The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1928
(There had been heavy snow and the rapid thaw led to flooding everywhere. This affected the sewers and a flood relief fund was set up.)
January 10th
At Dickinson Square seeing Smith putting in new gateway at Co-op stores.
January 13th
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses -final inspection.
January 17th
Watford Road meeting Post Office Inspector re damage to phone cable on lamp service near Milestones, found cable cover had been pierced with pick when laying service.
(This would be close by to the entrance to Dickinson Square/Watford Road and still referred to by Albert by its original identity)
January 21st
With Annear inspecting sewer near Coach & Horses.
February 1st
At Caravan path to Croxley Hall Farm & Scotsbridge Gardens to Fortune, re proposed bye pass road marking route on map.
(Because of the steep incline to Scots Hill, a two way single road at this time, accident prone, especially during the winter, there was consideration given to constructing a bypass. The idea was abandoned at this time, and the hill eventually widened in the 1970’s)
February 15
At sewer Wilson's road next Coach & Horses with Annear.
(Albert continually monitors the house building for Neggy Wilson, Headmaster of the Boys’ school, Watford Road.)
March 21st
Phoning Chairman & Mr Little re land CH for housing.
March 28th
Mr Little called re housing site Croxley Green, seeing him with SAB. All three of us motored to site & met Chairman walked over ground as to levels.
March 31st
At Horwood's with keys of gate Croxley refuse dump.
(Albert appears to be seeking many opportunities for ‘dumping’ household waste in Croxley Green. Where would this have been? Local residents remember a gate in New Road, where Barton Way would eventually be sited)
April 16th
Building Exhibition at Olympia.
May 10th
Stiles next to Little Gillions.
(A Public Footpath close by and opposite the Revels site leading to the River Chess)
January 10th
At Dickinson Square seeing Smith putting in new gateway at Co-op stores.
January 13th
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses -final inspection.
January 17th
Watford Road meeting Post Office Inspector re damage to phone cable on lamp service near Milestones, found cable cover had been pierced with pick when laying service.
(This would be close by to the entrance to Dickinson Square/Watford Road and still referred to by Albert by its original identity)
January 21st
With Annear inspecting sewer near Coach & Horses.
February 1st
At Caravan path to Croxley Hall Farm & Scotsbridge Gardens to Fortune, re proposed bye pass road marking route on map.
(Because of the steep incline to Scots Hill, a two way single road at this time, accident prone, especially during the winter, there was consideration given to constructing a bypass. The idea was abandoned at this time, and the hill eventually widened in the 1970’s)
February 15
At sewer Wilson's road next Coach & Horses with Annear.
(Albert continually monitors the house building for Neggy Wilson, Headmaster of the Boys’ school, Watford Road.)
March 21st
Phoning Chairman & Mr Little re land CH for housing.
March 28th
Mr Little called re housing site Croxley Green, seeing him with SAB. All three of us motored to site & met Chairman walked over ground as to levels.
March 31st
At Horwood's with keys of gate Croxley refuse dump.
(Albert appears to be seeking many opportunities for ‘dumping’ household waste in Croxley Green. Where would this have been? Local residents remember a gate in New Road, where Barton Way would eventually be sited)
April 16th
Building Exhibition at Olympia.
May 10th
Stiles next to Little Gillions.
(A Public Footpath close by and opposite the Revels site leading to the River Chess)
May 18th
Meeting Mr Samuel's from Ministry of Transport re suggested bypass through Croxley Hall Estate. Walked over route with him from Fortune to Seigwart works.
(This entry suggests that the incline to Scots Hill was becoming more problematic as road traffic was increasing. The bypass being considered is to alleviate the pressure on the hill that was becoming more urgent.)
May 21st
Seeing Mr Charles Barton-Smith re land at Croxley Green for housing.
June 6th
At Copthorne Rd for new road near "Artichoke"
(This road would eventually be called Green Lane)
June 19th
Panther inspecting sewer Copthorne Rd to Artichoke for me.
Meeting Mr Samuel's from Ministry of Transport re suggested bypass through Croxley Hall Estate. Walked over route with him from Fortune to Seigwart works.
(This entry suggests that the incline to Scots Hill was becoming more problematic as road traffic was increasing. The bypass being considered is to alleviate the pressure on the hill that was becoming more urgent.)
May 21st
Seeing Mr Charles Barton-Smith re land at Croxley Green for housing.
June 6th
At Copthorne Rd for new road near "Artichoke"
(This road would eventually be called Green Lane)
June 19th
Panther inspecting sewer Copthorne Rd to Artichoke for me.
June 25th
At Dickinson Square seeing Mr Barton-Smith re tarring playground. Housing site etc.
June 26th
Plan of Cookery room in office garden, drafting letter to Education Officer Herts CC.
(Planned in council gardens)
July 2nd
Motored to Northolt with Annear & Jeffs to see concrete houses made of Pumice Stone. Seeing foreman & getting particulars of cost.
Loudwater Estate - Cameron Jeffs
(Pumice Stone used in construction)
July 28th
At Little Gillions Croxley Green with Baines Piddington blowing service.
August 2nd
At Scotsbridge Mill re complaint as to noise and smell found noise came from fan in film perforating room and smell from empty acetic acid barrels. Saw manager who promised to do his best to put matters right.
(Metro Goldwyn Mayer film company (MGM) moved into the mill to produce cellulose acetate for film making. It eventually became the headquarters for the company in 1940 until 1973)
August 9th
Getting figures out for new building in garden (cookery room)
August 16th
Croxley footpath signs going up.
August 29th
Inspecting foundations for new class room in garden.
August 30th
Mr Little called re Woolrych's land.
September 14th
Mr Dimmock & Berean cottages.
September 17th
At Mrs Hillier's Berean cottages, re tenancy of Springfield Close (Corbetts house) seeing Mr Dimmock & Mr Charles Barton-Smith, re same they agreed to her having the house.
September 19
At land Loudwater Lane to inspect land near Parrotts Dell.
(For intended cemetery ?)
September 25th
At Parrots farm seeing Col Woolrych re housing site at Croxley Green. He would not reduce price.
(Col. Woolrych owned the land behind his house Parrotts Farm, and it would appear Albert Freeman has been negotiating purchasing it for more house building for the council. Possible Owens Way and Dulwich Way eventually?)
September 27th
Seeing Mr Rhodes Inspector from MOH re cemetery site giving him details of population took him to Mill End.
October 8th
At cookery classroom with Baines re gas points.
October 29th
At Croxley & Town with Frost inspecting electric light cable.
November 1st
Allotments re damage to fence by cows. Saw Mr Kinch who promised to put some barbed wire.
November 3rd
Office meeting Joint Burial Committee motoring them to Woodcock Hill to inspect proposed site of cemetery.
(It would appear that Albert Freeman has now looked for an alternative site for a burial site and abandoned Croxley Green)
November 9th
With Annear & Bean at dump Croxley Green with rat machine all morning.
November 13th
At Mr Little's re Col Woolrych's land Loudwater Lane.
November 16th
Nurse Dixon called re Berean cottages (Hicks)
December 12th
At Croxley Green by bus, fixing position of street lamps. Taylor & men erecting first on opposite Artichoke.
December 15th
At Cookery Classroom. Library started there today.
December 27th
At Nuttfield Croxley Green re gas service & as to new street lamps near corner. Saw Mr Charles Barton-Smith, Mr Raggett, called on M
At Dickinson Square seeing Mr Barton-Smith re tarring playground. Housing site etc.
June 26th
Plan of Cookery room in office garden, drafting letter to Education Officer Herts CC.
(Planned in council gardens)
July 2nd
Motored to Northolt with Annear & Jeffs to see concrete houses made of Pumice Stone. Seeing foreman & getting particulars of cost.
Loudwater Estate - Cameron Jeffs
(Pumice Stone used in construction)
July 28th
At Little Gillions Croxley Green with Baines Piddington blowing service.
August 2nd
At Scotsbridge Mill re complaint as to noise and smell found noise came from fan in film perforating room and smell from empty acetic acid barrels. Saw manager who promised to do his best to put matters right.
(Metro Goldwyn Mayer film company (MGM) moved into the mill to produce cellulose acetate for film making. It eventually became the headquarters for the company in 1940 until 1973)
August 9th
Getting figures out for new building in garden (cookery room)
August 16th
Croxley footpath signs going up.
August 29th
Inspecting foundations for new class room in garden.
August 30th
Mr Little called re Woolrych's land.
September 14th
Mr Dimmock & Berean cottages.
September 17th
At Mrs Hillier's Berean cottages, re tenancy of Springfield Close (Corbetts house) seeing Mr Dimmock & Mr Charles Barton-Smith, re same they agreed to her having the house.
September 19
At land Loudwater Lane to inspect land near Parrotts Dell.
(For intended cemetery ?)
September 25th
At Parrots farm seeing Col Woolrych re housing site at Croxley Green. He would not reduce price.
(Col. Woolrych owned the land behind his house Parrotts Farm, and it would appear Albert Freeman has been negotiating purchasing it for more house building for the council. Possible Owens Way and Dulwich Way eventually?)
September 27th
Seeing Mr Rhodes Inspector from MOH re cemetery site giving him details of population took him to Mill End.
October 8th
At cookery classroom with Baines re gas points.
October 29th
At Croxley & Town with Frost inspecting electric light cable.
November 1st
Allotments re damage to fence by cows. Saw Mr Kinch who promised to put some barbed wire.
November 3rd
Office meeting Joint Burial Committee motoring them to Woodcock Hill to inspect proposed site of cemetery.
(It would appear that Albert Freeman has now looked for an alternative site for a burial site and abandoned Croxley Green)
November 9th
With Annear & Bean at dump Croxley Green with rat machine all morning.
November 13th
At Mr Little's re Col Woolrych's land Loudwater Lane.
November 16th
Nurse Dixon called re Berean cottages (Hicks)
December 12th
At Croxley Green by bus, fixing position of street lamps. Taylor & men erecting first on opposite Artichoke.
December 15th
At Cookery Classroom. Library started there today.
December 27th
At Nuttfield Croxley Green re gas service & as to new street lamps near corner. Saw Mr Charles Barton-Smith, Mr Raggett, called on M
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1927
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1929