The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1923
It would appear from an entry made in 1922, Albert has been in early discussions for a railway extension from Rickmansworth to Croxley Green as well as from Moor Park/Sandy Lodge station.
January 3rd
Watford U.D.C. marking boundaries of Urban District on map and getting particulars of extension etc
Bus fare 8d.
January 5th
To Northwood by 8.58am train to see Mr Abbott with map showing extensions of District.
Return fare 11d.
January 8th
At Croxley Green housing site with Hutching's as to trees, privet for hedges.
January 10th
At S & Sly (Swannell & Sly) re building line on land next housing site at Croxley Green and as to giving up 6 feet for widening road.
January 3rd
Watford U.D.C. marking boundaries of Urban District on map and getting particulars of extension etc
Bus fare 8d.
January 5th
To Northwood by 8.58am train to see Mr Abbott with map showing extensions of District.
Return fare 11d.
January 8th
At Croxley Green housing site with Hutching's as to trees, privet for hedges.
January 10th
At S & Sly (Swannell & Sly) re building line on land next housing site at Croxley Green and as to giving up 6 feet for widening road.
January 11th
On District Map again.
January 12th
Seeing Mr Raymond re plan of No 52 Gonville Ave and sending same to Mr Hall for conveyance.
Seeing Brown's re printing reference for Extension Map.
January 16th
Seeing Mr Raymond re plan of house sold to Mr Rogers at Croxley Green housing site.
Seeing Mr Bateman re agreement for above house.
January 19th
Preparing list of milk producers for Farmers Union.
January 22nd
Mr Adams called re gas supply to Copthorne House.
January 24th
Meeting Mr Selbie Manager Metropolitan Railway and Mr Gibson re suggested route through Rickmansworth Park to Catholic Church.
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Curtis and his gardener re privet hedge and shrubs and going into details as to numbers required. - I motored there.
(Robert Hope Selbie was the General Railway Manager for the Metropolitan Railway from 1908-1930. He lived at The Orchard, Shire Lane, Chorleywood. His office was at Baker Street Metropolitan Station, London, N W 1. He was responsible for the electrification of many lines out of London, including to Rickmansworth and beyond. Robert was instrumental in arranging the spur line from Moor Park and Rickmansworth to Watford Park through Croxley Green.)
January 31st
Complaint - At 124 New Road, inspecting cottage end wall damp - 2 families in house.
At Corner Cottage Croxley Green, at Mrs Reeves request, as to smell in garden -found EAI defective and recommended Mrs Reeves to have it repaired and cesspool emptied.
February 2nd
New Road, Stones property, inspecting bakehouse proposed to be converted into 2 rooms for Mr Browlon met Mr Coleman there new floors wanted.
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef from Croxley Co-op buried same in garden.
February 5th
Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Goddard of Lane and Sons re privet for hedge and shrubs for screen.
February 9th
Conference with Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman re extension of District.
Seeing Beeson & Sons re emptying cesspool at Corner Cottage Croxley Green. They informed me that Stone had orders to do it.
(Albert could be referring to Walter Stone - Stone’s Orchard)
February 16th
At Croxley Green housing site pointing out positions of street lamps to Taylor.
Called at Mr Barton-Smith's and Mr Adams re offer to rent Offices by Messrs Morland also Mr Mann.
February 27th
Mr Barton-Smith called went through plans with him and discussed with Mr Bateman Croxley Mills property and Common Moor.
March 2nd
At Watford with Mr Bateman seeing Mr Hudson re extension as to Common Moor etc.
March 3rd
Office writing Swannell Sly re building line Watford Road.
March 6th
Nottingham all day inspecting new process of making iron pipes for Gas and Water mains - Stanton Ironworks - caught 9am train St Pancras back home 8.54pm - Very interesting day Mr Gill from Water works went with me.
March 7th
At 54 New Road with Mr Clarke inspecting fried fish shop and arrangements for storing and cleaning fish, suggested alteration of WC door to side and lining shed with Polite
owner agreed to do it.
(The fish shop was next door to Gibbs the Blacksmiths. Polite was a form of asbestos considered a material essential for use as a protection against a fire hazard- now known as a serious health hazard !)
March 10th
Croxley Green on new railway, seeing foreman re approach to Refuse Tip now blocked with wire fence- he could do nothing. Saw Mr Foster re road through his field but it would be too far. Visited pit and walked over fields to The Green. Saw Mr Stone who gave permission for a shoot in his Orchard for next week until I can make other arrangements
(Shoot- Tipping the rubbish from households or otherwise, now that dustbins were in use a collection was made to dispose of the waste?)
March 12th
Mr Couchman's office most of morning getting out acreage of Sandy Lodge, Tolpits and Croxley Mills areas in Watford Rural Parish.
March 13th
Town 9.58am train to Stanford's Long Acre for maps re Extension of District.
At Ideal Home Exhibition inspecting bungalows etc. Back at 3pm
Return fare 6/6d
On District Map again.
January 12th
Seeing Mr Raymond re plan of No 52 Gonville Ave and sending same to Mr Hall for conveyance.
Seeing Brown's re printing reference for Extension Map.
January 16th
Seeing Mr Raymond re plan of house sold to Mr Rogers at Croxley Green housing site.
Seeing Mr Bateman re agreement for above house.
January 19th
Preparing list of milk producers for Farmers Union.
January 22nd
Mr Adams called re gas supply to Copthorne House.
January 24th
Meeting Mr Selbie Manager Metropolitan Railway and Mr Gibson re suggested route through Rickmansworth Park to Catholic Church.
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Curtis and his gardener re privet hedge and shrubs and going into details as to numbers required. - I motored there.
(Robert Hope Selbie was the General Railway Manager for the Metropolitan Railway from 1908-1930. He lived at The Orchard, Shire Lane, Chorleywood. His office was at Baker Street Metropolitan Station, London, N W 1. He was responsible for the electrification of many lines out of London, including to Rickmansworth and beyond. Robert was instrumental in arranging the spur line from Moor Park and Rickmansworth to Watford Park through Croxley Green.)
January 31st
Complaint - At 124 New Road, inspecting cottage end wall damp - 2 families in house.
At Corner Cottage Croxley Green, at Mrs Reeves request, as to smell in garden -found EAI defective and recommended Mrs Reeves to have it repaired and cesspool emptied.
February 2nd
New Road, Stones property, inspecting bakehouse proposed to be converted into 2 rooms for Mr Browlon met Mr Coleman there new floors wanted.
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef from Croxley Co-op buried same in garden.
February 5th
Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Goddard of Lane and Sons re privet for hedge and shrubs for screen.
February 9th
Conference with Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman re extension of District.
Seeing Beeson & Sons re emptying cesspool at Corner Cottage Croxley Green. They informed me that Stone had orders to do it.
(Albert could be referring to Walter Stone - Stone’s Orchard)
February 16th
At Croxley Green housing site pointing out positions of street lamps to Taylor.
Called at Mr Barton-Smith's and Mr Adams re offer to rent Offices by Messrs Morland also Mr Mann.
February 27th
Mr Barton-Smith called went through plans with him and discussed with Mr Bateman Croxley Mills property and Common Moor.
March 2nd
At Watford with Mr Bateman seeing Mr Hudson re extension as to Common Moor etc.
March 3rd
Office writing Swannell Sly re building line Watford Road.
March 6th
Nottingham all day inspecting new process of making iron pipes for Gas and Water mains - Stanton Ironworks - caught 9am train St Pancras back home 8.54pm - Very interesting day Mr Gill from Water works went with me.
March 7th
At 54 New Road with Mr Clarke inspecting fried fish shop and arrangements for storing and cleaning fish, suggested alteration of WC door to side and lining shed with Polite
owner agreed to do it.
(The fish shop was next door to Gibbs the Blacksmiths. Polite was a form of asbestos considered a material essential for use as a protection against a fire hazard- now known as a serious health hazard !)
March 10th
Croxley Green on new railway, seeing foreman re approach to Refuse Tip now blocked with wire fence- he could do nothing. Saw Mr Foster re road through his field but it would be too far. Visited pit and walked over fields to The Green. Saw Mr Stone who gave permission for a shoot in his Orchard for next week until I can make other arrangements
(Shoot- Tipping the rubbish from households or otherwise, now that dustbins were in use a collection was made to dispose of the waste?)
March 12th
Mr Couchman's office most of morning getting out acreage of Sandy Lodge, Tolpits and Croxley Mills areas in Watford Rural Parish.
March 13th
Town 9.58am train to Stanford's Long Acre for maps re Extension of District.
At Ideal Home Exhibition inspecting bungalows etc. Back at 3pm
Return fare 6/6d
March 16th
On Extension map (new one from Stanford's) all day.
At Croxley Green in evening re alleged stopping up of public footpath by Railway Contractors - Main footpath quite clear. Saw Foreman. Called to see Mr Barton-Smith - bus fare 4d
March 17th
Finished map of Extension.
April 3rd
Motored to Borough Office Watford, to take Map of Extension to Mr Hudson seeing him and Mr Waterhouse re same.
April 6th
On plan of suggested widening at L.& N.W. Railway and tracing same for Railway Company.
April 7th
On plan of widening L.&N.W. Railway station. Seeing Swanell & Sly re widening Watford Road and writing letter embodying terms (their land?)
April 9th
On plan of widening station.
Mr Scott called to see map of proposed extension of District.
Mr Stedall re alteration to coal shed at Croxley House.
April 10th
Mr Tom Godwin called re our area of supply near Croxley Mills.
April 20th
At Small Holdings Croxley Green as to land taken by Railway Company road to refuse pit etc.
Inspecting WC alterations at new fish shop New Road.
April 25th
Little Law, aged 5 killed by motor car at bottom of Parsonage Road after morning school.
April 26th
Accident to Lady cyclist bottom of Station Road (Ricky) crashed through glass panel of door to Mr Dawes office. Assisted Mr Raymond in getting water towels and hot water for Dr Clarke.
April 28th
Motored to final at Wembley with Mr Catesby, terrible crush, crowd overran pitch & thousands got in without paying.
(The 1923 F.A. Cup final football match between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United on 28th April 1923 at the original Wembley Stadium. King George V was in attendance to present the trophy. The stadium capacity of 125,000 was overcome with a crowd of approximately 300,000 spectators. Mounted Policemen were called in to clear the pitch so the game could begin. The stadium was replaced as part of the British Empire Exhibition 1924-25)
May 3rd
To Town 12.28 train at Graduation Ceremony Albert Hall - Alice took her B.A. Degree.
May 4th
Mr Clarke's assistant called with plans of cottages Watford Road for Metropolitan Railway.
May 5th
At Copthorne House seeing Mr Tanburn re gas supply for cooker and receiving order to lay on supply.
Motoring round extended area proposed to be added to U.D. with chairman Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman. Woodcock Hill, Batchworth Heath, Claypit Lane, Eastbury, Sandy Lane, Tolpits, Moor Lane, West Hyde (inc The Fishery) Loudwater, Micklefield, and back by Redheath to Loudwater and home.
May 7th
Copthorne House with Barnes re supply to cooker and giving him instructions seeing Mrs Tanburn re size of cooker to be fixed.
At new house Copthorne Road told foreman that backs of single fireplaces must be 9" thick as shown on plan. He promised to point them out to Surveyor.
At Mr Barton-Smith new house - cooker fixed but not meter.
May 8th
At Station to meet Mr Radford. Conference with him, Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman till lunch time re Extension. Motored with Mr Radford round new area (inc. Croxley Mills)
May 11th
On Map of District & extended area for Mr Radford most of day.
May 12th
Finished map for Mr Radford - Chairman called re figures etc for Local Enquiry.
Office in evening sending map to Mr Radford.
May 14th
At Boys School Croxley Green making survey of road near Duke of York as to suggested widening. Mr Barton-Smith away from home. Office setting out survey and tracing plan.
Mr Abbott phoned re plan of Croxley Mill area for Mr Lovell Smeathman.
May 15th
Tracing plan of widening near Duke of York, Croxley Green and sending to Messrs Benskin.
Colouring map showing Croxley Mills area for Mr Lovell Smeathman.
(Benskin were Brewers in the Lower High Street, Watford)
May 17th
At Station with Mr Bateman meeting Mr Schofield KC Chairman & Mr Abbott re extension of District. Conference at office motored round new area with them (except Mr Bateman) inc Croxley Green.
May 19th
At office 8.30 to open letters. Motored to Englefield Green back at 10.15.
At Bricketwood in afternoon to look at reinforced concrete cesspool being fixed at Mr Wilk's house.
May 21st
Motored to Englefield Green, Chobham Common, Ascot, Windsor, Marlow. Home at 7.15pm
May 22nd
Mr Cameron & Mr -- (bursar Caius College) Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re Town Planning Acts as to new roads on College Estate Copthorne Road and Croxley Hall Estate.
At Duke of York Croxley Green meeting Col. Healey & Mr Gomm re proposed widening. Col Healey agreed to proposal.
Seeing Mr Barton-Smith and inspecting housing site as to 6ft fence to hide gardens from main road.
Inspecting proposed widening at Duke of York and as to rounding corner of Yorke Road.
May 23rd
Croxley Mills with Mr Guy getting particulars of property in "extended area" from Mr Skeins the Manager also number of employed & those living in Urban District.
On Extension map (new one from Stanford's) all day.
At Croxley Green in evening re alleged stopping up of public footpath by Railway Contractors - Main footpath quite clear. Saw Foreman. Called to see Mr Barton-Smith - bus fare 4d
March 17th
Finished map of Extension.
April 3rd
Motored to Borough Office Watford, to take Map of Extension to Mr Hudson seeing him and Mr Waterhouse re same.
April 6th
On plan of suggested widening at L.& N.W. Railway and tracing same for Railway Company.
April 7th
On plan of widening L.&N.W. Railway station. Seeing Swanell & Sly re widening Watford Road and writing letter embodying terms (their land?)
April 9th
On plan of widening station.
Mr Scott called to see map of proposed extension of District.
Mr Stedall re alteration to coal shed at Croxley House.
April 10th
Mr Tom Godwin called re our area of supply near Croxley Mills.
April 20th
At Small Holdings Croxley Green as to land taken by Railway Company road to refuse pit etc.
Inspecting WC alterations at new fish shop New Road.
April 25th
Little Law, aged 5 killed by motor car at bottom of Parsonage Road after morning school.
April 26th
Accident to Lady cyclist bottom of Station Road (Ricky) crashed through glass panel of door to Mr Dawes office. Assisted Mr Raymond in getting water towels and hot water for Dr Clarke.
April 28th
Motored to final at Wembley with Mr Catesby, terrible crush, crowd overran pitch & thousands got in without paying.
(The 1923 F.A. Cup final football match between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United on 28th April 1923 at the original Wembley Stadium. King George V was in attendance to present the trophy. The stadium capacity of 125,000 was overcome with a crowd of approximately 300,000 spectators. Mounted Policemen were called in to clear the pitch so the game could begin. The stadium was replaced as part of the British Empire Exhibition 1924-25)
May 3rd
To Town 12.28 train at Graduation Ceremony Albert Hall - Alice took her B.A. Degree.
May 4th
Mr Clarke's assistant called with plans of cottages Watford Road for Metropolitan Railway.
May 5th
At Copthorne House seeing Mr Tanburn re gas supply for cooker and receiving order to lay on supply.
Motoring round extended area proposed to be added to U.D. with chairman Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman. Woodcock Hill, Batchworth Heath, Claypit Lane, Eastbury, Sandy Lane, Tolpits, Moor Lane, West Hyde (inc The Fishery) Loudwater, Micklefield, and back by Redheath to Loudwater and home.
May 7th
Copthorne House with Barnes re supply to cooker and giving him instructions seeing Mrs Tanburn re size of cooker to be fixed.
At new house Copthorne Road told foreman that backs of single fireplaces must be 9" thick as shown on plan. He promised to point them out to Surveyor.
At Mr Barton-Smith new house - cooker fixed but not meter.
May 8th
At Station to meet Mr Radford. Conference with him, Mr Abbott and Mr Bateman till lunch time re Extension. Motored with Mr Radford round new area (inc. Croxley Mills)
May 11th
On Map of District & extended area for Mr Radford most of day.
May 12th
Finished map for Mr Radford - Chairman called re figures etc for Local Enquiry.
Office in evening sending map to Mr Radford.
May 14th
At Boys School Croxley Green making survey of road near Duke of York as to suggested widening. Mr Barton-Smith away from home. Office setting out survey and tracing plan.
Mr Abbott phoned re plan of Croxley Mill area for Mr Lovell Smeathman.
May 15th
Tracing plan of widening near Duke of York, Croxley Green and sending to Messrs Benskin.
Colouring map showing Croxley Mills area for Mr Lovell Smeathman.
(Benskin were Brewers in the Lower High Street, Watford)
May 17th
At Station with Mr Bateman meeting Mr Schofield KC Chairman & Mr Abbott re extension of District. Conference at office motored round new area with them (except Mr Bateman) inc Croxley Green.
May 19th
At office 8.30 to open letters. Motored to Englefield Green back at 10.15.
At Bricketwood in afternoon to look at reinforced concrete cesspool being fixed at Mr Wilk's house.
May 21st
Motored to Englefield Green, Chobham Common, Ascot, Windsor, Marlow. Home at 7.15pm
May 22nd
Mr Cameron & Mr -- (bursar Caius College) Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re Town Planning Acts as to new roads on College Estate Copthorne Road and Croxley Hall Estate.
At Duke of York Croxley Green meeting Col. Healey & Mr Gomm re proposed widening. Col Healey agreed to proposal.
Seeing Mr Barton-Smith and inspecting housing site as to 6ft fence to hide gardens from main road.
Inspecting proposed widening at Duke of York and as to rounding corner of Yorke Road.
May 23rd
Croxley Mills with Mr Guy getting particulars of property in "extended area" from Mr Skeins the Manager also number of employed & those living in Urban District.
May 24th
At Duke of York re hoarding saw Mr Barton-Smith re same.
At Wallis's re painting posts at housing site.
At 56 Scots Hill re blocked surface drain - wrote owner Mr Catesby.
At Copthorne Rd inspecting Casebourne's new house.
May 26th
Meeting 11am to seal agreement with Messrs Dickinson & Co re Croxley Mills area
May 28th
At Hawes re tables for Local (New District)
At Ebury Hall setting out tables & chairs for Enquiry
May 29th
At Office getting papers etc ready for Local Enquiry.
Commission decided to give us most of area No 1 and all No2.
New map to be prepared showing new boundary.
At Mr Lipscomb - butcher condemned carcass of beef with organs as unfit for human consumption, generalised Tuberculosis. Gave certificate Mr L, arranged for owner Mr Buckingham of St Albans Rd Watford to take it to Watford -
(Albert Freeman spent many days looking at maps for the proposed new boundaries)
June 8th
Motored to Hertford to Clerk of Peace Office left map.
At new house Copthorne Rd for Casebourne, told foreman bricklayer to put (" wall to gables & 4½ extn back to bedroom fireplace & vents to bedroom without fires).
Babs went to Wiscombe Park today. (Near Southleigh, East Devon)
June 20th
Seeing S & Sly re building land Copthorne Road No of houses per acre.
Looking up Town planning regulations etc.
(Swannell & Sly Estate Agents, High Street, Rickmansworth)
June 21st
Drafting letter to MOH re Town Planning Copthorne Rd Estate. Making plan of Copthorne Rd. Showing land to be developed.
Completing plan of Copthorne Rd Estate.
June 25th
Tracing map of corner near Croxley Vicarage ready for survey near Duke of York. Croxley with Barlow re setting back fence.
June 26th
At Gonville Ave re case of Tuberculosis notified by Dr Harvey. Found patient was a visitor from Peckham been there a week. Tenant did not know of her illness saw Dr Harvey who phoned Dr Sparrow who promised to see case tomorrow & if possible arrange for her removal. Called to see Nurse Dixon re above.
June 27th
Berean Cottages with Tyler making survey of Main Road re widening.
Duke of York, Barlow and men taking down hoardings for widening road.
Office setting out survey of Watford Road.
June 28th
At Duke of York seeing Barlow - all hoardings down.
June 29th
Duke of York - Barlow & Nieth altering fence seeing Gibbs there as to repairs & alterations to panels.
July 2nd
Duke of York - Barlow and men setting back fence.
Croxley Green Vicarage widening taking measurements of road etc.
July 3rd
Duke of York + Vicarage.
At Mr Barton- Smith re tree to be cut for telephone wires.
At Met Railway cottages inspecting concrete walling.
At Office seeing Cty Surveyor's Assistant Mr West, Mr Raffan, re widening and other matters.
At Duke of York re hoarding saw Mr Barton-Smith re same.
At Wallis's re painting posts at housing site.
At 56 Scots Hill re blocked surface drain - wrote owner Mr Catesby.
At Copthorne Rd inspecting Casebourne's new house.
May 26th
Meeting 11am to seal agreement with Messrs Dickinson & Co re Croxley Mills area
May 28th
At Hawes re tables for Local (New District)
At Ebury Hall setting out tables & chairs for Enquiry
May 29th
At Office getting papers etc ready for Local Enquiry.
Commission decided to give us most of area No 1 and all No2.
New map to be prepared showing new boundary.
At Mr Lipscomb - butcher condemned carcass of beef with organs as unfit for human consumption, generalised Tuberculosis. Gave certificate Mr L, arranged for owner Mr Buckingham of St Albans Rd Watford to take it to Watford -
(Albert Freeman spent many days looking at maps for the proposed new boundaries)
June 8th
Motored to Hertford to Clerk of Peace Office left map.
At new house Copthorne Rd for Casebourne, told foreman bricklayer to put (" wall to gables & 4½ extn back to bedroom fireplace & vents to bedroom without fires).
Babs went to Wiscombe Park today. (Near Southleigh, East Devon)
June 20th
Seeing S & Sly re building land Copthorne Road No of houses per acre.
Looking up Town planning regulations etc.
(Swannell & Sly Estate Agents, High Street, Rickmansworth)
June 21st
Drafting letter to MOH re Town Planning Copthorne Rd Estate. Making plan of Copthorne Rd. Showing land to be developed.
Completing plan of Copthorne Rd Estate.
June 25th
Tracing map of corner near Croxley Vicarage ready for survey near Duke of York. Croxley with Barlow re setting back fence.
June 26th
At Gonville Ave re case of Tuberculosis notified by Dr Harvey. Found patient was a visitor from Peckham been there a week. Tenant did not know of her illness saw Dr Harvey who phoned Dr Sparrow who promised to see case tomorrow & if possible arrange for her removal. Called to see Nurse Dixon re above.
June 27th
Berean Cottages with Tyler making survey of Main Road re widening.
Duke of York, Barlow and men taking down hoardings for widening road.
Office setting out survey of Watford Road.
June 28th
At Duke of York seeing Barlow - all hoardings down.
June 29th
Duke of York - Barlow & Nieth altering fence seeing Gibbs there as to repairs & alterations to panels.
July 2nd
Duke of York - Barlow and men setting back fence.
Croxley Green Vicarage widening taking measurements of road etc.
July 3rd
Duke of York + Vicarage.
At Mr Barton- Smith re tree to be cut for telephone wires.
At Met Railway cottages inspecting concrete walling.
At Office seeing Cty Surveyor's Assistant Mr West, Mr Raffan, re widening and other matters.
July 4th
Water works re case for meter box at Boys School, Croxley Green.
July 9th
At connection to cottages Copthorne Rd opp Neales passed same 12ft 6 " deep
At Casebourne's house re chimney backs & gable wall.
July 14th
Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Brightman re fence & as to position of same.
July 16th
At Scot's Hill with Mr Askew re drainage of house (late Greves) condition of walls etc.
Engineers Office re depth of girders to new bridge near Croxley Green Station.
Mr Abbots office Victoria Street, with map of extension and differential area.
July 26th
At House Refuse Shoot Croxley Green - Brown raking out fire. Seeing Stone re carting away ash tree.
L.N.E.R cottages seeing Foreman re drains.
No 76 New Road, Elliott WC overflow, leaks making walls damp.
48 Scots Hill Sutcliffe grate broken - no means of cooking.
June 27th
Nurse Dixon called re disinfection of room Gonville Avenue, after TB.
Mr Tyler disinfected this afternoon.
June 28th
Mr Morris called re new house Copthorne Road as to levels etc.
August 1st
At Copthorne Rd to see sewer connection at Casebourne's House junction found in road, but no pipes in yet.
August 2nd
At site of new station Croxley Green meeting Magistrates (Mr Brown, Mr Cole, with Mr Temple) & Met Engineer re diversion of footpath. Passed. Engineer promised to put gravel on tomorrow.
At Holly Cottage to see Capt Hodginson re road widening he had to go to Town saw Mrs H & arranged to go up tomorrow.
At Casebourne's House Copthorne Road passed connection & saw concrete put in, tunnelled under road.
August 3rd
At Croxley Green 6 till 6.45pm meeting Major Paton & Capt Hodgkinson re suggested widening - pointing out new line of fence they agreed to give up ground but want a brick wall built to same height as existing oak fence. They have to keep fence repaired according to their lease. -
mileage 2 miles @ 6d = 1/-
August 9th
At Copthorne Rd seeing Fairleigh re drainage at Casebourne's house.
At Croxley Hall Cottages(2)inspecting same.
August 10th
With Mr Bateman re forms to Croxley Green housing tenants re petition for reduction of rents.
August 13th
Mr Askew called re "Scots Hill" went there as to drains, gardener uncovered manholes etc, traced various branches & arranged to drains this week.
August 14th
Mr Cole called re widening Watford Road (College land) & as to Town planning.
August 16th
At Trotts Scots Hill, inspecting dairy - satisfactory.
At Holloway's found meat being stored there by Darvill. Ice safe in use, frozen meat hung in building formerly a workshop.
August 20th
Town - At Shaw's re meter & store stock books, meter cards etc & ordering books.
At London Supply Co as to duplicator & getting instruction as to use of same - Return fare 4/6.
Office 4pm seeing Coleman re plans of new houses Watford Road.
At Croxley Green meeting Coleman & setting out line of 40ft road as per Brown & Sons plan - there till 7pm.
(Duplicator- early form of a machine that could copy documents)
September 3rd
Meeting Mr Bott from Rickmansworth Gravel Co.
September 5th
Meeting representative from Met Railway re drainage of new station at Croxley Green & giving him depths of sewer. At Croxley Green with him re position of M H (manhole?)
At Coleman's new houses Watford Rd with Mr Cole setting out line of widening to 40ft road & building line.
At Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew & his Architect Mr Marshall re drainage, pointing out defects.
September 17th
At The Cottage Croxley Green Miss D not at home.
At Copthorne Cottage new bathroom, seeing Mrs Tanburn re position of WC etc.
September 18th
(MJP notes - the Council had new offices built and let the old ones out and converted them. Cookery classes started in the kitchen. Girls from Croxley Green Girls School attended classes here.)
September 19th
At Copthorne Cottage re bathroom addition.
At Croxley Green seeing Mrs Dore re conversion of old barn into living rooms.
Mr Adam's called re gas a/c for Croxley church.
September 25th
Seeing Chairman with letter from Clerk of Peace re differential rating for Croxley Mills area.
Town 1.29 train seeing Mr Abbott re letter from Clerk of Peace & going through correspondence with him re differential rating & areas. -RTN Fare 5/-
Mr Ward architect phoned re depth of sewer in Watford Road & as to development of land near Red House Croxley Green.
September 26th
Chairman's re letter to Clerk of Peace and Rating and drafting letter Clerk of Peace.
September 27th
At Northwood by 8.58 train seeing Mr Abbott with draft letter to Sir Ch Longmore re differential rating - he approved.
Seeing Mr Taylor there re same matter Return fare 11d.
(Albert Freeman spent many days working on the different rating areas and values and Education charges)
October 1st
Office in evening & at home working out proportions as to West Hyde School Education loan.
October 2nd
Committee at 9 to seal General District rate - Passed plans etc.
October 3rd
Rates Cont!
Miss Dore called re conversion of old barn at Croxley cottage into living rooms.
October 6th
At The Nook Croxley Green seeing Mr Catesby Jnr & his father re widening of road, setting out proposed new line for them. They agreed.
October 15th
At The Cottage Croxley Green seeing Miss Dore re alterations to barn to form living rooms.
At Copthorne Cottage to inspect buildings.
October 17th
Croxley Green calling at Mr Barton-Smith's & going with him to Woodley's to inspect Coach house etc intended to be converted into house by Met Railway Co. Measured rooms for air space & window area etc. agreed to grant a 2yr Licence under certain conditions. Came back over caravan bridge.
(Woodley’s - a property in Croxley Woods)
October 19th
At Croxley Green meeting Mr Gars(?) At The Cottage re proposed conversion of barn into Chauffeurs rooms.
October 20th
Met A H F at Waterloo in afternoon on her return from Wiscombe Park.
(Albert is referring to his daughter Alice. Wiscombe Park, Southleigh, East Devon)
November 2nd
Croxley Green to new Railway cottages Watford Rd as to fitness for occupation promised to call again tomorrow.
Tracing plan of widening near Croxley Green Vicarage & sending with letter to County Surveyor.
November 10th
Tyler inspected 124 New Road house in bad repair & dirty, wrote owner S King. At office 5 - 7pm counting money collected for "Poppy Day"
November 11th
Service at War Memorial (Ricky) 3pm.
November 12th
Lady Ebury called re money for "Poppy Day" paying same into bank - £72 total.
Mr Cameron - Bursar Gonville & Caius College called re land for housing.
November 18th
At Copthorne Rd re nuisance caused by exhaust, Mr Casebourne's engine electric light plant.
November 20th
The Cottage Croxley Green inspecting alteration to barn.
At Darvill's new shop, Siegwarts houses, inspecting footings at latter.
At Mr Dimmock's re outside lamp.
Copthorne Rd Taylor laying gas service to "Nursing " (?) houses
Exhaust at Casebourne's engine making objectionable noise -very loud.
November 23rd
The Cottage Croxley Green – alterations.
Small holdings re road into refuse pit.
At Croxley Station seeing Manager of Constable Hart & Co. re lavatory accommodation for workman.
November 26th
Phoned County Surveyor re cost of brick wall & oak fencing Croxley Green Vicarage widening.
Mr Adams called re gas A/C for Elmcote and Croxley Church.
November 27th
To Town inc at Agricultural Hall -Roads & Transport Congress.
November 28th
Tyler went to Mrs Rance's New Rd, re gas leak in answer to phone from Mrs Adams.
November 30th
Office seeing Foreman Siegwart house, Watford Road re sewer connection & giving him measurements of junction.
December 3rd
Tyler disinfecting Heston, Watford Road.
December 14th
The Cottage, Croxley Green meeting Mr Goss re drainage etc.
Darvells shop Watford Rd.
Siegwart Co's houses in course of erection.
December 15th
Croxley Green The Cottage, and at Watford seeing Goss re windows, sink etc.
(Goss- Builder)
December 18th
Cycled to The Cottage, Croxley Green seeing Miss Dore re alterations & later meeting builder there as to position of sink, provision of extra windows , air brick etc.
Tested new drains from new rooms for chauffeur.
Called at Corner Cottage re gas - cooker, not required.
Inspecting new buildings Copthorne Road houses.
December 21st
At Scots Hill re roughing roads - motors held up owing to slippery state of road.
December 24th
At Croxley Green to inspect road at Small Holdings.
December 28th
Croxley Green housing site, men planting privet.
Water Co laying main beyond housing site.
Meeting Mr Logan Railway Contractor re road by Small Holdings.
December 29th
At Croxley Green in afternoon called at Bates house re road near Small Holdings, not at home.
Water works re case for meter box at Boys School, Croxley Green.
July 9th
At connection to cottages Copthorne Rd opp Neales passed same 12ft 6 " deep
At Casebourne's house re chimney backs & gable wall.
July 14th
Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Brightman re fence & as to position of same.
July 16th
At Scot's Hill with Mr Askew re drainage of house (late Greves) condition of walls etc.
Engineers Office re depth of girders to new bridge near Croxley Green Station.
Mr Abbots office Victoria Street, with map of extension and differential area.
July 26th
At House Refuse Shoot Croxley Green - Brown raking out fire. Seeing Stone re carting away ash tree.
L.N.E.R cottages seeing Foreman re drains.
No 76 New Road, Elliott WC overflow, leaks making walls damp.
48 Scots Hill Sutcliffe grate broken - no means of cooking.
June 27th
Nurse Dixon called re disinfection of room Gonville Avenue, after TB.
Mr Tyler disinfected this afternoon.
June 28th
Mr Morris called re new house Copthorne Road as to levels etc.
August 1st
At Copthorne Rd to see sewer connection at Casebourne's House junction found in road, but no pipes in yet.
August 2nd
At site of new station Croxley Green meeting Magistrates (Mr Brown, Mr Cole, with Mr Temple) & Met Engineer re diversion of footpath. Passed. Engineer promised to put gravel on tomorrow.
At Holly Cottage to see Capt Hodginson re road widening he had to go to Town saw Mrs H & arranged to go up tomorrow.
At Casebourne's House Copthorne Road passed connection & saw concrete put in, tunnelled under road.
August 3rd
At Croxley Green 6 till 6.45pm meeting Major Paton & Capt Hodgkinson re suggested widening - pointing out new line of fence they agreed to give up ground but want a brick wall built to same height as existing oak fence. They have to keep fence repaired according to their lease. -
mileage 2 miles @ 6d = 1/-
August 9th
At Copthorne Rd seeing Fairleigh re drainage at Casebourne's house.
At Croxley Hall Cottages(2)inspecting same.
August 10th
With Mr Bateman re forms to Croxley Green housing tenants re petition for reduction of rents.
August 13th
Mr Askew called re "Scots Hill" went there as to drains, gardener uncovered manholes etc, traced various branches & arranged to drains this week.
August 14th
Mr Cole called re widening Watford Road (College land) & as to Town planning.
August 16th
At Trotts Scots Hill, inspecting dairy - satisfactory.
At Holloway's found meat being stored there by Darvill. Ice safe in use, frozen meat hung in building formerly a workshop.
August 20th
Town - At Shaw's re meter & store stock books, meter cards etc & ordering books.
At London Supply Co as to duplicator & getting instruction as to use of same - Return fare 4/6.
Office 4pm seeing Coleman re plans of new houses Watford Road.
At Croxley Green meeting Coleman & setting out line of 40ft road as per Brown & Sons plan - there till 7pm.
(Duplicator- early form of a machine that could copy documents)
September 3rd
Meeting Mr Bott from Rickmansworth Gravel Co.
September 5th
Meeting representative from Met Railway re drainage of new station at Croxley Green & giving him depths of sewer. At Croxley Green with him re position of M H (manhole?)
At Coleman's new houses Watford Rd with Mr Cole setting out line of widening to 40ft road & building line.
At Scots Hill meeting Mr Askew & his Architect Mr Marshall re drainage, pointing out defects.
September 17th
At The Cottage Croxley Green Miss D not at home.
At Copthorne Cottage new bathroom, seeing Mrs Tanburn re position of WC etc.
September 18th
(MJP notes - the Council had new offices built and let the old ones out and converted them. Cookery classes started in the kitchen. Girls from Croxley Green Girls School attended classes here.)
September 19th
At Copthorne Cottage re bathroom addition.
At Croxley Green seeing Mrs Dore re conversion of old barn into living rooms.
Mr Adam's called re gas a/c for Croxley church.
September 25th
Seeing Chairman with letter from Clerk of Peace re differential rating for Croxley Mills area.
Town 1.29 train seeing Mr Abbott re letter from Clerk of Peace & going through correspondence with him re differential rating & areas. -RTN Fare 5/-
Mr Ward architect phoned re depth of sewer in Watford Road & as to development of land near Red House Croxley Green.
September 26th
Chairman's re letter to Clerk of Peace and Rating and drafting letter Clerk of Peace.
September 27th
At Northwood by 8.58 train seeing Mr Abbott with draft letter to Sir Ch Longmore re differential rating - he approved.
Seeing Mr Taylor there re same matter Return fare 11d.
(Albert Freeman spent many days working on the different rating areas and values and Education charges)
October 1st
Office in evening & at home working out proportions as to West Hyde School Education loan.
October 2nd
Committee at 9 to seal General District rate - Passed plans etc.
October 3rd
Rates Cont!
Miss Dore called re conversion of old barn at Croxley cottage into living rooms.
October 6th
At The Nook Croxley Green seeing Mr Catesby Jnr & his father re widening of road, setting out proposed new line for them. They agreed.
October 15th
At The Cottage Croxley Green seeing Miss Dore re alterations to barn to form living rooms.
At Copthorne Cottage to inspect buildings.
October 17th
Croxley Green calling at Mr Barton-Smith's & going with him to Woodley's to inspect Coach house etc intended to be converted into house by Met Railway Co. Measured rooms for air space & window area etc. agreed to grant a 2yr Licence under certain conditions. Came back over caravan bridge.
(Woodley’s - a property in Croxley Woods)
October 19th
At Croxley Green meeting Mr Gars(?) At The Cottage re proposed conversion of barn into Chauffeurs rooms.
October 20th
Met A H F at Waterloo in afternoon on her return from Wiscombe Park.
(Albert is referring to his daughter Alice. Wiscombe Park, Southleigh, East Devon)
November 2nd
Croxley Green to new Railway cottages Watford Rd as to fitness for occupation promised to call again tomorrow.
Tracing plan of widening near Croxley Green Vicarage & sending with letter to County Surveyor.
November 10th
Tyler inspected 124 New Road house in bad repair & dirty, wrote owner S King. At office 5 - 7pm counting money collected for "Poppy Day"
November 11th
Service at War Memorial (Ricky) 3pm.
November 12th
Lady Ebury called re money for "Poppy Day" paying same into bank - £72 total.
Mr Cameron - Bursar Gonville & Caius College called re land for housing.
November 18th
At Copthorne Rd re nuisance caused by exhaust, Mr Casebourne's engine electric light plant.
November 20th
The Cottage Croxley Green inspecting alteration to barn.
At Darvill's new shop, Siegwarts houses, inspecting footings at latter.
At Mr Dimmock's re outside lamp.
Copthorne Rd Taylor laying gas service to "Nursing " (?) houses
Exhaust at Casebourne's engine making objectionable noise -very loud.
November 23rd
The Cottage Croxley Green – alterations.
Small holdings re road into refuse pit.
At Croxley Station seeing Manager of Constable Hart & Co. re lavatory accommodation for workman.
November 26th
Phoned County Surveyor re cost of brick wall & oak fencing Croxley Green Vicarage widening.
Mr Adams called re gas A/C for Elmcote and Croxley Church.
November 27th
To Town inc at Agricultural Hall -Roads & Transport Congress.
November 28th
Tyler went to Mrs Rance's New Rd, re gas leak in answer to phone from Mrs Adams.
November 30th
Office seeing Foreman Siegwart house, Watford Road re sewer connection & giving him measurements of junction.
December 3rd
Tyler disinfecting Heston, Watford Road.
December 14th
The Cottage, Croxley Green meeting Mr Goss re drainage etc.
Darvells shop Watford Rd.
Siegwart Co's houses in course of erection.
December 15th
Croxley Green The Cottage, and at Watford seeing Goss re windows, sink etc.
(Goss- Builder)
December 18th
Cycled to The Cottage, Croxley Green seeing Miss Dore re alterations & later meeting builder there as to position of sink, provision of extra windows , air brick etc.
Tested new drains from new rooms for chauffeur.
Called at Corner Cottage re gas - cooker, not required.
Inspecting new buildings Copthorne Road houses.
December 21st
At Scots Hill re roughing roads - motors held up owing to slippery state of road.
December 24th
At Croxley Green to inspect road at Small Holdings.
December 28th
Croxley Green housing site, men planting privet.
Water Co laying main beyond housing site.
Meeting Mr Logan Railway Contractor re road by Small Holdings.
December 29th
At Croxley Green in afternoon called at Bates house re road near Small Holdings, not at home.
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1922
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1924