The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1924
January 5th
Tyler Inspected connection Siegwart concrete houses Watford Road.
To Rickmansworth Park meeting Lady Barrington re bypass road.
January 17th
Croxley Green housing site re letter to Chairman as to state of roads etc.
Mr Barton-Smith's motor shed.
January 18th
Seeing Barlow re repair of road Croxley Green housing site.
January 19th
At Mr Curtis's Springwell seeing him and his gardener with reference to trees in Gonville Avenue.
January 21st
Railway strike started.
February 5th
At Croxley Green, inspecting concrete, Young's Villas & at Holland's bungalow.
February 20th
At Rickmansworth Park putting up posts with flags on line of new road.
Meeting Viscount Barrington and Lady Shepford & M Heal re new road.
(Rickmansworth Park now owned by Viscount Barrington)
February 21st
At Croxley Green housing site meeting Hutchings re position of trees in Gonville Avenue.
At small holdings road Swan putting on ashes & gravel.
At cottages being erected by Siegwart Fireproof Company.
At Mr Dimmock inspecting petrol store.
February 22nd
With Lady Barrington re screen of trees.
February 25th
Mr Adams called re burners at Elmcote.
February 28th
At Pinner Gas works meeting Mr Evetts as to agreement with Watford.
February 29th (Leap Year)
At Croxley Green Small Holdings, Swan and Stone metalling road.
March 3rd
Mr Adams called re Gas fittings for Elmcote.
March 4th
At Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew - architect and builder (Darvill) re alterations to drains.
March 11th
Croxley Green meeting Mr Fountain & setting out line of widening opposite Vicarage- instructing Coleman as to wall to be erected.
Called at Scots Hill to inspect work.
Reading through draft agreement with Watford as to bulk supply (Gas)
March 13th
Condemned 6lb tin of Fray Bentos beef sent by Croxley Green Co-op Society.
Tyler Inspected connection Siegwart concrete houses Watford Road.
To Rickmansworth Park meeting Lady Barrington re bypass road.
January 17th
Croxley Green housing site re letter to Chairman as to state of roads etc.
Mr Barton-Smith's motor shed.
January 18th
Seeing Barlow re repair of road Croxley Green housing site.
January 19th
At Mr Curtis's Springwell seeing him and his gardener with reference to trees in Gonville Avenue.
January 21st
Railway strike started.
February 5th
At Croxley Green, inspecting concrete, Young's Villas & at Holland's bungalow.
February 20th
At Rickmansworth Park putting up posts with flags on line of new road.
Meeting Viscount Barrington and Lady Shepford & M Heal re new road.
(Rickmansworth Park now owned by Viscount Barrington)
February 21st
At Croxley Green housing site meeting Hutchings re position of trees in Gonville Avenue.
At small holdings road Swan putting on ashes & gravel.
At cottages being erected by Siegwart Fireproof Company.
At Mr Dimmock inspecting petrol store.
February 22nd
With Lady Barrington re screen of trees.
February 25th
Mr Adams called re burners at Elmcote.
February 28th
At Pinner Gas works meeting Mr Evetts as to agreement with Watford.
February 29th (Leap Year)
At Croxley Green Small Holdings, Swan and Stone metalling road.
March 3rd
Mr Adams called re Gas fittings for Elmcote.
March 4th
At Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew - architect and builder (Darvill) re alterations to drains.
March 11th
Croxley Green meeting Mr Fountain & setting out line of widening opposite Vicarage- instructing Coleman as to wall to be erected.
Called at Scots Hill to inspect work.
Reading through draft agreement with Watford as to bulk supply (Gas)
March 13th
Condemned 6lb tin of Fray Bentos beef sent by Croxley Green Co-op Society.
March 15th
Checking list of Fallen, for War Memorial in St Albans Abbey.
Motored to Marlow in afternoon, collided with Greengrocery van halfway down Holtspur Hill, damaged wing foot board etc, front carriage of van broken.
March 19th
At Wooburn Green & Marlow re motor accident took Ide with me.
(Could be George Ide – Engineer who owned General Motors, 24 High Street, Rickmansworth)
March 24th
Mr Fry called re land next Artichoke Croxley Green as to sewer, water, gas and roadway into property.
(Albert would often go round the District checking the gas pressures at different locations and noting them in his book)
April 2nd
Croxley Green widening, men putting in concrete for footings.
April 3rd
At Croxley Green widening Vicarage setting out line of wall.
April 7th
Widening The Highlands Croxley Green.
April 8th
Croxley Green widening, seeing Coleman.
Wallis re decorating at No 62 Gonville Ave.
April 11th
At Mill End refuse pit with Mr Dubbin, County Rat Inspector, trying out machine for smoking out rats.
April 12th
At Wembley Stadium to see International Football match.
(England v Scotland 1-1 draw)
April 13th
Writing P Wilson re 62 Gonville Ave sending him rent book and key.
April 14th
Croxley Green with W E (?) Franklin, Capt Fire Brigade, selecting site for Fire Hydrant, decided that one should be on The Green opposite end of Copthorne Road.
Called at Wallis (New Rd) re kitchen ceiling at 62 Gonville Ave - done.
(Wallis was a local builder who lived in New Road)
April 15th
Croxley Green widening, meeting Coleman re height of wall at The Highlands.
Inspecting 13 houses Gonville Avenue, as to condition number of lodgers etc, all afternoon.
April 19th
Copthorne Rd Inspecting sewer connection house for Universal Housing Co.
At Recreation Ground in afternoon with Bateman, Jones trying wireless installation ready for Wembley opening on 23rd.
(The new stadium built as part of the British Empire Exhibition 1924/25 and was due to be demolished immediately afterwards. However, businessman and civil servant Sir James Stevenson suggested the stadium stay open, as football had been played on these grounds since the 1880s. King George V officially opened the stadium.)
April 21st
At 68 Gonville Ave with key.
April 23rd
At Recreation Ground with SAB at "Wireless" opening of Wembley Park Exhibition by the King.
(Wireless - Radio)
April 26th
At Wembley Park Exhibition by 11.04 train.
Asked as Steward, at Final Tie.
(Newcastle United v Aston Villa 2-0)
April 28th
Copthorne Road for Universal Housing also remainder of connection in road.
Meeting Col Woolrych and inspecting Baldwins Lane as to proposed widening.
Also asked him about land at back of New Road for housing. He promised to write re this, when he had seen trustees.
Asked him re fire hydrant on Common he consented & would see Mr Catesby.
(Col Woolrych owned the land on the north side of New Road. Common – The Green)
April 29th
At proposed site for new cemetery Loudwater Lane with Mr Jeffs re boundaries through coppice etc. Seeing Dr Clark re case of Sleeping Sickness at New Road. Looking up Ministry of Health circulars re same. Went to house to make enquires, Ambulance van arrived while I was there to take case to Isolation Hospital. Seeing Dr Evans & arranging for disinfection.
(Albert is investigating a site for a cemetery in Croxley Green. All Saints church built in 1872 did not include consecrated grounds for burials)
April 30th
New Road with Tyler disinfecting after case of Encephalitis Lethergica making enquiries as to inmates of house & seeing Dr Evans re same.
At Chesham 1.9 train attending funeral of Edwin Freeman.
May 10th
At Wembley Exhibition in afternoon.
May 12th
Mr Brown called re proposed Cinema at New Road Croxley Green.
(Where could this have been planned!)
At The Nook Croxley Green seeing Mr Catesby Jnr re bank below yew hedge, cut too far back, he asks for a brick wall.
May 15th
At 27 Gonville Ave, Mrs Birch, inspected kitchen ceiling & walls dirty.
May 16th
At Watford Road with Mr Rixon, builder getting position of sewer connection for proposed new house.
May 20th
Watford Road, Rixons house as to position of manhole & connection, men found manhole cover off Milestone.
Cassio Bridge inspecting canal boat "Chess" Clayton's cabins dirty.
At new railway work Cassio bridge.
Croxley Green New Rd seeing kerb layers re raising kerb near Dickinson Square.
May 21st
Complaint ~ At Burridges 276 New Road re kitchen grate broken, no means of cooking, scullery roof leaks.
Croxley Green widening at The Nook, meeting Mr Baker there re line of fence & support for bank.
May 25th
At Empire Thanksgiving Service Wembley Stadium.
May 28th
Mr Fry called re house on Croxley Green.
May 29th
New Railway bridge near Nuttfield inspecting surface water drain over new bridge with Mr Bateman & F passed subject to contract.
May 31st
Croxley Green widening, Colemans men putting up fence outside The Nook.
June 5th
Mr Cameron ~ Bursar, Gonville & Caius College, called to see Town Planning map with Mr Lomas. SAB and I give him details.
June 7th
At Englefield Green with Alice, afterwards to Maidenhead & Marlow.
June 13th
Inspecting road of new railway bridge near Red House.
June 17th
With District Valuer at new cemetery site, Loudwater Lane.
June 19th
Meeting Mr Little (Col Woolrych agent) with SAB re land for housing at Croxley Green and widening of Baldwins Lane. Visited sites with him.
Office making plans of widening Croxley Green Vicarage & sending Rev Bisshopp, and of widening corners, Dickinson Square and sending to Messrs Dickinson & Co.
June 23rd
Croxley Green with Powell (Water Works) pointing out position for Fire hydrant.
June 28th
Seeing Mr Thornton re plan of land Croxley Green.
June 30th
Croxley Green seeing Stone re grass on the Fortune would not give anything for it.
Office - Plan of land Croxley Green and widening at Yorke Road (Girls School)
July 4th
Croxley Green measuring building line of Mr Fry's new house next "Artichoke " with Coleman & Mr Fry (The Orchard, now demolished)
At The Nook, path gravelled.
July 11th
Inspected foundations Mr Fry's new house next "Artichoke"
At Snelgroves Scots Hill, re property bathroom.
July 17th
At Dickinson Avenue with Mr Turner, at new cottage for Co-op Society opening manhole to get depth of sewer.
July 20th
Taylor called about 8.30 to say that Gray's Circus had broken street lamp on Mr Kennedy's wall Scots Hill. Taylor had made it safe for the night.
July 22nd
Croxley Green meeting Mr Skeins at Dickinson Square re rounding corners took Barlow with me.
Inspected New Road no bad holes. Measured for pipe in gateway at The Nook.
(Mr Skeins- manager for John Dickinson mill after Charles Barton-Smith retired 1918)
July 23rd
Seeing Police re Foot & Mouth disease, suspected case Common Moor. Seeing MOH re same.
July 24th
Dickinson Avenue, Co-op new cottages sewers connections, Tyler inspected later.
July 28th
To Sheffield by 9.7 train from Northwood with Mr Curtis Chairman of Sa (?? ) Committee. Inspected activated sewage works of City of Sheffield - very interesting.
(It would appear Albert was investigating a system for improving the disposal of local sewage previously disposed of in cesspools by individual properties)
July 29th
Returned from Sheffield at office 4pm.
August 1st
Dickinson Avenue Co-op cottages, testing 3 lengths of 4" drain.
August 18th
At new house Croxley Green next Coach & Horses (for Mr Wilson's sister - Fry) re building line saw Mr Coleman & Mr Fry there re proposed new road.
August 20th
At Chesham in afternoon my brother dangerously ill, there till 6pm.
At Recreation Ground (possibly the Aquadrome) 7.30 till 9pm concert by Watford Salvation Army Band. Counting money in boxes at home £3-12-6
Checking list of Fallen, for War Memorial in St Albans Abbey.
Motored to Marlow in afternoon, collided with Greengrocery van halfway down Holtspur Hill, damaged wing foot board etc, front carriage of van broken.
March 19th
At Wooburn Green & Marlow re motor accident took Ide with me.
(Could be George Ide – Engineer who owned General Motors, 24 High Street, Rickmansworth)
March 24th
Mr Fry called re land next Artichoke Croxley Green as to sewer, water, gas and roadway into property.
(Albert would often go round the District checking the gas pressures at different locations and noting them in his book)
April 2nd
Croxley Green widening, men putting in concrete for footings.
April 3rd
At Croxley Green widening Vicarage setting out line of wall.
April 7th
Widening The Highlands Croxley Green.
April 8th
Croxley Green widening, seeing Coleman.
Wallis re decorating at No 62 Gonville Ave.
April 11th
At Mill End refuse pit with Mr Dubbin, County Rat Inspector, trying out machine for smoking out rats.
April 12th
At Wembley Stadium to see International Football match.
(England v Scotland 1-1 draw)
April 13th
Writing P Wilson re 62 Gonville Ave sending him rent book and key.
April 14th
Croxley Green with W E (?) Franklin, Capt Fire Brigade, selecting site for Fire Hydrant, decided that one should be on The Green opposite end of Copthorne Road.
Called at Wallis (New Rd) re kitchen ceiling at 62 Gonville Ave - done.
(Wallis was a local builder who lived in New Road)
April 15th
Croxley Green widening, meeting Coleman re height of wall at The Highlands.
Inspecting 13 houses Gonville Avenue, as to condition number of lodgers etc, all afternoon.
April 19th
Copthorne Rd Inspecting sewer connection house for Universal Housing Co.
At Recreation Ground in afternoon with Bateman, Jones trying wireless installation ready for Wembley opening on 23rd.
(The new stadium built as part of the British Empire Exhibition 1924/25 and was due to be demolished immediately afterwards. However, businessman and civil servant Sir James Stevenson suggested the stadium stay open, as football had been played on these grounds since the 1880s. King George V officially opened the stadium.)
April 21st
At 68 Gonville Ave with key.
April 23rd
At Recreation Ground with SAB at "Wireless" opening of Wembley Park Exhibition by the King.
(Wireless - Radio)
April 26th
At Wembley Park Exhibition by 11.04 train.
Asked as Steward, at Final Tie.
(Newcastle United v Aston Villa 2-0)
April 28th
Copthorne Road for Universal Housing also remainder of connection in road.
Meeting Col Woolrych and inspecting Baldwins Lane as to proposed widening.
Also asked him about land at back of New Road for housing. He promised to write re this, when he had seen trustees.
Asked him re fire hydrant on Common he consented & would see Mr Catesby.
(Col Woolrych owned the land on the north side of New Road. Common – The Green)
April 29th
At proposed site for new cemetery Loudwater Lane with Mr Jeffs re boundaries through coppice etc. Seeing Dr Clark re case of Sleeping Sickness at New Road. Looking up Ministry of Health circulars re same. Went to house to make enquires, Ambulance van arrived while I was there to take case to Isolation Hospital. Seeing Dr Evans & arranging for disinfection.
(Albert is investigating a site for a cemetery in Croxley Green. All Saints church built in 1872 did not include consecrated grounds for burials)
April 30th
New Road with Tyler disinfecting after case of Encephalitis Lethergica making enquiries as to inmates of house & seeing Dr Evans re same.
At Chesham 1.9 train attending funeral of Edwin Freeman.
May 10th
At Wembley Exhibition in afternoon.
May 12th
Mr Brown called re proposed Cinema at New Road Croxley Green.
(Where could this have been planned!)
At The Nook Croxley Green seeing Mr Catesby Jnr re bank below yew hedge, cut too far back, he asks for a brick wall.
May 15th
At 27 Gonville Ave, Mrs Birch, inspected kitchen ceiling & walls dirty.
May 16th
At Watford Road with Mr Rixon, builder getting position of sewer connection for proposed new house.
May 20th
Watford Road, Rixons house as to position of manhole & connection, men found manhole cover off Milestone.
Cassio Bridge inspecting canal boat "Chess" Clayton's cabins dirty.
At new railway work Cassio bridge.
Croxley Green New Rd seeing kerb layers re raising kerb near Dickinson Square.
May 21st
Complaint ~ At Burridges 276 New Road re kitchen grate broken, no means of cooking, scullery roof leaks.
Croxley Green widening at The Nook, meeting Mr Baker there re line of fence & support for bank.
May 25th
At Empire Thanksgiving Service Wembley Stadium.
May 28th
Mr Fry called re house on Croxley Green.
May 29th
New Railway bridge near Nuttfield inspecting surface water drain over new bridge with Mr Bateman & F passed subject to contract.
May 31st
Croxley Green widening, Colemans men putting up fence outside The Nook.
June 5th
Mr Cameron ~ Bursar, Gonville & Caius College, called to see Town Planning map with Mr Lomas. SAB and I give him details.
June 7th
At Englefield Green with Alice, afterwards to Maidenhead & Marlow.
June 13th
Inspecting road of new railway bridge near Red House.
June 17th
With District Valuer at new cemetery site, Loudwater Lane.
June 19th
Meeting Mr Little (Col Woolrych agent) with SAB re land for housing at Croxley Green and widening of Baldwins Lane. Visited sites with him.
Office making plans of widening Croxley Green Vicarage & sending Rev Bisshopp, and of widening corners, Dickinson Square and sending to Messrs Dickinson & Co.
June 23rd
Croxley Green with Powell (Water Works) pointing out position for Fire hydrant.
June 28th
Seeing Mr Thornton re plan of land Croxley Green.
June 30th
Croxley Green seeing Stone re grass on the Fortune would not give anything for it.
Office - Plan of land Croxley Green and widening at Yorke Road (Girls School)
July 4th
Croxley Green measuring building line of Mr Fry's new house next "Artichoke " with Coleman & Mr Fry (The Orchard, now demolished)
At The Nook, path gravelled.
July 11th
Inspected foundations Mr Fry's new house next "Artichoke"
At Snelgroves Scots Hill, re property bathroom.
July 17th
At Dickinson Avenue with Mr Turner, at new cottage for Co-op Society opening manhole to get depth of sewer.
July 20th
Taylor called about 8.30 to say that Gray's Circus had broken street lamp on Mr Kennedy's wall Scots Hill. Taylor had made it safe for the night.
July 22nd
Croxley Green meeting Mr Skeins at Dickinson Square re rounding corners took Barlow with me.
Inspected New Road no bad holes. Measured for pipe in gateway at The Nook.
(Mr Skeins- manager for John Dickinson mill after Charles Barton-Smith retired 1918)
July 23rd
Seeing Police re Foot & Mouth disease, suspected case Common Moor. Seeing MOH re same.
July 24th
Dickinson Avenue, Co-op new cottages sewers connections, Tyler inspected later.
July 28th
To Sheffield by 9.7 train from Northwood with Mr Curtis Chairman of Sa (?? ) Committee. Inspected activated sewage works of City of Sheffield - very interesting.
(It would appear Albert was investigating a system for improving the disposal of local sewage previously disposed of in cesspools by individual properties)
July 29th
Returned from Sheffield at office 4pm.
August 1st
Dickinson Avenue Co-op cottages, testing 3 lengths of 4" drain.
August 18th
At new house Croxley Green next Coach & Horses (for Mr Wilson's sister - Fry) re building line saw Mr Coleman & Mr Fry there re proposed new road.
August 20th
At Chesham in afternoon my brother dangerously ill, there till 6pm.
At Recreation Ground (possibly the Aquadrome) 7.30 till 9pm concert by Watford Salvation Army Band. Counting money in boxes at home £3-12-6
August 22nd
Colouring plans of house sold to tenant Gonville Avenue.
August 24th
My brother died at 2.30 am at Chesham aged 64 years.
August 25th
At Chesham in evening making arrangements for my brothers funeral.
August 26th
Office seeing Barlow re steam rolling Gonville Avenue and arranging for water cart.
At Marlow in afternoon re clothes for funeral on Thursday, Mr W Freeman.
August 28
Croxley Green Watford Road seeing Holland re line of fence in front of bungalow men at work with steam roller Gonville Avenue.
At Chesham by car in afternoon funeral of my brother Walter.
September 1st
At Watford Road Croxley Green re line of fence at Holland's bungalow, with Mr Richardson and taking measurements.
September 4th
Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew and Architect re meter & gas supply for Electric power plant & service for cottage.
Committee at Croxley Green 6.15pm, Croxley Green Road, New Rd, Yorke Rd, Dickinson Avenue and Dickinson Square, Watford Road and Gonville Ave re lighting & as to new lamps, home at 8pm.
September 10th
At Mr Little's office Moorfields (Town) re land at Croxley Green RTN fare 5/-
September 11th
Mr Little called re land at Croxley Green for housing etc.
September 13th
At Chesham 1pm wedding of Elsie Freeman then motored to Marlow to see AD
September 18th
At Wembley in evening "Tattoo"
(This was part of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park, London from April -November 1924 and May to October 1925)
September 23rd
Office Architect & Sect of Croxley Green Co-op re temporary shop New Road.
September 27th
Croxley Green church to inspect new burners. At Mr Barton-Smith re church.
At Green’s New Rd to see garage and sheds burnt down last night.
At new railway Croxley Hall farm.
October 2nd
Town by 12 train at MOT Conference with Vice Chairman and Mr Colin Taylor of Hertfordshire Authorities, affected by proposed Orbital Road Slough to Tilbury.
(MOT – Ministry of Transport. Although planned around this time the road was ‘shelved’ but would eventually become part of the M25)
October 4th
At Croxley Green possible cemetery site.
October 7th
Tracing plan of Watford Road re widening College land.
Mr Cole called re sewer Copthorne Road discussing details as to depth etc. At Copthorne Road with him and Croxley Mills re drainage of Mr Skein’s house. Inspected petrol store 1000 gals.
Colouring plans of house sold to tenant Gonville Avenue.
August 24th
My brother died at 2.30 am at Chesham aged 64 years.
August 25th
At Chesham in evening making arrangements for my brothers funeral.
August 26th
Office seeing Barlow re steam rolling Gonville Avenue and arranging for water cart.
At Marlow in afternoon re clothes for funeral on Thursday, Mr W Freeman.
August 28
Croxley Green Watford Road seeing Holland re line of fence in front of bungalow men at work with steam roller Gonville Avenue.
At Chesham by car in afternoon funeral of my brother Walter.
September 1st
At Watford Road Croxley Green re line of fence at Holland's bungalow, with Mr Richardson and taking measurements.
September 4th
Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew and Architect re meter & gas supply for Electric power plant & service for cottage.
Committee at Croxley Green 6.15pm, Croxley Green Road, New Rd, Yorke Rd, Dickinson Avenue and Dickinson Square, Watford Road and Gonville Ave re lighting & as to new lamps, home at 8pm.
September 10th
At Mr Little's office Moorfields (Town) re land at Croxley Green RTN fare 5/-
September 11th
Mr Little called re land at Croxley Green for housing etc.
September 13th
At Chesham 1pm wedding of Elsie Freeman then motored to Marlow to see AD
September 18th
At Wembley in evening "Tattoo"
(This was part of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park, London from April -November 1924 and May to October 1925)
September 23rd
Office Architect & Sect of Croxley Green Co-op re temporary shop New Road.
September 27th
Croxley Green church to inspect new burners. At Mr Barton-Smith re church.
At Green’s New Rd to see garage and sheds burnt down last night.
At new railway Croxley Hall farm.
October 2nd
Town by 12 train at MOT Conference with Vice Chairman and Mr Colin Taylor of Hertfordshire Authorities, affected by proposed Orbital Road Slough to Tilbury.
(MOT – Ministry of Transport. Although planned around this time the road was ‘shelved’ but would eventually become part of the M25)
October 4th
At Croxley Green possible cemetery site.
October 7th
Tracing plan of Watford Road re widening College land.
Mr Cole called re sewer Copthorne Road discussing details as to depth etc. At Copthorne Road with him and Croxley Mills re drainage of Mr Skein’s house. Inspected petrol store 1000 gals.
October 8th
At Health week meeting Croxley Infant Welfare (tea & social) back at 7.30.
October 10th
Miss Wilson's new house Croxley Green next Artichoke testing drain to cesspool.
(Sister of Neggy Wilson's, headmaster of the Boys’ school)
October 11th
Seeing Barlow as to widening Dickinson Square on Monday.
Making tracings of map land Croxley Green for cemetery site.
October 13th
At Croxley Green testing drains at Rixons houses.
Dickinson Square men widening corner of Mr Coutts garden.
At Co-op stores, builder putting up temporary butcher's shop.
At Tussaud's new garage.
October 14th
Dickinson Square setting out corners where widened.
Inspected 5 short lengths at Miss Wilson's house, Croxley Green (Coleman builder)
October 17th
Seeing Dawe re frontage line of Coleman's land next housing site.
At Croxley Green setting out above with Raymond.
At widening Dickinson Square corners setting out curve for Barlow.
October 20th
Mr Jeffs called re cemetery site.
October 23rd
Interviewing Mr Annear re assistants post.
November 4th
Motored to Marlow in afternoon A Davis worse.
(Albert is referring to his brother-in-law Alfred Davis who is c58yrs old and a Journalist)
November 6th
Motored to Marlow to see A D back at 4.45.
Taylor had accident New Road, Croxley Green fell off ladder when fixing Controllers.
November 7th
At Marlow A D worse back at 5.30.
November 8th
Marlow in afternoon A D no better.
November 9th
Sunday returned from Marlow in evening.
November 11th
Phoning Mr Little re land at Croxley for cemetery.
November 12th
At Taylor's to get particulars as to accident for Assurance Co & sending off claim
Miss B unwell, my daughter typed letters etc for me.
(Miss Brickhill)
November 14th
Motored to Marlow to see A Davis, very ill.
Miss Brickill away ill, my daughter came down 2.30 to 5.30 typing letters for SAB.
November 15th
Miss Brickill away ill. My daughter typed letters for SAB.
Heard at 12.30 that my brother in law Mr A Davis Jnr had died at Marlow. Motored to Marlow at 1.30.
November 16th
Motored back from Marlow at 4.
November 17th
Interviewing Mr Annear my new assistant.
November 18th
Town by 10.24 train seeing Mr Dawson Met Estates office re new cottages at Cassio Bridge & discussing construction of same with Mr Clark the architect.
At Marlow arranging for AD funeral tomorrow back at 11pm.
November 19th
At Marlow Funeral of Alfred Davis Jnr (my brother in law)
November 20th
Returned from Marlow in afternoon.
November 21st
On plan, site for new cemetery.
On plan site of new house sold to Snachall, Gonville Ave.
November 26th
Croxley Green taking levels from Red House over field at back of New Road all the morning - bus fare self and Brown. 10d.
Phoning District Valuer re cemetery site.
November 27th
Office on plan of proposed cemetery site Croxley Green and sending same to Mr Little (Col Woolrych's surveyor)
November 28th
At new cemetery site with District Valuer, Croxley Green.
8.15 pm at Dickinson Institute meeting of owners in Dickinson Avenue & Clark Bros re cost of making up road.
December 1st
Croxley Green men altering kerb Dickinson Square meeting Mr Baker there, re kerb at ends of Gonville Ave.
Men putting up street lamps at end of Gonville Ave.
Saw Col Woolrych re housing & cemetery sites.
December 2nd
Letters to Wilbee & Mrs Hosier re defects in 3 cottages New Road - Tyler inspected.
December 3rd
Croxley Green New Rd men laying tarmac on paths.
At Dickinson Square widening corners & seeing Piddington & men on lamps.
December 4th
At Watford Rd with Mr Beeson re sewer & connection Darvills shop.
Meeting Col Woolrych & Mr Little with Mr Barton-Smith as to land for housing site back of New Road offered at £250 per acre. Also as to land for allotments.
December 8th
Seeing solicitor re A Davis Dec'd.
(Albert is mentioned regarding Alfred’s Will)
December 10th
Preparing estimate for Dickinson Avenue.
At Dickinson Institute meeting owners & Clark Bros re estimate, meeting adjourned until Monday.
December 11th
Croxley Green called at Mr Dimmock, New Road to measure Tar paving.
Dickinson Square, Gonville Avenue corners.
At office letter to MO Health re cottages Croxley Green for Met Railway, as to concrete construction.
(These entries could be referring to replacing cottages near the site of the intended Croxley Green Metropolitan station. The houses were erected on the Watford Road and/or at Gade Bank by the canal)
December 13th
At Dickinson Avenue re measurement of frontages.
December 18th
Office examining plans of layout next Coach & Horses Croxley Green, seeing Mr Lomas re same.
December 19th
At new station Croxley Green inspecting building.
Tyler at Darvills sewer connection Watford Road from 7 till 12 midnight not finished.
December 20th
Seeing Coleman re estimate for wall Croxley Vicarage widening.
Tyler inspected sewer connection Darvills house Watford Road.
December 22nd
Copthorne Rd inspecting foundations for Mr Iverson's house.
Walked through meadow to proposed cemetery site distance from stile to Council offices walked in 20 mins.
At Dickinson Institute 7pm meeting of owners of Dickinson Avenue re making up.
December 29th
Croxley Green inspected road at back of Mr Stedall (living at Croxley House) complaint from Mr Forbes (living at Waterdell Little Green) Coxhills cowsheds
(Coxhill farmed Killingdown farm prior to Joseph Ghost Foster)
At Health week meeting Croxley Infant Welfare (tea & social) back at 7.30.
October 10th
Miss Wilson's new house Croxley Green next Artichoke testing drain to cesspool.
(Sister of Neggy Wilson's, headmaster of the Boys’ school)
October 11th
Seeing Barlow as to widening Dickinson Square on Monday.
Making tracings of map land Croxley Green for cemetery site.
October 13th
At Croxley Green testing drains at Rixons houses.
Dickinson Square men widening corner of Mr Coutts garden.
At Co-op stores, builder putting up temporary butcher's shop.
At Tussaud's new garage.
October 14th
Dickinson Square setting out corners where widened.
Inspected 5 short lengths at Miss Wilson's house, Croxley Green (Coleman builder)
October 17th
Seeing Dawe re frontage line of Coleman's land next housing site.
At Croxley Green setting out above with Raymond.
At widening Dickinson Square corners setting out curve for Barlow.
October 20th
Mr Jeffs called re cemetery site.
October 23rd
Interviewing Mr Annear re assistants post.
November 4th
Motored to Marlow in afternoon A Davis worse.
(Albert is referring to his brother-in-law Alfred Davis who is c58yrs old and a Journalist)
November 6th
Motored to Marlow to see A D back at 4.45.
Taylor had accident New Road, Croxley Green fell off ladder when fixing Controllers.
November 7th
At Marlow A D worse back at 5.30.
November 8th
Marlow in afternoon A D no better.
November 9th
Sunday returned from Marlow in evening.
November 11th
Phoning Mr Little re land at Croxley for cemetery.
November 12th
At Taylor's to get particulars as to accident for Assurance Co & sending off claim
Miss B unwell, my daughter typed letters etc for me.
(Miss Brickhill)
November 14th
Motored to Marlow to see A Davis, very ill.
Miss Brickill away ill, my daughter came down 2.30 to 5.30 typing letters for SAB.
November 15th
Miss Brickill away ill. My daughter typed letters for SAB.
Heard at 12.30 that my brother in law Mr A Davis Jnr had died at Marlow. Motored to Marlow at 1.30.
November 16th
Motored back from Marlow at 4.
November 17th
Interviewing Mr Annear my new assistant.
November 18th
Town by 10.24 train seeing Mr Dawson Met Estates office re new cottages at Cassio Bridge & discussing construction of same with Mr Clark the architect.
At Marlow arranging for AD funeral tomorrow back at 11pm.
November 19th
At Marlow Funeral of Alfred Davis Jnr (my brother in law)
November 20th
Returned from Marlow in afternoon.
November 21st
On plan, site for new cemetery.
On plan site of new house sold to Snachall, Gonville Ave.
November 26th
Croxley Green taking levels from Red House over field at back of New Road all the morning - bus fare self and Brown. 10d.
Phoning District Valuer re cemetery site.
November 27th
Office on plan of proposed cemetery site Croxley Green and sending same to Mr Little (Col Woolrych's surveyor)
November 28th
At new cemetery site with District Valuer, Croxley Green.
8.15 pm at Dickinson Institute meeting of owners in Dickinson Avenue & Clark Bros re cost of making up road.
December 1st
Croxley Green men altering kerb Dickinson Square meeting Mr Baker there, re kerb at ends of Gonville Ave.
Men putting up street lamps at end of Gonville Ave.
Saw Col Woolrych re housing & cemetery sites.
December 2nd
Letters to Wilbee & Mrs Hosier re defects in 3 cottages New Road - Tyler inspected.
December 3rd
Croxley Green New Rd men laying tarmac on paths.
At Dickinson Square widening corners & seeing Piddington & men on lamps.
December 4th
At Watford Rd with Mr Beeson re sewer & connection Darvills shop.
Meeting Col Woolrych & Mr Little with Mr Barton-Smith as to land for housing site back of New Road offered at £250 per acre. Also as to land for allotments.
December 8th
Seeing solicitor re A Davis Dec'd.
(Albert is mentioned regarding Alfred’s Will)
December 10th
Preparing estimate for Dickinson Avenue.
At Dickinson Institute meeting owners & Clark Bros re estimate, meeting adjourned until Monday.
December 11th
Croxley Green called at Mr Dimmock, New Road to measure Tar paving.
Dickinson Square, Gonville Avenue corners.
At office letter to MO Health re cottages Croxley Green for Met Railway, as to concrete construction.
(These entries could be referring to replacing cottages near the site of the intended Croxley Green Metropolitan station. The houses were erected on the Watford Road and/or at Gade Bank by the canal)
December 13th
At Dickinson Avenue re measurement of frontages.
December 18th
Office examining plans of layout next Coach & Horses Croxley Green, seeing Mr Lomas re same.
December 19th
At new station Croxley Green inspecting building.
Tyler at Darvills sewer connection Watford Road from 7 till 12 midnight not finished.
December 20th
Seeing Coleman re estimate for wall Croxley Vicarage widening.
Tyler inspected sewer connection Darvills house Watford Road.
December 22nd
Copthorne Rd inspecting foundations for Mr Iverson's house.
Walked through meadow to proposed cemetery site distance from stile to Council offices walked in 20 mins.
At Dickinson Institute 7pm meeting of owners of Dickinson Avenue re making up.
December 29th
Croxley Green inspected road at back of Mr Stedall (living at Croxley House) complaint from Mr Forbes (living at Waterdell Little Green) Coxhills cowsheds
(Coxhill farmed Killingdown farm prior to Joseph Ghost Foster)
December 30th
Going through designs for Council houses & various methods of construction for Housing Committee.
December 31st
Mr T R Clark called re making up Dickinson Avenue.
Going through designs for Council houses & various methods of construction for Housing Committee.
December 31st
Mr T R Clark called re making up Dickinson Avenue.
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1923
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1925