The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1925
January 1st
At Revells - Scots Hill re building shop in gateway - sewer in the way.
January 6th
At Dawes Office seeing Raymond re smoky chimney's Gonville Ave.
Mr Annear surveyed Croxley Vicarage widening setting out line of fence on plan & as to map of District shelving Recreation Grounds.
January 13th
Office getting out maps & plans re new sewer Copthorne Road for Mr Coles. Seeing him re above & as to new housing site at Croxley Green Town planning etc.
(Albert is now working towards the housing for Springfield Close)
At Revells - Scots Hill re building shop in gateway - sewer in the way.
January 6th
At Dawes Office seeing Raymond re smoky chimney's Gonville Ave.
Mr Annear surveyed Croxley Vicarage widening setting out line of fence on plan & as to map of District shelving Recreation Grounds.
January 13th
Office getting out maps & plans re new sewer Copthorne Road for Mr Coles. Seeing him re above & as to new housing site at Croxley Green Town planning etc.
(Albert is now working towards the housing for Springfield Close)
January 15th
Town by 10 am train - Estate Office Baker Street station, seeing Mr Dawson & Mr Pritchard re cottages Baldwins Lane as to drainage level of site widening of main road. Party walls etc
January 19th
With me, Annear re plans of housing sites at Mill End and Croxley Green.
Seeing Couchman re road from Tolpits to Level Crossing Common Moor.
January 20th
Seeing Mr Dogworth, re route of North Orbital Way - tracing made of route and sending by tonight's post.
January 24th
At Cedars Estate(Chorleywood) Shepherds Farm putting up red flags on route of proposed North Orbital Road.
Meeting of Highways Committee with Capt Lawford & Mr Scot (surveyor) Chorleywood UDC inspecting route of Orbital Road at junction of the two Urban District. Committee afterwards walked over route to Long Lane farm.
(Probably Woodoaks Farm / now the M25 motorway)
January 27th
Office Mr Barton-Smith called re making up Dickinson Avenue, going through figures with him.
February 3rd
Dictating letters to Caius College. John Dickinson & Co, Met Estate office, & Mr Papillon re widening & sending plans to them.
Mr Barton -Smith called re Dickinson Avenue making up.
February 4th
Meeting Col du Cane & inspecting new type of construction for subsidy houses (Council houses)
Dickinson Avenue with Annear measuring frontages.
Measuring Yorke Rd as to widening corners.
Meeting 3 trains with car for Dr Chesser to lecture at Croxley welfare - she did not turn up - two journey's to Croxley Green. (Could this possibly be Elizabeth Macfarlane Chesser (née Sloan 1877- 1940) who was a British physician and medical journalist, writing and lecturing especially on women’s health? see March 18th)
At Croxley Mills inspecting new buildings.
Home 8pm -10pm on list of frontages Dickinson Avenue.
Thomason called at office to say he had fallen off cycle top of Scots Hill owing to defective gas trench - I saw trench at 3.30 – 4pm, quite alright.
February 7th
Croxley Green station re gas supply fetched Mr Martin Clark from Watford Office (new station) to Croxley Green and motored him back.
February 18th
Peter Wallington my old road man died this afternoon.
(A road man was employed by the council to manually sweep the roads and pathways. His equipment was usually a metal cart on wheels that he could push, and a long handled stiff broom/brush. Peter Wallington lived 158 High Street, Rickmansworth, he was approximately 73 yrs old and beyond the usual retirement age.)
February 23rd
Attending P Wallington's funeral with Barlow and Stevens.
February 24th
At Highfield with Taylor re gas service to Billiard Room.
At Mrs Tait's cottage New Road inspecting subsidy house.
February 25th
Croxley Green meeting Mr Wilson re land adjoining Coach & Horses & as to gas service.
Called to see Mrs Wallington (Peter's widow) & filled in her application form for pension & sent it to Pension Officer.
(Albert is referring to Neggy Wilson, Headmaster of the Boys’ school in the Watford Road and his new property. Albert was obviously fond of Peter Wallington as he and two others attended his funeral, and in helping his widow with her pension form)
February 26th
At Croxley Mills seeing Mr Skeins re widening Watford Road, Messrs JD & Co agreed to give land.
March 3rd
At Croxley Green vicarage meeting Rev Bisshopp & Mr Neall & setting out line of widening. Rev Bateman said I could start work.
Meeting Major Thorpe & Mr (?)- surveyor of Benskins Ltd as to widening near Red House. They asked for dwarf wall & close boarded fence on top if bank were removed.
March 5th
At Croxley Green assisting Annear with measurements near Red House.
March 8th
SAB came up in afternoon to tell me Mr Colin Taylor was found dead in bed this morning.
March 10th
Seeing Coleman re bricks for new wall Croxley Green Vicarage widening.
Seeing SAB re arrangements for funeral of Mr Colin Taylor tomorrow.
March 11th
Attending funeral of late Mr Colin Taylor with SAB & members of Council.
March 12th
Council meeting - Mr Barton-Smith spoke as to loss of Mr Colin Taylor
March 13th
Croxley Green Allotments with Higby checking list & plan as to unlet plots.
At Mrs Rance New Road, re gas supply & separate meter for lodgers.
Walked by proposed housing site saw Mr Foster re Right of Way.
March 14th
At Copthorne House seeing Mr Tanburn re road & as to gas supply to rooms at Mrs Rance's house. He agreed to pay £2/10/-
Office - meeting Mr Barton- Smith & Mr Curtis re visit to Ideal Home Exhibition on Tuesday next.
March 16th
Phoning Mr Wilks re gas to The Cottage Croxley Green, & phoning Mrs Gore re same, she did not feel inclined to give, at the most £15 towards the cost £58.
March 17th
Town with Building Committee to inspect Steel, House at Olympia also other samples of construction Rtn Fare 8/-
March 18th
Meeting Dr Chesser at Station & motoring her to Dickinson Institute for Lecture - Infant Welfare.
Croxley Mills inspecting new buildings.
Motoring Dr Chesser back & nurse.
March 20th
Very unwell after a bad night sent for Dr Clarke who ordered me to stay in bed.
(During the next few days Albert’s diary entries show many people called to see him on his work.
Tyler, Miss Brickell, Mr Guy, SAB, Annear.)
(Many discussions took place re Rickmansworth By Pass)
March 28th
Motored to Letchworth & Welwyn Garden City with Mr Barton-Smith to Town Planning Conference, motored 81 miles.
March 30th
Mr Little called re Col Woolrych land Croxley Green for housing.
March 31st
Meeting Mr Cameron & Mr Cole re sewer Copthorne Road development of lane.
Croxley Hall Estate & widening Watford Rd & Baldwins Lane.
Ministry of Transport engineer called re North Orbital Road.
Town by 1.29 train at Conference of Herts Local Authorities re Town Planning, Mr Barton-Smith, Mr Abbott & SAB there. Rt. Hon Neville Chamberlain gave an address.
(Neville Chamberlain was Minister of Health, introducing a range of reform measures from 1924 to 1929. He became Prime Minister 1937-1940)
At Day & Sons Millbank re Tithe of housing site.
April 2nd
At Croxley Green seeing Sear re trial holes on new cemetery site.
At Jackson butcher New Road new meat order.
April 3rd
At new cemetery site with men working out trial holes to be made for MOH Inspector.
April 6th
At Croxley Green in afternoon Jackson's slaughter house inspected, 1 carcass beef, 2 pigs,
Drews, 1 Beef, 2 sheep.
At Mr Dimmock's re Dickinson Avenue.
April 14th
At Croxley Green Darvills re widening Watford Road.
At 29 + 23 Gonville Ave re lodgers' rent of rooms etc. saw shed being erected at 23 told Mrs Gunnell that Mr G must write and ask permission. Too near house & too large.
At 48 Scots Hill re case of Scarlet Fever, phoning Dr Evans re notification, removed 3 weeks ago.
At Loudwater seeing father of patient.
April 16th
At new cemetery site with Annear taking particulars of 6 trial holes.
Council meeting 5.50. Mr Barton-Smith elected Chairman, Mr Curtis V Chairman
April 18th
Mr Catesby called re cemetery site.
April 21st
Mr Little called re land at Croxley for housing, allotments & for cemetery, discussing points with him & also as to Town planning Baldwins Lane land.
April 22nd
At Croxley Green calling for Mr Catesby with SAB & motored to cemetery site Loudwater Lane to meet Dr Clark to inspect site & trial holes. Motored Mr C back to station.
April 23rd
At Cemetery site men digging trial holes.
At Clarks Building site Croxley Green.
At Young's houses Watford Road re drains.
At Rixons inspecting on completion & new house with garage.
With Annear on subsidy houses.
(This is the term used for council houses)
April 25th
Trial holes at cemetery site on Monday.
April 27th
Motored with Mr Barton-Smith Col du Cane & Mr Hurden to Wembley to inspect construction of Universal Housing concrete cottage in course of erection.
At new cemetery site with Dr Clark MOH to inspect further trial holes viewing sites at top of large field.
Called at Mrs Samuel's re house to let in Gonville Avenue.
April 29th
Revising report on trial holes on new cemetery site & adding to same.
At Dickinson Avenue with Smith arranging to commence kerb laying next week.
May 1st
Heard early this morning that Mr W E Catesby JP died suddenly at 3am today.
Seeing Mr Catesby Jnr re time and date of funeral.
Seeing Coleman re houses Watford Road.
Seeing Rixon re garages Watford Road.
(Mr. Catesby lived in Highfield House off Scots Hill, he had a large store in Tottenham Court Road, London, where he sold linoleum and carpets.)
May 5th
At Dickinson Avenue Smiths men laying new kerb & channel.
Watford re wreath for Mr Catesby funeral.
Left wreath at Highfield.
Attending service at Croxley church & afterwards at cemetery (motored SAB Guy & Lomas)not over till past 2.
May 7th
With Annear going through plans for committee & writing report.
Going through details of inspections of council houses at Mill End and Croxley Green.
Office on plan of widening Watford Rd off Red House.
May 8th
At Clark's building Croxley Green testing length of 6" drain in private road & seeing concrete to first house.
At Darvills Watford Road re shop & proposal to bring it forward.
May 14th
Watford Road meeting Holmes & Barclay's architect with Annear re frontage line at Croxley Green station & Dickinson Avenue.
May 19th
At footpath near Firs Croxley Green with Guy re obstruction.
(Albert is referring to The Firs, a property in Loudwater Lane)
May 20th
Watford Road staking out widening from Dickinson Square to Red House.
Meeting Mr Clark architect re gas supply to new Croxley Green station.
Dickinson Avenue re kerbing.
Office seeing Mr Wilson re gas supply to Scotsbridge Mill.
May 24th
Empire Day off to St Leonard's holiday.
(The District continued to celebrate Empire Day, first celebrated on 24th May 1902, Queen Victoria’s birthday following her death 22nd January 1901)
June 1st
Motored back from St Leonard's 99 miles.
June 9th
Tyler inspected cottages at Croxley Hall farm & New Rd
June 17th
Meeting Col North & Dr Glover from MOH as to new cemetery site. Motored Mr Barton-Smith & Guy to site inspecting trial holes. Dr Clarke SAB & Mr N (?) there too.
Inspecting present cemetery.
Office Col North taking particulars as to cemetery, price etc.
Afterwards going with Col N & Dr Glover to Scotsbridge Mill to see levels of River Chess & watercress beds.
June 25th
At Rousebarn Lane inspecting site for Met Railway cottages.
(These cottages would be at Gade Bank)
Mr Clark architect, Met railway called re new site for cottages Rousebarn Lane.
July 8th
Croxley Green station meeting engineer re gas main.
At Wembley in evening inspecting housing exhibits.
July 9th
Motored to Dickinson Square to see King re site of Garage. New Rd re repairs to Rd.
July 10th
Croxley Green station with Proctor & Steve(?)Re gas main showing them where to put it.
At new shops, Met railway with Mr Goss builder.
July 13th
Proctor's men opening trial holes off Croxley Green station.
Goss's men on sewer connection off Red House.
Seeing Mr Cole of Brown & Sons re new road for Gonville & Caius College & at office going through plans with him.
July 17th
Motored SAB to Watford called at Croxley Mill re fire exits, Water supply etc inspecting new buildings.
(On 22nd May 1924 a fire completely gutted the offices and stationery department at the mill. The fire appears to have broken out a little after 9 o'clock at night in the main offices. This entry is now referring to the new buildings etc and the safety aspects)
July 29th
At Highfield seeing Mrs Catesby re Gas account.
At New Road to see gas trenches etc.
July 30th
At Dickinson recreation ground Croxley, meeting Mr Barton-Smith & Mr Little's surveyor, measuring land for recreation ground. Found plan wrong, another 4ft 6ins about, needed on one side to give 2 acres.
(This reference is to a new recreation ground for John Dickinson, now situated off The Green. John Dickinson originally had a sports ground at the junction with Watford Road, the future Frankland Road and Mill Lane. The Metropolitan line was constructed through the original sports ground)
August 4th
Croxley Green re surface water New Road.
Got figures for health visits etc from Nurse Dixon for MOH report.
August 8th
At Croxley Green re housing layout.
August 11th
At Dickinson recreation ground with Mr Little measuring for area 2acres.(off The Green)
August 19th
Mr Martin Clark called re road in front of Croxley Green station.
September 15th
At Croxley Green station re new road to housing site.
(referring to Springfield Close)
At Dickinson Avenue paths gravelled.
September 16th
Mr Lomas called re road to Croxley Green housing site.
September 17th
With Chairman on Council matters.
Agreement as to road to Croxley Green housing site.
Tints for rooms council houses.
September 23rd
At Croxley Green Station & Nuttfield re gas supply.
(Albert is at Nuttfield House that once stood at the top of Mill Lane, originally built for a Mill Manager, demolished when Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road were constructed in the 1930’s)
Town by 10 am train - Estate Office Baker Street station, seeing Mr Dawson & Mr Pritchard re cottages Baldwins Lane as to drainage level of site widening of main road. Party walls etc
January 19th
With me, Annear re plans of housing sites at Mill End and Croxley Green.
Seeing Couchman re road from Tolpits to Level Crossing Common Moor.
January 20th
Seeing Mr Dogworth, re route of North Orbital Way - tracing made of route and sending by tonight's post.
January 24th
At Cedars Estate(Chorleywood) Shepherds Farm putting up red flags on route of proposed North Orbital Road.
Meeting of Highways Committee with Capt Lawford & Mr Scot (surveyor) Chorleywood UDC inspecting route of Orbital Road at junction of the two Urban District. Committee afterwards walked over route to Long Lane farm.
(Probably Woodoaks Farm / now the M25 motorway)
January 27th
Office Mr Barton-Smith called re making up Dickinson Avenue, going through figures with him.
February 3rd
Dictating letters to Caius College. John Dickinson & Co, Met Estate office, & Mr Papillon re widening & sending plans to them.
Mr Barton -Smith called re Dickinson Avenue making up.
February 4th
Meeting Col du Cane & inspecting new type of construction for subsidy houses (Council houses)
Dickinson Avenue with Annear measuring frontages.
Measuring Yorke Rd as to widening corners.
Meeting 3 trains with car for Dr Chesser to lecture at Croxley welfare - she did not turn up - two journey's to Croxley Green. (Could this possibly be Elizabeth Macfarlane Chesser (née Sloan 1877- 1940) who was a British physician and medical journalist, writing and lecturing especially on women’s health? see March 18th)
At Croxley Mills inspecting new buildings.
Home 8pm -10pm on list of frontages Dickinson Avenue.
Thomason called at office to say he had fallen off cycle top of Scots Hill owing to defective gas trench - I saw trench at 3.30 – 4pm, quite alright.
February 7th
Croxley Green station re gas supply fetched Mr Martin Clark from Watford Office (new station) to Croxley Green and motored him back.
February 18th
Peter Wallington my old road man died this afternoon.
(A road man was employed by the council to manually sweep the roads and pathways. His equipment was usually a metal cart on wheels that he could push, and a long handled stiff broom/brush. Peter Wallington lived 158 High Street, Rickmansworth, he was approximately 73 yrs old and beyond the usual retirement age.)
February 23rd
Attending P Wallington's funeral with Barlow and Stevens.
February 24th
At Highfield with Taylor re gas service to Billiard Room.
At Mrs Tait's cottage New Road inspecting subsidy house.
February 25th
Croxley Green meeting Mr Wilson re land adjoining Coach & Horses & as to gas service.
Called to see Mrs Wallington (Peter's widow) & filled in her application form for pension & sent it to Pension Officer.
(Albert is referring to Neggy Wilson, Headmaster of the Boys’ school in the Watford Road and his new property. Albert was obviously fond of Peter Wallington as he and two others attended his funeral, and in helping his widow with her pension form)
February 26th
At Croxley Mills seeing Mr Skeins re widening Watford Road, Messrs JD & Co agreed to give land.
March 3rd
At Croxley Green vicarage meeting Rev Bisshopp & Mr Neall & setting out line of widening. Rev Bateman said I could start work.
Meeting Major Thorpe & Mr (?)- surveyor of Benskins Ltd as to widening near Red House. They asked for dwarf wall & close boarded fence on top if bank were removed.
March 5th
At Croxley Green assisting Annear with measurements near Red House.
March 8th
SAB came up in afternoon to tell me Mr Colin Taylor was found dead in bed this morning.
March 10th
Seeing Coleman re bricks for new wall Croxley Green Vicarage widening.
Seeing SAB re arrangements for funeral of Mr Colin Taylor tomorrow.
March 11th
Attending funeral of late Mr Colin Taylor with SAB & members of Council.
March 12th
Council meeting - Mr Barton-Smith spoke as to loss of Mr Colin Taylor
March 13th
Croxley Green Allotments with Higby checking list & plan as to unlet plots.
At Mrs Rance New Road, re gas supply & separate meter for lodgers.
Walked by proposed housing site saw Mr Foster re Right of Way.
March 14th
At Copthorne House seeing Mr Tanburn re road & as to gas supply to rooms at Mrs Rance's house. He agreed to pay £2/10/-
Office - meeting Mr Barton- Smith & Mr Curtis re visit to Ideal Home Exhibition on Tuesday next.
March 16th
Phoning Mr Wilks re gas to The Cottage Croxley Green, & phoning Mrs Gore re same, she did not feel inclined to give, at the most £15 towards the cost £58.
March 17th
Town with Building Committee to inspect Steel, House at Olympia also other samples of construction Rtn Fare 8/-
March 18th
Meeting Dr Chesser at Station & motoring her to Dickinson Institute for Lecture - Infant Welfare.
Croxley Mills inspecting new buildings.
Motoring Dr Chesser back & nurse.
March 20th
Very unwell after a bad night sent for Dr Clarke who ordered me to stay in bed.
(During the next few days Albert’s diary entries show many people called to see him on his work.
Tyler, Miss Brickell, Mr Guy, SAB, Annear.)
(Many discussions took place re Rickmansworth By Pass)
March 28th
Motored to Letchworth & Welwyn Garden City with Mr Barton-Smith to Town Planning Conference, motored 81 miles.
March 30th
Mr Little called re Col Woolrych land Croxley Green for housing.
March 31st
Meeting Mr Cameron & Mr Cole re sewer Copthorne Road development of lane.
Croxley Hall Estate & widening Watford Rd & Baldwins Lane.
Ministry of Transport engineer called re North Orbital Road.
Town by 1.29 train at Conference of Herts Local Authorities re Town Planning, Mr Barton-Smith, Mr Abbott & SAB there. Rt. Hon Neville Chamberlain gave an address.
(Neville Chamberlain was Minister of Health, introducing a range of reform measures from 1924 to 1929. He became Prime Minister 1937-1940)
At Day & Sons Millbank re Tithe of housing site.
April 2nd
At Croxley Green seeing Sear re trial holes on new cemetery site.
At Jackson butcher New Road new meat order.
April 3rd
At new cemetery site with men working out trial holes to be made for MOH Inspector.
April 6th
At Croxley Green in afternoon Jackson's slaughter house inspected, 1 carcass beef, 2 pigs,
Drews, 1 Beef, 2 sheep.
At Mr Dimmock's re Dickinson Avenue.
April 14th
At Croxley Green Darvills re widening Watford Road.
At 29 + 23 Gonville Ave re lodgers' rent of rooms etc. saw shed being erected at 23 told Mrs Gunnell that Mr G must write and ask permission. Too near house & too large.
At 48 Scots Hill re case of Scarlet Fever, phoning Dr Evans re notification, removed 3 weeks ago.
At Loudwater seeing father of patient.
April 16th
At new cemetery site with Annear taking particulars of 6 trial holes.
Council meeting 5.50. Mr Barton-Smith elected Chairman, Mr Curtis V Chairman
April 18th
Mr Catesby called re cemetery site.
April 21st
Mr Little called re land at Croxley for housing, allotments & for cemetery, discussing points with him & also as to Town planning Baldwins Lane land.
April 22nd
At Croxley Green calling for Mr Catesby with SAB & motored to cemetery site Loudwater Lane to meet Dr Clark to inspect site & trial holes. Motored Mr C back to station.
April 23rd
At Cemetery site men digging trial holes.
At Clarks Building site Croxley Green.
At Young's houses Watford Road re drains.
At Rixons inspecting on completion & new house with garage.
With Annear on subsidy houses.
(This is the term used for council houses)
April 25th
Trial holes at cemetery site on Monday.
April 27th
Motored with Mr Barton-Smith Col du Cane & Mr Hurden to Wembley to inspect construction of Universal Housing concrete cottage in course of erection.
At new cemetery site with Dr Clark MOH to inspect further trial holes viewing sites at top of large field.
Called at Mrs Samuel's re house to let in Gonville Avenue.
April 29th
Revising report on trial holes on new cemetery site & adding to same.
At Dickinson Avenue with Smith arranging to commence kerb laying next week.
May 1st
Heard early this morning that Mr W E Catesby JP died suddenly at 3am today.
Seeing Mr Catesby Jnr re time and date of funeral.
Seeing Coleman re houses Watford Road.
Seeing Rixon re garages Watford Road.
(Mr. Catesby lived in Highfield House off Scots Hill, he had a large store in Tottenham Court Road, London, where he sold linoleum and carpets.)
May 5th
At Dickinson Avenue Smiths men laying new kerb & channel.
Watford re wreath for Mr Catesby funeral.
Left wreath at Highfield.
Attending service at Croxley church & afterwards at cemetery (motored SAB Guy & Lomas)not over till past 2.
May 7th
With Annear going through plans for committee & writing report.
Going through details of inspections of council houses at Mill End and Croxley Green.
Office on plan of widening Watford Rd off Red House.
May 8th
At Clark's building Croxley Green testing length of 6" drain in private road & seeing concrete to first house.
At Darvills Watford Road re shop & proposal to bring it forward.
May 14th
Watford Road meeting Holmes & Barclay's architect with Annear re frontage line at Croxley Green station & Dickinson Avenue.
May 19th
At footpath near Firs Croxley Green with Guy re obstruction.
(Albert is referring to The Firs, a property in Loudwater Lane)
May 20th
Watford Road staking out widening from Dickinson Square to Red House.
Meeting Mr Clark architect re gas supply to new Croxley Green station.
Dickinson Avenue re kerbing.
Office seeing Mr Wilson re gas supply to Scotsbridge Mill.
May 24th
Empire Day off to St Leonard's holiday.
(The District continued to celebrate Empire Day, first celebrated on 24th May 1902, Queen Victoria’s birthday following her death 22nd January 1901)
June 1st
Motored back from St Leonard's 99 miles.
June 9th
Tyler inspected cottages at Croxley Hall farm & New Rd
June 17th
Meeting Col North & Dr Glover from MOH as to new cemetery site. Motored Mr Barton-Smith & Guy to site inspecting trial holes. Dr Clarke SAB & Mr N (?) there too.
Inspecting present cemetery.
Office Col North taking particulars as to cemetery, price etc.
Afterwards going with Col N & Dr Glover to Scotsbridge Mill to see levels of River Chess & watercress beds.
June 25th
At Rousebarn Lane inspecting site for Met Railway cottages.
(These cottages would be at Gade Bank)
Mr Clark architect, Met railway called re new site for cottages Rousebarn Lane.
July 8th
Croxley Green station meeting engineer re gas main.
At Wembley in evening inspecting housing exhibits.
July 9th
Motored to Dickinson Square to see King re site of Garage. New Rd re repairs to Rd.
July 10th
Croxley Green station with Proctor & Steve(?)Re gas main showing them where to put it.
At new shops, Met railway with Mr Goss builder.
July 13th
Proctor's men opening trial holes off Croxley Green station.
Goss's men on sewer connection off Red House.
Seeing Mr Cole of Brown & Sons re new road for Gonville & Caius College & at office going through plans with him.
July 17th
Motored SAB to Watford called at Croxley Mill re fire exits, Water supply etc inspecting new buildings.
(On 22nd May 1924 a fire completely gutted the offices and stationery department at the mill. The fire appears to have broken out a little after 9 o'clock at night in the main offices. This entry is now referring to the new buildings etc and the safety aspects)
July 29th
At Highfield seeing Mrs Catesby re Gas account.
At New Road to see gas trenches etc.
July 30th
At Dickinson recreation ground Croxley, meeting Mr Barton-Smith & Mr Little's surveyor, measuring land for recreation ground. Found plan wrong, another 4ft 6ins about, needed on one side to give 2 acres.
(This reference is to a new recreation ground for John Dickinson, now situated off The Green. John Dickinson originally had a sports ground at the junction with Watford Road, the future Frankland Road and Mill Lane. The Metropolitan line was constructed through the original sports ground)
August 4th
Croxley Green re surface water New Road.
Got figures for health visits etc from Nurse Dixon for MOH report.
August 8th
At Croxley Green re housing layout.
August 11th
At Dickinson recreation ground with Mr Little measuring for area 2acres.(off The Green)
August 19th
Mr Martin Clark called re road in front of Croxley Green station.
September 15th
At Croxley Green station re new road to housing site.
(referring to Springfield Close)
At Dickinson Avenue paths gravelled.
September 16th
Mr Lomas called re road to Croxley Green housing site.
September 17th
With Chairman on Council matters.
Agreement as to road to Croxley Green housing site.
Tints for rooms council houses.
September 23rd
At Croxley Green Station & Nuttfield re gas supply.
(Albert is at Nuttfield House that once stood at the top of Mill Lane, originally built for a Mill Manager, demolished when Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road were constructed in the 1930’s)
September 24th
With Annear re land next allotments working out area.
At Croxley Green with Annear setting out recreation ground land for John Dickinson & Co.
Inspecting new housing site & line of road.
Gonville Avenue paths.
New buildings for Holmes & Co Watford Road.
New house - Asprey Dickinson Avenue.
At houses New Rd re complaint of flooding.
September 25th
Seeing SAB re Fire Brigade inquiry & as to evidence required
(Was this meeting referring to the John Dickinson fire at their offices?)
September 26th
Col du Cane called re housing, showing him layout for Croxley Green housing site & discussing plans of houses etc.
September 29th
Town by 10am train at MOH with draft plans of sewer Copthorne Road etc.
Ministry of Transport re North Orbital Road.
Office phoning my sister re motorcycle accident to her son on Scots Hill.
October 1st
(Albert mentions a Cemetery site at Shepherds Lane Mill End.)
October 2
At Croxley Mills re Breeze houses inspecting same.
(This entry maybe referring to a new type of building material called Breeze Blocks?)
October 3rd
Annear inspected shed at Foster's New Rd. Wrote Foster re same.
October 5th
At New Road seeing Foster re new shed & advising him what to do to comply with by-laws.
At new housing site with him(Foster) & his son & son in law re mangold crop, pigsties etc and as to extent of, and to be taken for housing, Rec Grd, & allotments
At new shops opp Red House.
With Annear re land next allotments working out area.
At Croxley Green with Annear setting out recreation ground land for John Dickinson & Co.
Inspecting new housing site & line of road.
Gonville Avenue paths.
New buildings for Holmes & Co Watford Road.
New house - Asprey Dickinson Avenue.
At houses New Rd re complaint of flooding.
September 25th
Seeing SAB re Fire Brigade inquiry & as to evidence required
(Was this meeting referring to the John Dickinson fire at their offices?)
September 26th
Col du Cane called re housing, showing him layout for Croxley Green housing site & discussing plans of houses etc.
September 29th
Town by 10am train at MOH with draft plans of sewer Copthorne Road etc.
Ministry of Transport re North Orbital Road.
Office phoning my sister re motorcycle accident to her son on Scots Hill.
October 1st
(Albert mentions a Cemetery site at Shepherds Lane Mill End.)
October 2
At Croxley Mills re Breeze houses inspecting same.
(This entry maybe referring to a new type of building material called Breeze Blocks?)
October 3rd
Annear inspected shed at Foster's New Rd. Wrote Foster re same.
October 5th
At New Road seeing Foster re new shed & advising him what to do to comply with by-laws.
At new housing site with him(Foster) & his son & son in law re mangold crop, pigsties etc and as to extent of, and to be taken for housing, Rec Grd, & allotments
At new shops opp Red House.
October 6th
Local Inquiry re Fire Brigade by Mr North meeting him & inspecting Fire Brigade appliance with SAB Mr Raggett & Dr Henderson.
October 7th
At Metropolitan railway cottages, Cassio Bridge.
Dickinson Institute meeting Bain re extension WC's drainage etc.
At welfare meeting in Institute.
October 8th
Evening At Dickinson Institute lecture by Dr Cox MOH - Watford on Public Health.
October 13th
Entering up figures of Gas made since 1907 for "graph"
October 14th
At new houses Watford Road inspecting work.
October 15th
ND (or WD) came, Clara very ill at Marlow. (Initials of his wife’s family)
October 16th
Kingham - Scot(?) Croxley Co-op re rain water drain into sewer, told him it must be cut off.
October 17th
At Wembley Tattoo in evening.
October 19th
Seeing Foster Jnr re sheds Croxley Green.
October 20th
At Tanburn's Copthorne (House) Croxley Green disinfecting 2 bedrooms and bathrooms after Scarlet Fever, Humphry assisting.
At Mr Barton-Smith's re Foster's sheds etc. Seeing Foster at New Road re air space etc. Seeing Nurse Dixon re 325 re overcrowding measuring room occupied by Soden (?)
Office 8 pm phoning Matron, Isolation Hospital re bedding at Tanburns.
(Louis Tanburn, born in 1881 in Manhattan, New York City USA. His father Lippman Tannenbaum emigrated from Germany to the USA and married Rachel Goldsmith. Louis came to England on business trips, finally settling and had a business in Hatton Garden, London dealing in pearls and diamonds. He lived in Copthorne House, The Green, for several years. He was married four times and died 1965 age 83 yrs old.
October 23rd
Dickinson Avenue inspecting work.
Co-op inspecting new building.
New Road drain as to flooding none through last fortnight.
Council houses with Annear inspecting Wallis's work on decorating.
October 26th
Watford Road meeting Mr Ellis re building line.
Housing site meeting Mr Halsey re compensation claimed by Mr Foster showing him area of land to be taken.
Dickinson Avenue men completing road.
October 28th
At Mill End housing site with Council & officials from Chislehurst showing them over new houses.
October 29th
Motoring Chairman to Croxley Green, Mill End housing site & inspecting works.
Afterwards to Baldwins Lane re widening.
Phoning Mr Dawson re Baldwins Lane fence.
October 31st
Town at Met architects office re drainage to cottages Rousebarn Lane.
Travelled to Watford by special train. Opening of new line.
November 4th
Sent out notices for 23 dustbins.
November 5th
Croxley Green LMS Station meeting Official re gas service to Weighbridge Office.
November 7th
Wrote Mrs Moore re repairs to houses New Rd. Dustbins etc
November 8th
Armistice Service - Sunday
November 11th
Arranging for firing maroons for 2 minutes silence.
Motoring Mr Little's assistant to housing site Croxley Green & measuring land acquired for allotments & recreation ground.
Rousebarn Lane inspecting foundations to Met & LN&R cottages.
November 15th
At Marlow in afternoon anniversary of A Davis 's death.
(Albert’s brother-in-law)
November 20th
Mr Baker called re position of lamps Watford Road, visited site with him.
Housing site Annear staking out roads.
November 21st
Getting out particulars of areas housing, allotments etc Croxley Green.
November 24th
Housing site Croxley Green seeing Annear as to line of road.
At Rickmansworth Park meeting Lady Barrington re widening Chorleywood Road & Bypass Rd.
November 25th
Mr Mylon(?) called re plans of house & garages Watford Road.
Sending out dustbin notices.
November 27th
Getting out figures for tarring roads and paths & checking measurements from ordinance maps.
Checking off area of land at Croxley Green for allotments, recreation ground and housing & phoning Mr Little re same.
November 28th
Very Cold - At Croxley Green housing site with members of Council inspecting line of roads etc, walking round boundary of recreation ground & allotments. Charles Barton-Smith, Adams. Curtis, Middleton, Norman, Col du Cane.
December 1st
Mr Freeborn called re plans of new Cinema going thro by-laws with him & as to drainage.
(Was this intended for New Rd Croxley Green or Rickmansworth?)
December 5th
Mr Adams called re flats & as to widening Watford Road.
At Croxley Green with Library books for Dickinson Institute.
Wallis's getting contract signed for C Lomas.
December 10th
Croxley by 9 bus meeting Mr T R Clark re line of fence outside Randall's houses.
Office Mr Coles called re sewer Copthorne Rd & Baldwins Lane widening.
December 11th
Croxley Green seeing Foster's as to right of way through allotments & Fosters plot next New Rd. Said they could not give right of way through their ground but would sell the plot at No 350, 46Ft frontage. Called to see Mr Barton-Smith re above he was gone to Town.
December 14th
Motored to Croxley Green to see Chairman re Foster's land.
Croxley Green housing site with Mr Sumner.
Evening at home classifying housing applications 2 hours.
December 15th
On lists of housing applications all the morning,
Nurse Dixon called re housing repairs Croxley Green.
December 16th
With Annear on Croxley Green site plans of sewer etc.
December 17th
Office - letters, seeing Annear re section of sewers Mill End & Croxley Green sites.
December 19th
(This day has been underlined and dotted in Albert’s diary. Research has shown this is his wife Jessie’s birthday, and was born 19th December 1869, this would be her 56th birthday)
At New Road 276 Complaint as to blocked drain found piece of 12×22 in trap. Swan and I unblocked drain and flushed same.
Dustbin required at 276.
December 21st
With Annear on Croxley Green layout.
December 30th
Seeing Mr Lomas re plan of right of way Croxley Green across allotments.
Motoring to Croxley Green getting Chairman to sign conveyance for allotments & recreation ground.
At Goodson's - tobacconist Watford Road re leak in roof found it was in shop window.
At Tanburn's re Contract for Wallis (Decorating Council Offices)
December 31st
Seeing Mr Ashworth new Assistant to SAB & motoring him to Mill End to see cottage.
(According to his diary Albert Freeman motored 962½ miles on Council business that year. He also would travel by bus or train and would claim his fares as well as petrol for mileage)
Local Inquiry re Fire Brigade by Mr North meeting him & inspecting Fire Brigade appliance with SAB Mr Raggett & Dr Henderson.
October 7th
At Metropolitan railway cottages, Cassio Bridge.
Dickinson Institute meeting Bain re extension WC's drainage etc.
At welfare meeting in Institute.
October 8th
Evening At Dickinson Institute lecture by Dr Cox MOH - Watford on Public Health.
October 13th
Entering up figures of Gas made since 1907 for "graph"
October 14th
At new houses Watford Road inspecting work.
October 15th
ND (or WD) came, Clara very ill at Marlow. (Initials of his wife’s family)
October 16th
Kingham - Scot(?) Croxley Co-op re rain water drain into sewer, told him it must be cut off.
October 17th
At Wembley Tattoo in evening.
October 19th
Seeing Foster Jnr re sheds Croxley Green.
October 20th
At Tanburn's Copthorne (House) Croxley Green disinfecting 2 bedrooms and bathrooms after Scarlet Fever, Humphry assisting.
At Mr Barton-Smith's re Foster's sheds etc. Seeing Foster at New Road re air space etc. Seeing Nurse Dixon re 325 re overcrowding measuring room occupied by Soden (?)
Office 8 pm phoning Matron, Isolation Hospital re bedding at Tanburns.
(Louis Tanburn, born in 1881 in Manhattan, New York City USA. His father Lippman Tannenbaum emigrated from Germany to the USA and married Rachel Goldsmith. Louis came to England on business trips, finally settling and had a business in Hatton Garden, London dealing in pearls and diamonds. He lived in Copthorne House, The Green, for several years. He was married four times and died 1965 age 83 yrs old.
October 23rd
Dickinson Avenue inspecting work.
Co-op inspecting new building.
New Road drain as to flooding none through last fortnight.
Council houses with Annear inspecting Wallis's work on decorating.
October 26th
Watford Road meeting Mr Ellis re building line.
Housing site meeting Mr Halsey re compensation claimed by Mr Foster showing him area of land to be taken.
Dickinson Avenue men completing road.
October 28th
At Mill End housing site with Council & officials from Chislehurst showing them over new houses.
October 29th
Motoring Chairman to Croxley Green, Mill End housing site & inspecting works.
Afterwards to Baldwins Lane re widening.
Phoning Mr Dawson re Baldwins Lane fence.
October 31st
Town at Met architects office re drainage to cottages Rousebarn Lane.
Travelled to Watford by special train. Opening of new line.
November 4th
Sent out notices for 23 dustbins.
November 5th
Croxley Green LMS Station meeting Official re gas service to Weighbridge Office.
November 7th
Wrote Mrs Moore re repairs to houses New Rd. Dustbins etc
November 8th
Armistice Service - Sunday
November 11th
Arranging for firing maroons for 2 minutes silence.
Motoring Mr Little's assistant to housing site Croxley Green & measuring land acquired for allotments & recreation ground.
Rousebarn Lane inspecting foundations to Met & LN&R cottages.
November 15th
At Marlow in afternoon anniversary of A Davis 's death.
(Albert’s brother-in-law)
November 20th
Mr Baker called re position of lamps Watford Road, visited site with him.
Housing site Annear staking out roads.
November 21st
Getting out particulars of areas housing, allotments etc Croxley Green.
November 24th
Housing site Croxley Green seeing Annear as to line of road.
At Rickmansworth Park meeting Lady Barrington re widening Chorleywood Road & Bypass Rd.
November 25th
Mr Mylon(?) called re plans of house & garages Watford Road.
Sending out dustbin notices.
November 27th
Getting out figures for tarring roads and paths & checking measurements from ordinance maps.
Checking off area of land at Croxley Green for allotments, recreation ground and housing & phoning Mr Little re same.
November 28th
Very Cold - At Croxley Green housing site with members of Council inspecting line of roads etc, walking round boundary of recreation ground & allotments. Charles Barton-Smith, Adams. Curtis, Middleton, Norman, Col du Cane.
December 1st
Mr Freeborn called re plans of new Cinema going thro by-laws with him & as to drainage.
(Was this intended for New Rd Croxley Green or Rickmansworth?)
December 5th
Mr Adams called re flats & as to widening Watford Road.
At Croxley Green with Library books for Dickinson Institute.
Wallis's getting contract signed for C Lomas.
December 10th
Croxley by 9 bus meeting Mr T R Clark re line of fence outside Randall's houses.
Office Mr Coles called re sewer Copthorne Rd & Baldwins Lane widening.
December 11th
Croxley Green seeing Foster's as to right of way through allotments & Fosters plot next New Rd. Said they could not give right of way through their ground but would sell the plot at No 350, 46Ft frontage. Called to see Mr Barton-Smith re above he was gone to Town.
December 14th
Motored to Croxley Green to see Chairman re Foster's land.
Croxley Green housing site with Mr Sumner.
Evening at home classifying housing applications 2 hours.
December 15th
On lists of housing applications all the morning,
Nurse Dixon called re housing repairs Croxley Green.
December 16th
With Annear on Croxley Green site plans of sewer etc.
December 17th
Office - letters, seeing Annear re section of sewers Mill End & Croxley Green sites.
December 19th
(This day has been underlined and dotted in Albert’s diary. Research has shown this is his wife Jessie’s birthday, and was born 19th December 1869, this would be her 56th birthday)
At New Road 276 Complaint as to blocked drain found piece of 12×22 in trap. Swan and I unblocked drain and flushed same.
Dustbin required at 276.
December 21st
With Annear on Croxley Green layout.
December 30th
Seeing Mr Lomas re plan of right of way Croxley Green across allotments.
Motoring to Croxley Green getting Chairman to sign conveyance for allotments & recreation ground.
At Goodson's - tobacconist Watford Road re leak in roof found it was in shop window.
At Tanburn's re Contract for Wallis (Decorating Council Offices)
December 31st
Seeing Mr Ashworth new Assistant to SAB & motoring him to Mill End to see cottage.
(According to his diary Albert Freeman motored 962½ miles on Council business that year. He also would travel by bus or train and would claim his fares as well as petrol for mileage)
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1924
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1926