The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1922
January 5th
At Croxley with Press's foreman as to position of main near Vicarage. Walked to Dickinson Square to end of old main.
At Croxley Green housing site seeing Taylor as to gas services and lighting street lights tonight. Milton laid up.
Walked back through woods.
January 9th
At Dawe’s Office re Brightman's claim for delay at Croxley Green housing site owing to Metropolitan Railway Company injunction.
January 12th
At Croxley Green, Press's men on 6" main from Dickinson Square to Yorke Road. At Croxley Green housing site inspecting cottages.
At Croxley with Press's foreman as to position of main near Vicarage. Walked to Dickinson Square to end of old main.
At Croxley Green housing site seeing Taylor as to gas services and lighting street lights tonight. Milton laid up.
Walked back through woods.
January 9th
At Dawe’s Office re Brightman's claim for delay at Croxley Green housing site owing to Metropolitan Railway Company injunction.
January 12th
At Croxley Green, Press's men on 6" main from Dickinson Square to Yorke Road. At Croxley Green housing site inspecting cottages.
January 14th
Motored to Croxley Hall farm to fetch Mr. Sansom, and taking him to site of widening Watford Road as to compensation for loss of crops. Part laid down for grass, part clover, part fallow, and part ploughed up, and manured but not sown.
Seeing Bateman and Mr. Lomas re above.
January 16th
Seeing Mr. Bateman re plan and agreement from L & N.W. Railway re widening near Croxley Green Station.
Seeing Mr. Lomas later in day on same matter and re fencing and soak away.
Drafting new meter card for "Therm" basis.
January 18th
Laver called to sign agreement for Croxley House.
At Croxley Green housing site with Taylor re gas services. At new main Watford Road. At widening taking measurements as to water course position of gate etc. Walking back through gravel pits.
Office - tracing plan of widening etc and sending to Colonel Prescott.
January 23rd
Tracing plan of Watford Road widening prepared by County Surveyor, for Mr. Lomas. At Mr. Sansom's Cassiobridge, re widening and as to taking part of garden, he was quite agreeable did not want any compensation but asked for tops of trees near his house. Said 5ft would be sufficient to bare at side of house.
Walked back and made list of trees to be cut down.
At Gas trench near Duke of York showing foreman position of trench in Yorke Road.
January 24th
Walked to Croxley Green to see Foreman on gas main near Yorke Road as to further pipes required.
At housing site Mr Smith moving in.
At 57-59 New Road as to wet coming in bedrooms- loft tanks leaking - wrote owner.
At 48 Scots Hill leak, overflow damp wall in living room, no dustbins, wrote owner (N Rance).
January 26th
At Water Company Office re specials for Croxley Green Gas Main.
Seeing Duckels re staking out widening at Croxley arranging for Tuesday morning & ordering from Walker.
January 27th
At Gas main Watford Road and Yorke Road seeing foreman re services.
January 30th
Seeing Brock re pegs etc for setting out widening at Croxley Green tomorrow and Mr. C Sansom re same.
Motored to Croxley Hall farm to fetch Mr. Sansom, and taking him to site of widening Watford Road as to compensation for loss of crops. Part laid down for grass, part clover, part fallow, and part ploughed up, and manured but not sown.
Seeing Bateman and Mr. Lomas re above.
January 16th
Seeing Mr. Bateman re plan and agreement from L & N.W. Railway re widening near Croxley Green Station.
Seeing Mr. Lomas later in day on same matter and re fencing and soak away.
Drafting new meter card for "Therm" basis.
January 18th
Laver called to sign agreement for Croxley House.
At Croxley Green housing site with Taylor re gas services. At new main Watford Road. At widening taking measurements as to water course position of gate etc. Walking back through gravel pits.
Office - tracing plan of widening etc and sending to Colonel Prescott.
January 23rd
Tracing plan of Watford Road widening prepared by County Surveyor, for Mr. Lomas. At Mr. Sansom's Cassiobridge, re widening and as to taking part of garden, he was quite agreeable did not want any compensation but asked for tops of trees near his house. Said 5ft would be sufficient to bare at side of house.
Walked back and made list of trees to be cut down.
At Gas trench near Duke of York showing foreman position of trench in Yorke Road.
January 24th
Walked to Croxley Green to see Foreman on gas main near Yorke Road as to further pipes required.
At housing site Mr Smith moving in.
At 57-59 New Road as to wet coming in bedrooms- loft tanks leaking - wrote owner.
At 48 Scots Hill leak, overflow damp wall in living room, no dustbins, wrote owner (N Rance).
January 26th
At Water Company Office re specials for Croxley Green Gas Main.
Seeing Duckels re staking out widening at Croxley arranging for Tuesday morning & ordering from Walker.
January 27th
At Gas main Watford Road and Yorke Road seeing foreman re services.
January 30th
Seeing Brock re pegs etc for setting out widening at Croxley Green tomorrow and Mr. C Sansom re same.
January 31st
Gas main - Watford Road with J Powell re lowering water main etc.
At Watford Road widening with Duckel and assistant setting out line of fence - all the morning.
February 1st
As above and Yorke Road and phoning County Surveyor.
February 3rd
Croxley 9.30am with Duckels and assistant setting out road widening. Mr. Bowes from CTY Surveyors Office came over for a short time. There all day until 4.30pm.
February 9th
Seeing Mr. Lomas re Watford Road.
February 10th
As above for agreement - no street lamps lit – moonlight.
February 13th
Croxley Hall Farm seeing Mr. Sansom re Watford Road widening and arranging with him as to giving up land laying drain etc.
February 21st
Phoning Brown and Sons re appointment for tomorrow at Copthorne re stiles on College property.
Mr. Rycroft Housing Inspector M.O.H. called re Mill End and Croxley Green housing site giving him particulars as to acreage etc.
February 22nd
Seeing Mr. Lomas re Watford Road widening. Stiles re Copthorne Estate
Messrs Mr. Cob of Brown & Son - Tring re stiles on footpaths walked through paths by Scotsbridge to Loudwater and Copthorne Road on College property. Met Rance there as to tenancy etc.
At Cassio Bridge seeing Mr. (H) Sansom re agreement to give up land for widening and getting same signed.
At Croxley Green Station re tenant of allotment side of main road and phoning L.&N.W.Railway Ricky as to man's name and address.
February 23rd
Office 7.45-8.45pm writing out Rent Book for new tenants at Croxley Green etc.
February 28th
At Parrotts farm Croxley Green Inspecting length of iron drain under building seeing Mr Pleasants re other alterations and as to gas connections measuring for latter.
Seeing Colonel Woolrych re gas and as to refuse shoot near allotments.
At Mrs Woollam's New Road, M Young said room had been cleaned up.
Gas main - Watford Road with J Powell re lowering water main etc.
At Watford Road widening with Duckel and assistant setting out line of fence - all the morning.
February 1st
As above and Yorke Road and phoning County Surveyor.
February 3rd
Croxley 9.30am with Duckels and assistant setting out road widening. Mr. Bowes from CTY Surveyors Office came over for a short time. There all day until 4.30pm.
February 9th
Seeing Mr. Lomas re Watford Road.
February 10th
As above for agreement - no street lamps lit – moonlight.
February 13th
Croxley Hall Farm seeing Mr. Sansom re Watford Road widening and arranging with him as to giving up land laying drain etc.
February 21st
Phoning Brown and Sons re appointment for tomorrow at Copthorne re stiles on College property.
Mr. Rycroft Housing Inspector M.O.H. called re Mill End and Croxley Green housing site giving him particulars as to acreage etc.
February 22nd
Seeing Mr. Lomas re Watford Road widening. Stiles re Copthorne Estate
Messrs Mr. Cob of Brown & Son - Tring re stiles on footpaths walked through paths by Scotsbridge to Loudwater and Copthorne Road on College property. Met Rance there as to tenancy etc.
At Cassio Bridge seeing Mr. (H) Sansom re agreement to give up land for widening and getting same signed.
At Croxley Green Station re tenant of allotment side of main road and phoning L.&N.W.Railway Ricky as to man's name and address.
February 23rd
Office 7.45-8.45pm writing out Rent Book for new tenants at Croxley Green etc.
February 28th
At Parrotts farm Croxley Green Inspecting length of iron drain under building seeing Mr Pleasants re other alterations and as to gas connections measuring for latter.
Seeing Colonel Woolrych re gas and as to refuse shoot near allotments.
At Mrs Woollam's New Road, M Young said room had been cleaned up.
March 3rd
At Croxley Farm for Mr. Lomas getting Mr. Sansom to sign agreement re Watford Road widening.
March 7th
On correspondence Duckels re Watford Road widening and putting soil on Sansom's field.
Mr John Godwin called re gas connection at Parrotts Farm Croxley Green.
March 9th
At Watford Rd widening & trees & levelling soil etc. At Co-op New Rd as to house for one of their tenants & arranging for one of their men who's an applicant for a Council house to have the house occupied by tomorrow.
March 11th
Seeing Mr. Sansom of Croxley Hall farm re Watford Road widening and carting soil in to field and in dell told him the U.D.C. were only liable for compensation for land taken for widening, any damage done by carting must be paid for by C.C. who are doing the work. Wrote to him afterwards to this effect. (C.C. - County Council)
Motor cycled to Englefield Green to see Alice at College.
March 14th
At Conference Town Planning etc at Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia.
March 15th
At housing site re cottages ready for occupation (10 days time) and as to vent to sewer. At Bater's re small holdings.
At Holland's new house Dickinson Avenue inspecting work.
March 18th
Seeing Mr Sansom re Watford Road widening and getting him to sign plan on agreement.
March 20th
Mr. Lomas called re Watford Road widening and compensation to Sansom.
Seeing Mr. Duckels and telling him to arrange with Sansom for compensation for damage by carting soil on land at back of fence.
March 24th
At office writing agreements for Council houses and correspondence to new tenants.
March 25th
At Office ~ Seeing new tenants of Council houses handing keys & rent books.
April 1st
Polling Day U.D.C. Election at Mill End as presiding officer. Result declared at 9.30pm
Barton-Smith 745 * old member}
Catesby 712 ditto}
Colin Taylor 679 } Elected
Middleton 608 }
Sutch 437
Brown 326
Bird 305
Bone 267
James 224
April 4th
Phoning Watford Gas Company re service at Parrotts Farm Croxley Green. Going there with Mr. J Godwin and seeing Col. Woolrych as to resite of new main.
April 6th
At Watford Road widening with foreman as to line of road filling up dip etc. writing Col. Prescott re same.
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses seeing Mr. Raymond and foreman re distempering & date of handing over first 3 on North side. (Distemper- a form of paint)
April 7th
Correspondence re housing applications notifying tenants selected for No's 2, 4 & 6 Gonville Avenue & sending agreements.
April 10th
At 135 New Road (Beaumonts) inspecting pigsty. House done up and scullery floor repaired. Yorke Road, Taylor and men finding leak in Gas main at entrance to Dickinson Avenue. At Watford Road men laying P.O. (Post Office) inspecting trench where close to gas main. At Watford Road widening.
Seeing Foreman re drainage at Parrotts Farm.
April 11th
Letters re fence at Croxley Green housing site by side of railway.
April 19th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond meeting Metropolitan engineers assistant (Mr. Pearson) and setting out line of fence side of Railway land.
April 20th
At Mr Dawe's office re plan for new house Copthorne Road for Mr. Barton-Smith. Council meeting Mr. Thornton re -elected Chairman.
May 3rd
At 124 New Road re FAI and inspecting front room of house. Wrote – King, owner.
At 77, 279, 281 New Road, surface water drains stopped yards flooded - wrote Coxhill owner.
At 239 New Road seeing Mr. Brickel, re erection of bungalow in garden.
At Croxley Green housing site.
April 22nd - May 2nd
These pages were blank.
May 4th - 14th
These pages were blank.
May 15th
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting No 6 Gonville terrace vacated by Mrs Asprey.
Called at Goddards re lodgers, told her they must go. Also saw Wilkins there re kitchen ceiling which had fallen down.
Inspecting block of four to be ready for occupation May 29th
At Dickinson Avenue at Holland's house.
At Yorke Road Mr. Coleman's.
New Road - Swan and man patching with tarmac.
Co-op re new garage. Inspected Bakehouse.
At Dorrofield's watercress beds with M.O.H. re complaint from M.O.H. Manchester, re case of typhoid. Also cress beds at Scotsbridge House.
At Croxley Farm for Mr. Lomas getting Mr. Sansom to sign agreement re Watford Road widening.
March 7th
On correspondence Duckels re Watford Road widening and putting soil on Sansom's field.
Mr John Godwin called re gas connection at Parrotts Farm Croxley Green.
March 9th
At Watford Rd widening & trees & levelling soil etc. At Co-op New Rd as to house for one of their tenants & arranging for one of their men who's an applicant for a Council house to have the house occupied by tomorrow.
March 11th
Seeing Mr. Sansom of Croxley Hall farm re Watford Road widening and carting soil in to field and in dell told him the U.D.C. were only liable for compensation for land taken for widening, any damage done by carting must be paid for by C.C. who are doing the work. Wrote to him afterwards to this effect. (C.C. - County Council)
Motor cycled to Englefield Green to see Alice at College.
March 14th
At Conference Town Planning etc at Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia.
March 15th
At housing site re cottages ready for occupation (10 days time) and as to vent to sewer. At Bater's re small holdings.
At Holland's new house Dickinson Avenue inspecting work.
March 18th
Seeing Mr Sansom re Watford Road widening and getting him to sign plan on agreement.
March 20th
Mr. Lomas called re Watford Road widening and compensation to Sansom.
Seeing Mr. Duckels and telling him to arrange with Sansom for compensation for damage by carting soil on land at back of fence.
March 24th
At office writing agreements for Council houses and correspondence to new tenants.
March 25th
At Office ~ Seeing new tenants of Council houses handing keys & rent books.
April 1st
Polling Day U.D.C. Election at Mill End as presiding officer. Result declared at 9.30pm
Barton-Smith 745 * old member}
Catesby 712 ditto}
Colin Taylor 679 } Elected
Middleton 608 }
Sutch 437
Brown 326
Bird 305
Bone 267
James 224
April 4th
Phoning Watford Gas Company re service at Parrotts Farm Croxley Green. Going there with Mr. J Godwin and seeing Col. Woolrych as to resite of new main.
April 6th
At Watford Road widening with foreman as to line of road filling up dip etc. writing Col. Prescott re same.
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses seeing Mr. Raymond and foreman re distempering & date of handing over first 3 on North side. (Distemper- a form of paint)
April 7th
Correspondence re housing applications notifying tenants selected for No's 2, 4 & 6 Gonville Avenue & sending agreements.
April 10th
At 135 New Road (Beaumonts) inspecting pigsty. House done up and scullery floor repaired. Yorke Road, Taylor and men finding leak in Gas main at entrance to Dickinson Avenue. At Watford Road men laying P.O. (Post Office) inspecting trench where close to gas main. At Watford Road widening.
Seeing Foreman re drainage at Parrotts Farm.
April 11th
Letters re fence at Croxley Green housing site by side of railway.
April 19th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond meeting Metropolitan engineers assistant (Mr. Pearson) and setting out line of fence side of Railway land.
April 20th
At Mr Dawe's office re plan for new house Copthorne Road for Mr. Barton-Smith. Council meeting Mr. Thornton re -elected Chairman.
May 3rd
At 124 New Road re FAI and inspecting front room of house. Wrote – King, owner.
At 77, 279, 281 New Road, surface water drains stopped yards flooded - wrote Coxhill owner.
At 239 New Road seeing Mr. Brickel, re erection of bungalow in garden.
At Croxley Green housing site.
April 22nd - May 2nd
These pages were blank.
May 4th - 14th
These pages were blank.
May 15th
At Croxley Green housing site inspecting No 6 Gonville terrace vacated by Mrs Asprey.
Called at Goddards re lodgers, told her they must go. Also saw Wilkins there re kitchen ceiling which had fallen down.
Inspecting block of four to be ready for occupation May 29th
At Dickinson Avenue at Holland's house.
At Yorke Road Mr. Coleman's.
New Road - Swan and man patching with tarmac.
Co-op re new garage. Inspected Bakehouse.
At Dorrofield's watercress beds with M.O.H. re complaint from M.O.H. Manchester, re case of typhoid. Also cress beds at Scotsbridge House.
May 16th
At Batchworth inspecting 12 caravans here for tomorrows fair.
(Probably Batchworth Heath as an annual fair was held here since 13th century. Also known as Batcha Fair)
May 18th
At Sportsman Croxley Green re sewer connection showing men position of same.
May 20th
Motored to Englefield Green afternoon to see Alice back at 7.30.
May 23rd
Very hot hottest day in May on record 127º sun 85º shade.
May 24th
Sportsman P.H. Croxley Green testing length of drain from first manhole and seeing concrete.
At New Road laundry re gate way.
May 25th
Mr. Dawe’s Office with Mr. Brightman re kerbing at Croxley Green housing site.
May 26th
At Watford Road widening started on L.&N.W. Railway property - kerbing partly laid.
At allotments Baldwins Lane.
At Mr. Barton-Smith new house Copthorne Road - walls up to damp course.
Phoning Mr. Wilks re stores for Clasburg (?) Copthorne Cottages etc
May 29th
At Scotsbridge taking levels of drain at Pratts cottage for connection with sewer near bridge.
Mr. Pleasants re kerb at Croxley Green housing site.
May 30th
At Holland's house Dickinson Avenue to see if ready for occupation.
At Co-op stores Croxley Green re garage - nearly finished. Bus fare 3d
At Dr. Henderson's 8.30am to receive Special Constable medals.
June 4th
Motored to Chesham in evening.
(Albert’s original family home town where he often visited for both family and social occasions)
June 5th
Motored to Englefield Green in morning back at 9pm.
Alice's 21st birthday.
June 8th
At Dickinson Avenue Croxley Green inspecting Holland's house for subsidy.
Hawkins 54 New Road, re bad potatoes condemned as unfit for human consumption.
Tussaud's re complaint as to smell from pigs. House next Doggett's. Taylor and men laying service.
June 9th
Seeing Rickmansworth and District Bus Company representatives re renting old council room for officers and discussing terms with Mr. Bateman.
June 10th
At Croxley Green with Mr. Catesby re widening corner of Green at end of New Road
Letters and plans to County Surveyor re widening Met Railway near Nuttfield.
June 13th
At Fortune to see motor lorry reported delivering coal at cottages and driving over the Fortune but found it had gone. Called at Brentnall's office and found it was theirs, told them they had no right to drive on the Fortune.
(This is the open space at the bottom of Scots Hill)
At Watford Road widening meeting Col. Prescott re widening at corner on Metropolitan Railway land Col. Prescott approved plan.
June 14th
Office orders for Gas fittings etc for housing sites, phoning Watford re cookers for hire.
At home 9 -10.45 making out list of tenants for last 34 houses at Croxley Green and Mill End.
June 15th
At office on housing applications - going through and making fair copy of list for meeting Housing Committee.
June 16th
At Parrotts Farm Croxley Green, seeing Col. Woolrych re gas service and taking his instructions to lay it by side of drive and not through orchard.
June 19th
At New Road called Mr Dimmock's to inspect petrol store told him it must be 20ft away from another building and suggested putting a tank below ground in garden.
(Mr. Dimmock had a provisions/grocer shop in New Road)
At Batchworth inspecting 12 caravans here for tomorrows fair.
(Probably Batchworth Heath as an annual fair was held here since 13th century. Also known as Batcha Fair)
May 18th
At Sportsman Croxley Green re sewer connection showing men position of same.
May 20th
Motored to Englefield Green afternoon to see Alice back at 7.30.
May 23rd
Very hot hottest day in May on record 127º sun 85º shade.
May 24th
Sportsman P.H. Croxley Green testing length of drain from first manhole and seeing concrete.
At New Road laundry re gate way.
May 25th
Mr. Dawe’s Office with Mr. Brightman re kerbing at Croxley Green housing site.
May 26th
At Watford Road widening started on L.&N.W. Railway property - kerbing partly laid.
At allotments Baldwins Lane.
At Mr. Barton-Smith new house Copthorne Road - walls up to damp course.
Phoning Mr. Wilks re stores for Clasburg (?) Copthorne Cottages etc
May 29th
At Scotsbridge taking levels of drain at Pratts cottage for connection with sewer near bridge.
Mr. Pleasants re kerb at Croxley Green housing site.
May 30th
At Holland's house Dickinson Avenue to see if ready for occupation.
At Co-op stores Croxley Green re garage - nearly finished. Bus fare 3d
At Dr. Henderson's 8.30am to receive Special Constable medals.
June 4th
Motored to Chesham in evening.
(Albert’s original family home town where he often visited for both family and social occasions)
June 5th
Motored to Englefield Green in morning back at 9pm.
Alice's 21st birthday.
June 8th
At Dickinson Avenue Croxley Green inspecting Holland's house for subsidy.
Hawkins 54 New Road, re bad potatoes condemned as unfit for human consumption.
Tussaud's re complaint as to smell from pigs. House next Doggett's. Taylor and men laying service.
June 9th
Seeing Rickmansworth and District Bus Company representatives re renting old council room for officers and discussing terms with Mr. Bateman.
June 10th
At Croxley Green with Mr. Catesby re widening corner of Green at end of New Road
Letters and plans to County Surveyor re widening Met Railway near Nuttfield.
June 13th
At Fortune to see motor lorry reported delivering coal at cottages and driving over the Fortune but found it had gone. Called at Brentnall's office and found it was theirs, told them they had no right to drive on the Fortune.
(This is the open space at the bottom of Scots Hill)
At Watford Road widening meeting Col. Prescott re widening at corner on Metropolitan Railway land Col. Prescott approved plan.
June 14th
Office orders for Gas fittings etc for housing sites, phoning Watford re cookers for hire.
At home 9 -10.45 making out list of tenants for last 34 houses at Croxley Green and Mill End.
June 15th
At office on housing applications - going through and making fair copy of list for meeting Housing Committee.
June 16th
At Parrotts Farm Croxley Green, seeing Col. Woolrych re gas service and taking his instructions to lay it by side of drive and not through orchard.
June 19th
At New Road called Mr Dimmock's to inspect petrol store told him it must be 20ft away from another building and suggested putting a tank below ground in garden.
(Mr. Dimmock had a provisions/grocer shop in New Road)
June 22nd
At Croxley Green housing site re tree in new footpath in main road.
At Co-op stores men putting up hoarding.
June 23rd
Office, letters re applicants for houses and agreements for 4 at Croxley Green.
June 26th
Seeing Miss Marchant re house at Gonville Avenue.
Taylor saw connection Yorke Road for Coleman's houses.
June 27th
Yorke Road, seeing connection to sewer at Coleman's house and arranging for gas service tomorrow.
At New Road, men ready for tar spraying. Tar took a long time to get hot owing to cold weather, first coat put on about 12noon.
At office with Mr. Bateman getting out statement as to extensions re Metropolitan Railway Company and Caius College, re land at Croxley Green housing site.
June 29th
At New Road by Bus (Bus 3d) to see tarring - more gravel required.
June 30th
Phoning Clark Bros. Watford re sewer and gas for Mr. Barton-Smith house Copthorne Road.
Coleman called re alteration in plan for house Yorke Road.
July 1st
At Englefield Green 8.30am fetching Alice home from College back again at 11am.
July 4th
Phoning County Surveyor re letter from Metropolitan Railway Company re widening at Nuttfield Corner and writing re same.
At Coleman's house Yorke Road, tested 3 short lengths of drain to top manhole-alright, bus fare 3d.
July 5th
Phoning Metropolitan Railway and County Surveyor re widening at Nuttfield Corner, Croxley Green arranging for appointment on Friday at 3.15pm.
Office till 7.15pm, there again 8.30-9.15pm, phoning Mr Sansom re widening and as occupation of land. Mr. S away Mrs S said he would ring me up tomorrow.
July 6th
Mr. Tyler at Co-op stores Croxley Green, inspecting trench for footings for new building. At office most of day getting out list of temporary buildings and agreements from 1898 to present day.
(This is possibly the Co-op extension)
July 7th
Getting plans etc ready for Metropolitan Railway Estate and meeting this afternoon.
At Nuttfield corner Croxley Green with Mr. Brown and assistant from Metropolitan
Estates Office meeting Mr. West and Duckels, setting out line of proposed widening and making survey of same.
July 10th
To Bedford with Mr Bateman 8.27am train for Housing Conference, fare 16/-
July 11th
Co-op stores Croxley Green inspecting trench for footings of new building.
July 13th
Tyler tested length of drain at Barton-Smith house Copthorne Road.
July 14th
Tracing plan of widening at Croxley Green Metropolitan Railway land all the morning.
Mr. Raymond re fence at back of Croxley Green housing site and arranging with Barlow to take up rolls Chestnut fencing from stores.
July 15th
Office seeing Mr. Bateman re letter to County surveyor as to widening at Croxley Green on Metropolitan Railway Company and Gonville and Caius land.
July 20th
At Mr. Dimmock's New Road re housing applicants.
New Co-op building.
Croxley Green housing site re building material on vacant land etc.
At Croxley Hall farm seeing Mr. Sansom re fence adjoining his field back of housing site.
At Croxley Green housing site re tree in new footpath in main road.
At Co-op stores men putting up hoarding.
June 23rd
Office, letters re applicants for houses and agreements for 4 at Croxley Green.
June 26th
Seeing Miss Marchant re house at Gonville Avenue.
Taylor saw connection Yorke Road for Coleman's houses.
June 27th
Yorke Road, seeing connection to sewer at Coleman's house and arranging for gas service tomorrow.
At New Road, men ready for tar spraying. Tar took a long time to get hot owing to cold weather, first coat put on about 12noon.
At office with Mr. Bateman getting out statement as to extensions re Metropolitan Railway Company and Caius College, re land at Croxley Green housing site.
June 29th
At New Road by Bus (Bus 3d) to see tarring - more gravel required.
June 30th
Phoning Clark Bros. Watford re sewer and gas for Mr. Barton-Smith house Copthorne Road.
Coleman called re alteration in plan for house Yorke Road.
July 1st
At Englefield Green 8.30am fetching Alice home from College back again at 11am.
July 4th
Phoning County Surveyor re letter from Metropolitan Railway Company re widening at Nuttfield Corner and writing re same.
At Coleman's house Yorke Road, tested 3 short lengths of drain to top manhole-alright, bus fare 3d.
July 5th
Phoning Metropolitan Railway and County Surveyor re widening at Nuttfield Corner, Croxley Green arranging for appointment on Friday at 3.15pm.
Office till 7.15pm, there again 8.30-9.15pm, phoning Mr Sansom re widening and as occupation of land. Mr. S away Mrs S said he would ring me up tomorrow.
July 6th
Mr. Tyler at Co-op stores Croxley Green, inspecting trench for footings for new building. At office most of day getting out list of temporary buildings and agreements from 1898 to present day.
(This is possibly the Co-op extension)
July 7th
Getting plans etc ready for Metropolitan Railway Estate and meeting this afternoon.
At Nuttfield corner Croxley Green with Mr. Brown and assistant from Metropolitan
Estates Office meeting Mr. West and Duckels, setting out line of proposed widening and making survey of same.
July 10th
To Bedford with Mr Bateman 8.27am train for Housing Conference, fare 16/-
July 11th
Co-op stores Croxley Green inspecting trench for footings of new building.
July 13th
Tyler tested length of drain at Barton-Smith house Copthorne Road.
July 14th
Tracing plan of widening at Croxley Green Metropolitan Railway land all the morning.
Mr. Raymond re fence at back of Croxley Green housing site and arranging with Barlow to take up rolls Chestnut fencing from stores.
July 15th
Office seeing Mr. Bateman re letter to County surveyor as to widening at Croxley Green on Metropolitan Railway Company and Gonville and Caius land.
July 20th
At Mr. Dimmock's New Road re housing applicants.
New Co-op building.
Croxley Green housing site re building material on vacant land etc.
At Croxley Hall farm seeing Mr. Sansom re fence adjoining his field back of housing site.
July 24th
At Mr. Dawes office meeting Mr. Pleasants re kerbing Croxley Green housing site and setting price for same.
July 25th
Mr Tyler at Croxley Green inspecting back ways 123 and 237. (New Road)
July 28th
Seeing Mr Dawe re plans Copthorne Road, Mr Barton-Smith new house, inspecting work and arranging with foreman re gas services etc.
At Croxley Green housing site seeing Wilkins re dates of houses ready for occupation.
At Mr Dawes office re position of gas service and meter at Mr Barton - Smith house.
July 29th
New Road measuring size of gullies for new frames.
118 New Road inspecting state of house floors etc, owner Mrs Drew, occupier, Treacher.
257 re paving at back no outlet for water back ways flooded.
307 front wall cracked owner Mrs Barker occupier, Strudwick.
Inspecting Co-op new stores.
Mr Barton-Smith called re cooker. Seeing Mr Lomas re repairs to Copthorne Road writing re same.
Aug 6th – 20th
Aug 21st
At Scots Hill interviewing Mrs Jackman re tenancy of council house seeing Mr Dimmock re same.
At Mr Dawes office re gas points for Mr Barton-Smith house.
Aug 22nd
Signwriters putting R&D Omnibus Company’s name on 3 windows of office (Taken space in the old Council offices new ones built) no agreement signed yet.
(Rickmansworth and District Omnibus)
Aug 23rd
At Co-op building Croxley Green inspecting connection to sewer.
Aug 24th
At Sansom's farm Croxley Green re new pipes under river.
At Mr. Dawes office meeting Mr. Pleasants re kerbing Croxley Green housing site and setting price for same.
July 25th
Mr Tyler at Croxley Green inspecting back ways 123 and 237. (New Road)
July 28th
Seeing Mr Dawe re plans Copthorne Road, Mr Barton-Smith new house, inspecting work and arranging with foreman re gas services etc.
At Croxley Green housing site seeing Wilkins re dates of houses ready for occupation.
At Mr Dawes office re position of gas service and meter at Mr Barton - Smith house.
July 29th
New Road measuring size of gullies for new frames.
118 New Road inspecting state of house floors etc, owner Mrs Drew, occupier, Treacher.
257 re paving at back no outlet for water back ways flooded.
307 front wall cracked owner Mrs Barker occupier, Strudwick.
Inspecting Co-op new stores.
Mr Barton-Smith called re cooker. Seeing Mr Lomas re repairs to Copthorne Road writing re same.
Aug 6th – 20th
Aug 21st
At Scots Hill interviewing Mrs Jackman re tenancy of council house seeing Mr Dimmock re same.
At Mr Dawes office re gas points for Mr Barton-Smith house.
Aug 22nd
Signwriters putting R&D Omnibus Company’s name on 3 windows of office (Taken space in the old Council offices new ones built) no agreement signed yet.
(Rickmansworth and District Omnibus)
Aug 23rd
At Co-op building Croxley Green inspecting connection to sewer.
Aug 24th
At Sansom's farm Croxley Green re new pipes under river.
Aug 25th
Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses ready for occupation and seeing Foreman on various matters.
At Co-op stores New Road man on drainage building intercepting chamber.
Aug 31st
At 135 New Road re complaint of owner, re tenant, as to dirty state. No 6 found floor flooded owing to likely joint at back of pan flush pipe. Slates off scullery roof and back bedroom causing damp walls and ceiling. Inspected pig sty – alright.
At Croxley Green housing site key of No 68.
September 4th
Seeing Barnes re work on gas services at Croxley Green housing site. Phoning G Gloreis re meters & interviewing Willey's traveller re same ordered 6 1/- slots from latter.
(When gas was first installed in to homes, payment was made by inserting coins into the meter to activate the gas usage. The meters would be emptied regularly)
September 5th
At Co-op New Road measuring for gas service and estimate.
September 12th
At Croxley Green laundry inspected same & seeing proprietor re house for Foreman. At Farleigh Dickinson Avenue re cooker.
September 13th
With Mr Lomas & Mr Bateman going through map of district re Extension proposals & marking boundaries.
At New Road with Barlow in response to message from Mr. Barton-Smith
Barlow had cleaned gutters out & swept up rubbish left from last night’s flood during night. Found water had been on path during afternoon.
September 19th
Colouring map of district & showing area proposed to be taken in for extension.
September 20th
New Road Croxley Green with Barlow fixing new road grating. Co-op store testing 3 lengths of drain - alright
Mr Adams Elmcote -Taylor & Sills clearing gas service.
At Mrs Warwick's Scots Hill re gas fittings.
Seeing Mr Cameron -Bursar Caius College, re road water near Duke of York Croxley Green & suggesting drain through field to Croxley Wood
September 25th
New Road Croxley Green meeting Peak & arranging for starting Storm water drain telling him where to open trial holes etc
September 26th
At New Road, Peak & men opened trial holes for new road drain taking position of gas main etc. seeing as to bricks cement etc & engaging men.
September 27th
At New Road men getting out trench for new road drains giving levels etc.
Seeing foreman at Co-op Stores & arranging for gas service tomorrow.
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef for Croxley Co-op Society buried same in garden.
September 28th
At New Road drain instructing Peak as to levels & small manhole where water service crosses bottom of drain.
Town by 9.48 train M & C E Engineers meeting at Docks & Poplar- Housing Site etc -very interesting day. Mr Bateman went with me.
October 2nd
At New Road seeing Barlow & men re drain & fixing position of gullies etc.
October 6th
At Tibble's shop New Road as to new shop window, drainage to stable etc.
At 252 re laying on gas & estimate.
At 194 re application to keep pigs.
Motored to Englefield Green in afternoon took Alice for her fortnight's study at college.
October 14th
Mr Barton-Smith called re gas lamps in Dickinson Square, another one wanted.
October 16th
At Loudwater farm meeting Mr Jeffs & Mr Freeborn re proposed road from farm to corner near Parrotts Dell walking over route & discussing various points as to proposals.
October 19th
Taking copy of letter re Met Railway to Croxley to Mr Thornton.
October 20th
At Mr Thornton’s to get approved letter to Met & Croxley Green Joint Committee, re line to Watford.
October 21st
Mr Barton-Smith called to open tenders for mangolds.
Copthorne Road - Swan putting on gravel, went over road with him.
At Croxley Green housing site - roller at work.
October 24th
Mr Brightman's called re road at Croxley Green housing site went there with Mr Raymond to inspect work.
Saw Cole of Brown & Sons & Mr Cameron, Bursar(College) re frontage of land next housing site.
October 27th
Mr Barton-Smith's house Copthorne Road testing three lengths of drain.
(Albert visited this house several times, intended for an employee of the mill, probably a department manager)
November 6th
To Town by 10.30 train. At Haldens Westminster buying tracing linen. Detail paper & instruments.
At Hulett's re syphon pump.
Attending Conference re Rat Week at Holborn Boro Council Offices.
Saw Dr Thomson MOH for Herts on various matters.
At Law Society attending meeting of Herts Local Authorities re Industrial Council as to working Hours 47 or 48. Passed a resolution in favour of 48hrs per week. Back at 7. Return fares 4/-, 3d, 5d, 2s.8d 3d 2d = 7/6
November 15th
General Election - At West Hyde School from 6.45 am to 9.15pm acting Presiding Officer.
Taking Ballot box to Watford U.D.C. Offices, home at 10.15pm
November 22nd
Mr Ryder of Bushey called taking him to see housing site at Mill End and Croxley Green.
November 23rd
With Mr Tom Bevan inspecting roads as to extra street lamps.
November 27th
With Mr Tom Bevan, Inspecting public lighting including, Scots Hill, Watford Road, Yorke Road, Dickinson Avenue, Dickinson Square, New Road and The Green, and housing site lamps. Require 4 housing site, 1 Dickinson Square,1 Dickinson Avenue.
November 28th
Dickinson Avenue meeting Mr T R Clark re condition of road and pointing out work required to be done- cleaning of gutters etc.
November 30th
At office Mr Brown called from Metropolitan Railway Estates Office, re widening at Croxley Green, saw him with Mr Bateman and went through correspondence relating to giving up land etc.
Motored to Watford Road met Duckels near Duke of York, re flooding and as to drain down Sansoms field.
At Bushey U.D.C. to get branding numbers for allotment pegs - inspected allotments and housing scheme.
December 1st
Seeing Mr Smith (late Police Inspector) re house at Croxley Green.
December 4th
Letters to Cowkeepers etc re number of cows for return to Farmers Union.
December 6th
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef sent to Croxley Green Co-op.
December 7th
Contractor for Metropolitan Railway extension called re level crossing over main road near Nuttfield referred him to County Surveyor.
(Nuttfield house on the corner of Mill Lane, later demolished for Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road)
December 13th
Paid lorry driver of tarmac from Redbourn.
At Croxley Green Institute Welfare Centre Social (Nurse Dixon) sung two songs, Mr Barton-Smith in Choir.
Croxley Green housing site inspecting houses ready for occupation and seeing Foreman on various matters.
At Co-op stores New Road man on drainage building intercepting chamber.
Aug 31st
At 135 New Road re complaint of owner, re tenant, as to dirty state. No 6 found floor flooded owing to likely joint at back of pan flush pipe. Slates off scullery roof and back bedroom causing damp walls and ceiling. Inspected pig sty – alright.
At Croxley Green housing site key of No 68.
September 4th
Seeing Barnes re work on gas services at Croxley Green housing site. Phoning G Gloreis re meters & interviewing Willey's traveller re same ordered 6 1/- slots from latter.
(When gas was first installed in to homes, payment was made by inserting coins into the meter to activate the gas usage. The meters would be emptied regularly)
September 5th
At Co-op New Road measuring for gas service and estimate.
September 12th
At Croxley Green laundry inspected same & seeing proprietor re house for Foreman. At Farleigh Dickinson Avenue re cooker.
September 13th
With Mr Lomas & Mr Bateman going through map of district re Extension proposals & marking boundaries.
At New Road with Barlow in response to message from Mr. Barton-Smith
Barlow had cleaned gutters out & swept up rubbish left from last night’s flood during night. Found water had been on path during afternoon.
September 19th
Colouring map of district & showing area proposed to be taken in for extension.
September 20th
New Road Croxley Green with Barlow fixing new road grating. Co-op store testing 3 lengths of drain - alright
Mr Adams Elmcote -Taylor & Sills clearing gas service.
At Mrs Warwick's Scots Hill re gas fittings.
Seeing Mr Cameron -Bursar Caius College, re road water near Duke of York Croxley Green & suggesting drain through field to Croxley Wood
September 25th
New Road Croxley Green meeting Peak & arranging for starting Storm water drain telling him where to open trial holes etc
September 26th
At New Road, Peak & men opened trial holes for new road drain taking position of gas main etc. seeing as to bricks cement etc & engaging men.
September 27th
At New Road men getting out trench for new road drains giving levels etc.
Seeing foreman at Co-op Stores & arranging for gas service tomorrow.
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef for Croxley Co-op Society buried same in garden.
September 28th
At New Road drain instructing Peak as to levels & small manhole where water service crosses bottom of drain.
Town by 9.48 train M & C E Engineers meeting at Docks & Poplar- Housing Site etc -very interesting day. Mr Bateman went with me.
October 2nd
At New Road seeing Barlow & men re drain & fixing position of gullies etc.
October 6th
At Tibble's shop New Road as to new shop window, drainage to stable etc.
At 252 re laying on gas & estimate.
At 194 re application to keep pigs.
Motored to Englefield Green in afternoon took Alice for her fortnight's study at college.
October 14th
Mr Barton-Smith called re gas lamps in Dickinson Square, another one wanted.
October 16th
At Loudwater farm meeting Mr Jeffs & Mr Freeborn re proposed road from farm to corner near Parrotts Dell walking over route & discussing various points as to proposals.
October 19th
Taking copy of letter re Met Railway to Croxley to Mr Thornton.
October 20th
At Mr Thornton’s to get approved letter to Met & Croxley Green Joint Committee, re line to Watford.
October 21st
Mr Barton-Smith called to open tenders for mangolds.
Copthorne Road - Swan putting on gravel, went over road with him.
At Croxley Green housing site - roller at work.
October 24th
Mr Brightman's called re road at Croxley Green housing site went there with Mr Raymond to inspect work.
Saw Cole of Brown & Sons & Mr Cameron, Bursar(College) re frontage of land next housing site.
October 27th
Mr Barton-Smith's house Copthorne Road testing three lengths of drain.
(Albert visited this house several times, intended for an employee of the mill, probably a department manager)
November 6th
To Town by 10.30 train. At Haldens Westminster buying tracing linen. Detail paper & instruments.
At Hulett's re syphon pump.
Attending Conference re Rat Week at Holborn Boro Council Offices.
Saw Dr Thomson MOH for Herts on various matters.
At Law Society attending meeting of Herts Local Authorities re Industrial Council as to working Hours 47 or 48. Passed a resolution in favour of 48hrs per week. Back at 7. Return fares 4/-, 3d, 5d, 2s.8d 3d 2d = 7/6
November 15th
General Election - At West Hyde School from 6.45 am to 9.15pm acting Presiding Officer.
Taking Ballot box to Watford U.D.C. Offices, home at 10.15pm
November 22nd
Mr Ryder of Bushey called taking him to see housing site at Mill End and Croxley Green.
November 23rd
With Mr Tom Bevan inspecting roads as to extra street lamps.
November 27th
With Mr Tom Bevan, Inspecting public lighting including, Scots Hill, Watford Road, Yorke Road, Dickinson Avenue, Dickinson Square, New Road and The Green, and housing site lamps. Require 4 housing site, 1 Dickinson Square,1 Dickinson Avenue.
November 28th
Dickinson Avenue meeting Mr T R Clark re condition of road and pointing out work required to be done- cleaning of gutters etc.
November 30th
At office Mr Brown called from Metropolitan Railway Estates Office, re widening at Croxley Green, saw him with Mr Bateman and went through correspondence relating to giving up land etc.
Motored to Watford Road met Duckels near Duke of York, re flooding and as to drain down Sansoms field.
At Bushey U.D.C. to get branding numbers for allotment pegs - inspected allotments and housing scheme.
December 1st
Seeing Mr Smith (late Police Inspector) re house at Croxley Green.
December 4th
Letters to Cowkeepers etc re number of cows for return to Farmers Union.
December 6th
Condemned 4lb tin of Libby's pressed beef sent to Croxley Green Co-op.
December 7th
Contractor for Metropolitan Railway extension called re level crossing over main road near Nuttfield referred him to County Surveyor.
(Nuttfield house on the corner of Mill Lane, later demolished for Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road)
December 13th
Paid lorry driver of tarmac from Redbourn.
At Croxley Green Institute Welfare Centre Social (Nurse Dixon) sung two songs, Mr Barton-Smith in Choir.
December 19th
Seeing Mr Hall with Mr Bateman re purchase of house Gonville Avenue by Mr Rogers.
December 20th
Collecting papers re extension of District & going through same with Mr. Bateman and preparing maps etc
December 29th
Drawing up letter to Cow keepers and others re dairies as to Registration.
Complaint - at 30 Scots Hill re fowls in backyard (Sears owner).
Seeing Mr Dimmock re drains in New Road no trouble with flooding.
Saw Nurse Dixon re 32 Scots Hill etc.
Inspecting 3 caravans in meadow near Nuttfield's – alright.
At Mr Siretts getting agreement signed re house in Gonville Avenue.
At Croxley Woods - new railway.
Seeing Mr Guy re rateable value of new District for extension purposes.
In April cash, Good Friday 14th, 2 gallons petrol 4s 11d, tyre £2 10s
Seeing Mr Hall with Mr Bateman re purchase of house Gonville Avenue by Mr Rogers.
December 20th
Collecting papers re extension of District & going through same with Mr. Bateman and preparing maps etc
December 29th
Drawing up letter to Cow keepers and others re dairies as to Registration.
Complaint - at 30 Scots Hill re fowls in backyard (Sears owner).
Seeing Mr Dimmock re drains in New Road no trouble with flooding.
Saw Nurse Dixon re 32 Scots Hill etc.
Inspecting 3 caravans in meadow near Nuttfield's – alright.
At Mr Siretts getting agreement signed re house in Gonville Avenue.
At Croxley Woods - new railway.
Seeing Mr Guy re rateable value of new District for extension purposes.
In April cash, Good Friday 14th, 2 gallons petrol 4s 11d, tyre £2 10s
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1921
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1923