
February 2nd
At Copthorne Road with Ling, leak at Skeins cooker.
(Mr Skein John Dickinson's mill manager, visiting his house.)
At Nuttfield with Peddle fixing reflex sign on lamp post.
February 27th
Phoning District Valuer re cemetery sites.
February 28th
Mr Barton -Smith died just after 4 today - he was at Committee last Thursday.
March 1st
Miss Barton-Smith & 2 of her brothers called.
March 4th
Seeing District Valuer with SAB re cemetery sites - Woodcock Hill & Loudwater. Visiting Woodcocks Hill with District Valuer to inspect site.
(Albert Freeman is looking at land on Stockers Farm Rickmansworth for trial burial site and at Woodcock Hill)
March 5th
Seeing SAB re arrangements for funeral of Charles Barton-Smith.
At Mr Adams Croxley Green with list of Cllrs & Staff attending service at Croxley Green church.
At Croxley Green church funeral service for Charles Barton-Smith. Took SAB & Cllrs Sumner & Mann in my car and afterwards at cemetery.
(Charles Barton-Smith was 74 years old)
(The cemetery mentioned is in the Chorleywood Road)
March 12th
Ideal Home Exhibition.
(Albert continued to visit the exhibition held at Olympia, West Kensington, London, to keep abreast of the latest housing technology. It was first set up in 1908 by the Daily Mail.)
April 4th
At Greystones cottages re complaint as to smell in bedroom at Mrs Drapers went into house next door but could not detect nothing.
( Greystone cottages were opposite All Saints church and destroyed as a result of a Parachute bomb landing in Croxley Hall Woods in WW2)
May 21st
Met Sir Charles Longmore, Mr Howe, Mr Turner & Chairman re site for Croxley Green school giving them levels of sewers etc
June 21st
Going through plans of site Croxley Green with Annear & SAB for interview with Mr Little this afternoon.
Town by 1.28 train seeing Mr Little re land Croxley Green (Col Woolrych)
June 28th
At Col Woolrych re land for housing Loudwater Lane & back of New Road.
Discussing price and layout.
September 6th
Seeing Mr Murray re fish shop Station Parade, Croxley Green.
Motored to Mr Adam's Croxley Green with Chairman to join Mr Adam's car with Col Du Cane & Mr C B Smith.
Motored to St Paul's Cray to inspect the Nash Bungalow. Saw Mr Nash inspected Public Hall built of concrete blocks, bungalow and Lyle's works at Crayford to see blocks being made & also bungalow under one roof.
January 10th
At Nuttfield Corner to meet Baker re new lamp & kerb.
January 12th
Mr Forbes (Metropolitan Estates) called re numbering Uxbridge Rd & land at Croxley Green.
January 15th
Nuttfield Croxley Green giving gas men position of new street lamp.
January 17th
At Berean cottage meeting Mr Dubbin & Rev Bisshopp re rats.
January 22nd
Mr Cole Berkhampstead called re roads Copthorne Estate, development Baldwins Lane etc
February 2nd
At Copthorne Road with Ling, leak at Skeins cooker.
(Mr Skein John Dickinson's mill manager, visiting his house.)
At Nuttfield with Peddle fixing reflex sign on lamp post.
February 27th
Phoning District Valuer re cemetery sites.
February 28th
Mr Barton -Smith died just after 4 today - he was at Committee last Thursday.
March 1st
Miss Barton-Smith & 2 of her brothers called.
March 4th
Seeing District Valuer with SAB re cemetery sites - Woodcock Hill & Loudwater. Visiting Woodcocks Hill with District Valuer to inspect site.
(Albert Freeman is looking at land on Stockers Farm Rickmansworth for trial burial site and at Woodcock Hill)
March 5th
Seeing SAB re arrangements for funeral of Charles Barton-Smith.
At Mr Adams Croxley Green with list of Cllrs & Staff attending service at Croxley Green church.
At Croxley Green church funeral service for Charles Barton-Smith. Took SAB & Cllrs Sumner & Mann in my car and afterwards at cemetery.
(Charles Barton-Smith was 74 years old)
(The cemetery mentioned is in the Chorleywood Road)
March 12th
Ideal Home Exhibition.
(Albert continued to visit the exhibition held at Olympia, West Kensington, London, to keep abreast of the latest housing technology. It was first set up in 1908 by the Daily Mail.)
April 4th
At Greystones cottages re complaint as to smell in bedroom at Mrs Drapers went into house next door but could not detect nothing.
( Greystone cottages were opposite All Saints church and destroyed as a result of a Parachute bomb landing in Croxley Hall Woods in WW2)
May 21st
Met Sir Charles Longmore, Mr Howe, Mr Turner & Chairman re site for Croxley Green school giving them levels of sewers etc
June 21st
Going through plans of site Croxley Green with Annear & SAB for interview with Mr Little this afternoon.
Town by 1.28 train seeing Mr Little re land Croxley Green (Col Woolrych)
June 28th
At Col Woolrych re land for housing Loudwater Lane & back of New Road.
Discussing price and layout.
September 6th
Seeing Mr Murray re fish shop Station Parade, Croxley Green.
September 10th
Examining plans of housing scheme for Allied Bldg Corporation at Croxley Green. Getting out cost of houses roads & sewers & comparing with own scheme with Annear.
September 30th
At St Albans seeing District Valuer re Basing House, School site Harvey Road, Croxley Green.
November 8th
At Recreation Ground Croxley Green with Annear & Wilson setting out football pitch seeing Wallis re sockets for goal posts.
November 29th
With Mr Dubbin Rat Officer, at Croxley Green dump. Met Walker there re shooting rats.
Examining plans of housing scheme for Allied Bldg Corporation at Croxley Green. Getting out cost of houses roads & sewers & comparing with own scheme with Annear.
September 30th
At St Albans seeing District Valuer re Basing House, School site Harvey Road, Croxley Green.
November 8th
At Recreation Ground Croxley Green with Annear & Wilson setting out football pitch seeing Wallis re sockets for goal posts.
November 29th
With Mr Dubbin Rat Officer, at Croxley Green dump. Met Walker there re shooting rats.
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1928
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1930