The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1921
January 4th
Meeting Brightman and Sons at Dawe’s office re road works at Croxley Green housing site, going through prices.
January 7th
Housing site Croxley Green with Dawe and Raymond, setting out fence lines etc all the morning.
At Croxley Green allotments with Barlow staking out 4 more plots 32-35 inclusive.
Dawe's re spec of road, Croxley Green housing site.
January 12th
Dawe re fencing Croxley Green housing site.
January 13th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Dawe i.e. fences line of new road etc.
January 14th
Mr Brown called from Metropolitan Estate Office re housing site Croxley Green and said that the Metropolitan Railway had a tenancy of part of the site, which they sublet to Mr Sansom. I told him it was a matter for Caius College who sold us the land.
January 15th
Seeing Mr Bateman and Mr Lomas re letter from Solicitor to Metropolitan Railway re housing site Croxley Green, and threatening an injunction for trespass on their land.
Phoning Brown and Sons Tring and Berkhamsted re same. Seeing Dawe who arranged to call at Browns office Berk Street.
Examining Deed and plan of site with Mr Lomas and Mr Bateman.
Spent most of the morning on this.
At Croxley Green housing site to see whether Brightman had erected sheds on Council land and said that he did not think Council had encroached on to the Council land but was not sure about the land held on lease.
January 17th
Seeing Mr. Dawe Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re housing site at Croxley Green and Metropolitan Railway. No letter from latter.
Mr. Dawe told me of his interview with Mr Cole of Brown and Son, Tring.
January 18th
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr Bateman re housing site Croxley Green and Metropolitan Railway. Phoning to Brown and Son, Berkhamsted re same, and telling Mr. Cole as to lease etc received by Mr. Lomas from Caius College. Tracing plans on lease showing part of site leased to Metropolitan Railway.
January 19th
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re Croxley Green housing site.
Phoning Brown and Son Berkhamsted, and found Mr. Cole had gone to London by an early train. Getting copies of a letter typed to Mr. Pritchard of the Metropolitan Railway by Mr. Lomas and Mr. Bateman and sending same by train to Mr. Cole at Baker Street Station (Solicitor office)
At office seeing Pike (Water Company) re new drains Croxley Green housing site.
Numbering sakes for Croxley Green allotments.
January 20th
Croxley Green holdings pegging out rest of allotments and meeting Stone and Acre of Small Holdings.
At Cassio Bridge re conduits.
Croxley Green housing site getting out footings for first houses.
Office meeting Mr. Cole from Brown and Company with Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re Croxley Green housing site and result of interview with Mr. Pritchard.
Meeting Brightman and Sons at Dawe’s office re road works at Croxley Green housing site, going through prices.
January 7th
Housing site Croxley Green with Dawe and Raymond, setting out fence lines etc all the morning.
At Croxley Green allotments with Barlow staking out 4 more plots 32-35 inclusive.
Dawe's re spec of road, Croxley Green housing site.
January 12th
Dawe re fencing Croxley Green housing site.
January 13th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Dawe i.e. fences line of new road etc.
January 14th
Mr Brown called from Metropolitan Estate Office re housing site Croxley Green and said that the Metropolitan Railway had a tenancy of part of the site, which they sublet to Mr Sansom. I told him it was a matter for Caius College who sold us the land.
January 15th
Seeing Mr Bateman and Mr Lomas re letter from Solicitor to Metropolitan Railway re housing site Croxley Green, and threatening an injunction for trespass on their land.
Phoning Brown and Sons Tring and Berkhamsted re same. Seeing Dawe who arranged to call at Browns office Berk Street.
Examining Deed and plan of site with Mr Lomas and Mr Bateman.
Spent most of the morning on this.
At Croxley Green housing site to see whether Brightman had erected sheds on Council land and said that he did not think Council had encroached on to the Council land but was not sure about the land held on lease.
January 17th
Seeing Mr. Dawe Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re housing site at Croxley Green and Metropolitan Railway. No letter from latter.
Mr. Dawe told me of his interview with Mr Cole of Brown and Son, Tring.
January 18th
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr Bateman re housing site Croxley Green and Metropolitan Railway. Phoning to Brown and Son, Berkhamsted re same, and telling Mr. Cole as to lease etc received by Mr. Lomas from Caius College. Tracing plans on lease showing part of site leased to Metropolitan Railway.
January 19th
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re Croxley Green housing site.
Phoning Brown and Son Berkhamsted, and found Mr. Cole had gone to London by an early train. Getting copies of a letter typed to Mr. Pritchard of the Metropolitan Railway by Mr. Lomas and Mr. Bateman and sending same by train to Mr. Cole at Baker Street Station (Solicitor office)
At office seeing Pike (Water Company) re new drains Croxley Green housing site.
Numbering sakes for Croxley Green allotments.
January 20th
Croxley Green holdings pegging out rest of allotments and meeting Stone and Acre of Small Holdings.
At Cassio Bridge re conduits.
Croxley Green housing site getting out footings for first houses.
Office meeting Mr. Cole from Brown and Company with Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re Croxley Green housing site and result of interview with Mr. Pritchard.
January 21st
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman, re Croxley Green housing site and arranging to go to Town by 12.28pm train to see Housing Commissioner. (London)
To Town Conference with Housing Commissioner then on to Ministry of Health to see Mr Mande re legal position (Metropolitan Railway and housing site)
At H.M. Stationery Office getting copies of Railway Act.
(His Majesty Stationery Office)
Housing Commissioner, as to result of interview with Minister of Health.
Back home 7pm. At office 8pm with Mr. Bateman, Mr Lomas, reading through Metropolitan Railway Act 1912, and making notes.
January 22nd
At Office seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site Croxley Green, examining maps etc
Seeing Mr. Bateman re -claim for damage notice to Metropolitan Railway, re housing site.
January 23rd
Seeing Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re housing site Croxley Green, and visit of Rev. J.B. Lock this afternoon.
At Office 1.10pm till 2pm meeting Rev. J B Lock, Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re housing site and other matters.
January 26th
Croxley Hall Re Army Hut erected by Siegwarts Fireproof Company, meeting their clerk re subsidy.
January 27th
Seeing Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re Croxley Green housing scheme.
February 3rd
Croxley Hall farm re Tenancy of Recreation Ground, Croxley.
Siegwarts Company, Croxley Woods re Subsidy for Army Hut & beams for footbridge.
Measuring span of railway bridge over Chess.
February 7th
Office seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site, Croxley Green.
At Croxley Hall farm and housing site etc
Seeing Peddle re repairs to Caravan Bridge.
February 8th
Park Road, Scots Hill and Watford Road, making notes as to condition of footpaths. Came back through Croxley Woods to inspect Caravan Bridge.
Office writing out report on paths for Miss Peddle to type.
Getting out particulars for Committee meetings.
February 9th
Correspondence re Committee's last night. County Surveyor re paths etc.
Arranging for extra allotments at Croxley Green.
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site Croxley Green.
Office 7.45pm to 9.30pm seeing Mr Bateman re visit to Town tomorrow.
February 10th
To Town with Mr Bateman re housing site Croxley Green going to Somerset House and Law Courts re Arbitrator.
Office in afternoon tracing plan of Croxley site from Deed.
February 11th
Completing copy of the plan on Conveyance Croxley Green housing site.
February 15th
Seeing Mr. Cole (Brown and Son) re trees Watford Road widening, also housing site Croxley Green.
Mr Duckels called re estimate for road widening Croxley Green, going through figures with him.
February 16th
Meeting Mr Pritchard Solicitor, Metropolitan Railway Company, re Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Bateman, and discussing points with him as to land which might be required for embankment in case of a slip.
At Dawe’s office re above.
February 18th
Seeing Dawe re Croxley Green housing scheme and arranging for Brightman's to start again on Friday.
February 19th
At Watford Road opposite Croxley Green Station measuring width of road and garden adjoining Sansom's cottage as to proposed continuation of widening.
(There were two cottages at this time at the junction of Baldwins Lane and Watford Road)
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Lomas and Mr Bateman to seize land bought by the Council and formerly leased by the Metropolitan Railway Company.
Mr. Brown from Metropolitan Estates Office, was there to protest.
At dip in Watford Road with Mr. Lomas and Mr. Bateman re proposed soak away in connection with widening road.
Office making plan of " road near" Croxley Station for Mr Lomas to send to Caius College.
(Referring to the LN&W Railway, Croxley Green station, at junction of Watford Road and Baldwins Lane)
Seeing Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman, re Croxley Green housing site and arranging to go to Town by 12.28pm train to see Housing Commissioner. (London)
To Town Conference with Housing Commissioner then on to Ministry of Health to see Mr Mande re legal position (Metropolitan Railway and housing site)
At H.M. Stationery Office getting copies of Railway Act.
(His Majesty Stationery Office)
Housing Commissioner, as to result of interview with Minister of Health.
Back home 7pm. At office 8pm with Mr. Bateman, Mr Lomas, reading through Metropolitan Railway Act 1912, and making notes.
January 22nd
At Office seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site Croxley Green, examining maps etc
Seeing Mr. Bateman re -claim for damage notice to Metropolitan Railway, re housing site.
January 23rd
Seeing Mr. Lomas Mr. Bateman re housing site Croxley Green, and visit of Rev. J.B. Lock this afternoon.
At Office 1.10pm till 2pm meeting Rev. J B Lock, Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re housing site and other matters.
January 26th
Croxley Hall Re Army Hut erected by Siegwarts Fireproof Company, meeting their clerk re subsidy.
January 27th
Seeing Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman re Croxley Green housing scheme.
February 3rd
Croxley Hall farm re Tenancy of Recreation Ground, Croxley.
Siegwarts Company, Croxley Woods re Subsidy for Army Hut & beams for footbridge.
Measuring span of railway bridge over Chess.
February 7th
Office seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site, Croxley Green.
At Croxley Hall farm and housing site etc
Seeing Peddle re repairs to Caravan Bridge.
February 8th
Park Road, Scots Hill and Watford Road, making notes as to condition of footpaths. Came back through Croxley Woods to inspect Caravan Bridge.
Office writing out report on paths for Miss Peddle to type.
Getting out particulars for Committee meetings.
February 9th
Correspondence re Committee's last night. County Surveyor re paths etc.
Arranging for extra allotments at Croxley Green.
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re housing site Croxley Green.
Office 7.45pm to 9.30pm seeing Mr Bateman re visit to Town tomorrow.
February 10th
To Town with Mr Bateman re housing site Croxley Green going to Somerset House and Law Courts re Arbitrator.
Office in afternoon tracing plan of Croxley site from Deed.
February 11th
Completing copy of the plan on Conveyance Croxley Green housing site.
February 15th
Seeing Mr. Cole (Brown and Son) re trees Watford Road widening, also housing site Croxley Green.
Mr Duckels called re estimate for road widening Croxley Green, going through figures with him.
February 16th
Meeting Mr Pritchard Solicitor, Metropolitan Railway Company, re Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Bateman, and discussing points with him as to land which might be required for embankment in case of a slip.
At Dawe’s office re above.
February 18th
Seeing Dawe re Croxley Green housing scheme and arranging for Brightman's to start again on Friday.
February 19th
At Watford Road opposite Croxley Green Station measuring width of road and garden adjoining Sansom's cottage as to proposed continuation of widening.
(There were two cottages at this time at the junction of Baldwins Lane and Watford Road)
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Lomas and Mr Bateman to seize land bought by the Council and formerly leased by the Metropolitan Railway Company.
Mr. Brown from Metropolitan Estates Office, was there to protest.
At dip in Watford Road with Mr. Lomas and Mr. Bateman re proposed soak away in connection with widening road.
Office making plan of " road near" Croxley Station for Mr Lomas to send to Caius College.
(Referring to the LN&W Railway, Croxley Green station, at junction of Watford Road and Baldwins Lane)
February 24th
Seeing Mr. Thornton with Chairman and Mr. Catesby in Mr. Bateman room, re Croxley Green housing site.
February 25th
Seeing Mr Lomas re widening Watford Road and tracing plan of land bought by Railway Company.
February 26th
Dawe’s Office re road levels at Croxley Green housing site.
At Croxley with him taking levels and setting out line of houses on curve.
Office, seeing Mr. Bateman re Brightman's tender for road and sewer Croxley Green housing site and going through same.
March 2nd
Seeing Mr Pleasants at office re quantities for road and sewer Croxley site.
Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re road widening Watford Road near Sansom's cottage
March 3rd
Seeing Barlow re manhole and depth of sewer Croxley Green housing site.
Town by train at Housing Commission with Mr. Bateman re Metropolitan Railway Company and Croxley Green housing site etc. Return fare and expenses 7/6d.
March 4th
Office getting Town planning maps ready for visit from Ministry of Health going through matter with him and as to extension of District and co-operation of adjoining Authorities in Town Planning Schemes.
Office seeing Mr. Bateman re Metropolitan Railway and Croxley Green housing site. Seeing Dawe and working out area asked by Railway Company and seeing Mr. Bateman as to letter, re same.
March 8th
Seeing Mr. Lomas re land near Croxley Green housing site, Caius College etc.
March 9th
Phoning Doctors, Miss Dugdale, re reported case of Diphtheria at Grove Lodge Croxley Green found it was in Watford Rural District.
(Referring to the Lodge house at The Grove near Langleybury, now an hotel)
Preparing tracing showing proposed widening near Croxley Green Station to send to London & N.W. Railway Company.
March 10th
Office with Mr. Lomas, working out acreage of land Croxley Green housing site. College and Railway property were divided by Agreement and Lease and part sold.
March 15th
At Croxley Green, Redheath, Micklefield and Loudwater with Guy tracing proposed boundary for extension of District with map.
March 17th
Croxley Hall site re shooting refuse in dell on road.
Inspecting housing site with Foreman.
Watford Road re drain onto College property in dip.
276 New Road re Gas Supply to Burridges & Keisleys.
223, 229 New Road re complaint as to state of cottages damp walls etc.
Tomkins butcher, inspecting slaughter house, unfinished.
Jackson's butcher inspecting slaughter house, alright.
Scotsbridge House, inspecting alterations.
Seeing Mr. Thornton with Chairman and Mr. Catesby in Mr. Bateman room, re Croxley Green housing site.
February 25th
Seeing Mr Lomas re widening Watford Road and tracing plan of land bought by Railway Company.
February 26th
Dawe’s Office re road levels at Croxley Green housing site.
At Croxley with him taking levels and setting out line of houses on curve.
Office, seeing Mr. Bateman re Brightman's tender for road and sewer Croxley Green housing site and going through same.
March 2nd
Seeing Mr Pleasants at office re quantities for road and sewer Croxley site.
Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re road widening Watford Road near Sansom's cottage
March 3rd
Seeing Barlow re manhole and depth of sewer Croxley Green housing site.
Town by train at Housing Commission with Mr. Bateman re Metropolitan Railway Company and Croxley Green housing site etc. Return fare and expenses 7/6d.
March 4th
Office getting Town planning maps ready for visit from Ministry of Health going through matter with him and as to extension of District and co-operation of adjoining Authorities in Town Planning Schemes.
Office seeing Mr. Bateman re Metropolitan Railway and Croxley Green housing site. Seeing Dawe and working out area asked by Railway Company and seeing Mr. Bateman as to letter, re same.
March 8th
Seeing Mr. Lomas re land near Croxley Green housing site, Caius College etc.
March 9th
Phoning Doctors, Miss Dugdale, re reported case of Diphtheria at Grove Lodge Croxley Green found it was in Watford Rural District.
(Referring to the Lodge house at The Grove near Langleybury, now an hotel)
Preparing tracing showing proposed widening near Croxley Green Station to send to London & N.W. Railway Company.
March 10th
Office with Mr. Lomas, working out acreage of land Croxley Green housing site. College and Railway property were divided by Agreement and Lease and part sold.
March 15th
At Croxley Green, Redheath, Micklefield and Loudwater with Guy tracing proposed boundary for extension of District with map.
March 17th
Croxley Hall site re shooting refuse in dell on road.
Inspecting housing site with Foreman.
Watford Road re drain onto College property in dip.
276 New Road re Gas Supply to Burridges & Keisleys.
223, 229 New Road re complaint as to state of cottages damp walls etc.
Tomkins butcher, inspecting slaughter house, unfinished.
Jackson's butcher inspecting slaughter house, alright.
Scotsbridge House, inspecting alterations.
March 18th
Seeing Mr Bateman re his visit to Minister of Health today and getting plans of Croxley site etc.
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond 2pm till 4pm, as to sewer connection and levels of roadway etc. Inspecting new buildings.
March 19th
Croxley Green housing site re connection to sewer in main road. Taking depth and arranging for fall of new sewer.
Seeing Mr. Raymond re sewer Croxley Green housing site.
March 23rd
8am at Croxley Green housing site to inspect 7" sewer connection main road.
At Croxley 2nd visit re levels and seeing Mr. Brightman, Mr. Pleasants, re fencing off meadow.
April 5th
Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Dawe and Mr. Raymond levelling for fall of sewer in new road and drains for cottages. There most of morning.
There again in evening to inspect length of 7" sewer at Watford end of site.
April 7th
Mr Pritchard Solicitor, to Metropolitan Railway called to see Mr Bateman re Croxley Green housing site.
Took Mr P. to Croxley Green and showed him land staked out etc.
Busy on coal emergency.
April 11th
At Croxley Green called at Stones and Co-op Stores re coal stock. At housing site.
Seeing Mr Bateman re his visit to Minister of Health today and getting plans of Croxley site etc.
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond 2pm till 4pm, as to sewer connection and levels of roadway etc. Inspecting new buildings.
March 19th
Croxley Green housing site re connection to sewer in main road. Taking depth and arranging for fall of new sewer.
Seeing Mr. Raymond re sewer Croxley Green housing site.
March 23rd
8am at Croxley Green housing site to inspect 7" sewer connection main road.
At Croxley 2nd visit re levels and seeing Mr. Brightman, Mr. Pleasants, re fencing off meadow.
April 5th
Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Dawe and Mr. Raymond levelling for fall of sewer in new road and drains for cottages. There most of morning.
There again in evening to inspect length of 7" sewer at Watford end of site.
April 7th
Mr Pritchard Solicitor, to Metropolitan Railway called to see Mr Bateman re Croxley Green housing site.
Took Mr P. to Croxley Green and showed him land staked out etc.
Busy on coal emergency.
April 11th
At Croxley Green called at Stones and Co-op Stores re coal stock. At housing site.
April 13th
Scotsbridge House testing 2 lengths for drain from lavatory basins.
April 14th
Seeing Dawe at his office - Housing meeting Mr(?)Chief Architect.
April 15th
Mr. Dawe seeing Mr. Pleasants and motoring to Bellingdon Brickworks to inspect facing for housing site.
(Bellingdon Brickworks, a company near Chesham, Buckinghamshire.)
April 16th
Phoning Fosters re rumour as to Railway strike. They didn’t think it would come off.
April 18th
Took Alice to College pm.
May 6th
Mr Dawe called re housing site Croxley Green and alteration of number of houses from 59-58?
May 9th
Conference with Mr. Barton–Smith, Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re Croxley Mills and extension of District.
Meeting Ministry of Mines re coal supplies for Gas works etc.
(There was a shortage of coal, hence importance of supplies for the Gas works, also residents etc had coal permits.)
May 20th
Croxley Green, Stones, re coal, he had obtained 1 Ton from Brentnall and Cleland Watford.
(Referring to Walter Stone, Stone’s Orchard, who delivered coal & coke to local residents)
May 24th
At Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Raymond as to position of Gas points, inspecting houses.
At Co-op store New Road re proposed rebuilding, inspecting Bakehouse, ceiling dirty.
Tyler at Croxley Green housing site testing drains.
May 25th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond settling position of gas points.
At dell near smallholdings Croxley Green, meeting Mr Foster re refuse shoot. Meeting Colonel. Woolrych re same.
(Colonel Woolrych previously of Croxley House now lived at Parrotts Farmhouse, and was landowner of several acres that were eventually sold for housing development. Here they are discussing the use of the land for disposing of household waste)
Scotsbridge House testing 2 lengths for drain from lavatory basins.
April 14th
Seeing Dawe at his office - Housing meeting Mr(?)Chief Architect.
April 15th
Mr. Dawe seeing Mr. Pleasants and motoring to Bellingdon Brickworks to inspect facing for housing site.
(Bellingdon Brickworks, a company near Chesham, Buckinghamshire.)
April 16th
Phoning Fosters re rumour as to Railway strike. They didn’t think it would come off.
April 18th
Took Alice to College pm.
May 6th
Mr Dawe called re housing site Croxley Green and alteration of number of houses from 59-58?
May 9th
Conference with Mr. Barton–Smith, Mr. Lomas, Mr. Bateman re Croxley Mills and extension of District.
Meeting Ministry of Mines re coal supplies for Gas works etc.
(There was a shortage of coal, hence importance of supplies for the Gas works, also residents etc had coal permits.)
May 20th
Croxley Green, Stones, re coal, he had obtained 1 Ton from Brentnall and Cleland Watford.
(Referring to Walter Stone, Stone’s Orchard, who delivered coal & coke to local residents)
May 24th
At Croxley Green housing site meeting Mr Raymond as to position of Gas points, inspecting houses.
At Co-op store New Road re proposed rebuilding, inspecting Bakehouse, ceiling dirty.
Tyler at Croxley Green housing site testing drains.
May 25th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr. Raymond settling position of gas points.
At dell near smallholdings Croxley Green, meeting Mr Foster re refuse shoot. Meeting Colonel. Woolrych re same.
(Colonel Woolrych previously of Croxley House now lived at Parrotts Farmhouse, and was landowner of several acres that were eventually sold for housing development. Here they are discussing the use of the land for disposing of household waste)
May 26th
Town by 9.48am train at Law Courts subpoenaed as witness in Larington v Winch & Kinch before the Official Referee.
May 30th
London 8.58 am re case not called, case settled by agreement.
June 5th (Sunday)
Motor cycled to Watford at 1.45pm seeing Clark Bros. re additions to Boys’ School, Croxley Green. Called at Croxley Green housing site.
(The Boys’ School was in the Watford Road)
June 9th
Motored to Holloway College - Alice's birthday back at 7pm.
June 10th
Tyler tested length of sewer Croxley Green housing site and number of houses to each connection.
June 15th
Tyler tested drain Croxley Green housing site. Mr Godwin called re gas pressures.
June 23rd
Ricky War Memorial stone base arrives.
(The WW1 Memorial was first erected on the site of the Uxbridge Road and Rickmansworth High Street junction prior to the road system later being developed. The Memorial was then relocated in two sections. St Mary’s Churchyard and Three Rivers District Council gardens. The original site is now a roundabout leading to Riverside Drive)
Town by 9.48am train at Law Courts subpoenaed as witness in Larington v Winch & Kinch before the Official Referee.
May 30th
London 8.58 am re case not called, case settled by agreement.
June 5th (Sunday)
Motor cycled to Watford at 1.45pm seeing Clark Bros. re additions to Boys’ School, Croxley Green. Called at Croxley Green housing site.
(The Boys’ School was in the Watford Road)
June 9th
Motored to Holloway College - Alice's birthday back at 7pm.
June 10th
Tyler tested length of sewer Croxley Green housing site and number of houses to each connection.
June 15th
Tyler tested drain Croxley Green housing site. Mr Godwin called re gas pressures.
June 23rd
Ricky War Memorial stone base arrives.
(The WW1 Memorial was first erected on the site of the Uxbridge Road and Rickmansworth High Street junction prior to the road system later being developed. The Memorial was then relocated in two sections. St Mary’s Churchyard and Three Rivers District Council gardens. The original site is now a roundabout leading to Riverside Drive)
June 27th
At Water Company Batchworth, re water supply to Croxley Green allotments and Mr Bateman re same.
June 28th
On duty at Council offices 10pm Motor Control - all night job!
July 1st
Home at 2.15am from Special Constable duty.
At War Memorial site Sculptor's assistant at work.
July 2nd
At War Memorial Lion arrived in afternoon 3pm there again 6.30pm. Lion placed in position
At Stones Croxley Green, 9pm re crop of Grass on 1½acres next to allotments.
(Walter Stone a tenant farmer of the Woolrych family who owned Parrotts farm close by, had approximately twelve acres at this time he rented, including the grounds of the future Yorke Mead school and Cherwell Close. The allotments referred to are off Barton Way)
July 4th
At Holloway College to fetch Alice and her friend.
July 5th
Water Company office re- mains Croxley Green housing site.
Carver cutting names War Memorial. (Rickmansworth)
Coal Emergency Regulations "off" today.
July 11th
War Memorial, Roll of Honour, 3 mistakes.
July 12th
Tyler testing drain at Boys School, Croxley Green.
July 16th
Complaint - At Dr Evans Croxley Green, re nuisance from Sear's pigs. Visited Sear's found heap of manure close to wall and between stys and Dr Evans house. Told Sear's it must be removed and stys kept clean.
July 23th
Tyler went to Sear's New Road, re nuisance from pig manure, found it had been removed.
July 28th
Miss Peddle left today getting married on Thursday.
(This is possibly Emily May Peddle born 21st June 1900, Rickmansworth. Her parents were James and Emma Peddle, also a possible relation to the Peddle family, Funeral Services High Street, Rickmansworth. Emily married Harold H Tutt July 1921.)
July 29th
Seeing Mr. Barton-Smith re housing and other Council matters
At War Memorial site 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Photographer from Town taking photo's.
Engaged Miss Brickhill as typist.
July 30th
Meeting Chairman and Mr. Oddie at War Memorial site for unveiling tomorrow.
July 31st
At War Memorial Site 9.30am rehearsing unveiling ceremony 3pm at Mr. Thornton's afterwards to tea.
The unveiling of the WW1 Memorial took place on the Uxbridge Road close by to the Recreation Ground (now the Aquadrome)
At Water Company Batchworth, re water supply to Croxley Green allotments and Mr Bateman re same.
June 28th
On duty at Council offices 10pm Motor Control - all night job!
July 1st
Home at 2.15am from Special Constable duty.
At War Memorial site Sculptor's assistant at work.
July 2nd
At War Memorial Lion arrived in afternoon 3pm there again 6.30pm. Lion placed in position
At Stones Croxley Green, 9pm re crop of Grass on 1½acres next to allotments.
(Walter Stone a tenant farmer of the Woolrych family who owned Parrotts farm close by, had approximately twelve acres at this time he rented, including the grounds of the future Yorke Mead school and Cherwell Close. The allotments referred to are off Barton Way)
July 4th
At Holloway College to fetch Alice and her friend.
July 5th
Water Company office re- mains Croxley Green housing site.
Carver cutting names War Memorial. (Rickmansworth)
Coal Emergency Regulations "off" today.
July 11th
War Memorial, Roll of Honour, 3 mistakes.
July 12th
Tyler testing drain at Boys School, Croxley Green.
July 16th
Complaint - At Dr Evans Croxley Green, re nuisance from Sear's pigs. Visited Sear's found heap of manure close to wall and between stys and Dr Evans house. Told Sear's it must be removed and stys kept clean.
July 23th
Tyler went to Sear's New Road, re nuisance from pig manure, found it had been removed.
July 28th
Miss Peddle left today getting married on Thursday.
(This is possibly Emily May Peddle born 21st June 1900, Rickmansworth. Her parents were James and Emma Peddle, also a possible relation to the Peddle family, Funeral Services High Street, Rickmansworth. Emily married Harold H Tutt July 1921.)
July 29th
Seeing Mr. Barton-Smith re housing and other Council matters
At War Memorial site 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Photographer from Town taking photo's.
Engaged Miss Brickhill as typist.
July 30th
Meeting Chairman and Mr. Oddie at War Memorial site for unveiling tomorrow.
July 31st
At War Memorial Site 9.30am rehearsing unveiling ceremony 3pm at Mr. Thornton's afterwards to tea.
The unveiling of the WW1 Memorial took place on the Uxbridge Road close by to the Recreation Ground (now the Aquadrome)
August 22nd
At Waterworks re Agreement for laying Water main Croxley Green housing site.
August 26th
Barnes and Milton on Service at Croxley Green, late Dr. Fenton's Hollowtree House.
August 29th
At Croxley Green inspecting concrete footings to Holland's house, Dickinson Avenue.
At Mr. Barton-Smith re housing forms at Croxley Green housing site, inspecting progress.
At 54 New Road inspecting Fish frying place for Hawlin(?) wood shed adjoining.
Mr. Barton-Smith came down for an hour to go through housing forms.
August 30th
Town by 9.33am train At Stanton's Ironworks Office re Tender for Iron pipes and agreeing on prices. Back at 2pm.
On housing applications with Mr. Barton-Smith sending letters re rents. On this work until 6.30pm.
September 1st
Seeing Mr. Dawe re water services Croxley Green housing site and phoning Water Company re same.
September 5th
Seeing Mr Dawe re water services Croxley Green housing site and phoning Water Company re same.
September 6th
At Watford with sidecar for repairs.
Mr. Barton-Smith called re housing applications going through same with him.
September 7th
Crayford testing drains with smoke test and giving Certificate.
Seeing Mr Guy, re number of houses built in District last year.
September 9th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Dawe inspecting work and getting particulars as to progress for Report to Council.
September 10th
Water Company started main at Croxley Green housing site seeing Powell as to position in new road.
Phoning Mr Roberts Metropolitan Railway lamp outside station.
September 11th
Started holiday motor cycled to Marlow in afternoon.
September 12th
At Marlow started on motor tour 11am. Lunched at Winchester and on to Bournemouth where we stayed the night. Had puncture in New Forest.
September 13th
Started from Bournemouth about 10.30am through Poole, Lyme Regis to Sidmouth for the night. Went through Dorchester, Axminster etc.
September 14th
Motored from Sidmouth to Exmouth where I lunched with Mrs Sharman. Trained to Exeter to meet Alf and (?) Called at Mrs Gills then motored to Torquay via Starcross, Dawlish & Teignmouth. Stayed at Grand Hotel.
September 15th
Motored from Torquay over Dartmoor via Newton Abbott, Dunsford etc to Princetown. Lunched there and came back via Dartsmeet, Buckfastleigh and Totnes.
September 16th
Motored to Dartmouth and went up River Dart to Totnes returned same way and motored back to Torquay.
September 17th
Stayed at Torquay sat on front in morning, called to see Mrs Beeson at Marsworth. On pier in afternoon watching submarines come into harbour.
September 18th
Very wet morning but went to Babbicombe by train. Saw Rugby football in afternoon.
September 19th
Started from Torquay at 10am via Newton Abbott, Taunton etc to Bridgewater. Lunched there then on to Glastonbury, Frome, Devizes, over Downs to Beckhampton, Marlborough, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Twyford to Marlow. Arriving there at 9pm splendid run about 235 miles.
September 21st
At Marlow returned home in afternoon at office seeing to Correspondence.
(Albert, Jessie and Alice probably called in to see the Davis family on the way home from their holiday?)
September 24th
At Dawes office re Croxley Green housing site and going to Croxley with him re position of gate in main road, Fire hydrant.
September 26th
At Scotsbridge with Panther re complaint from Mrs. Campbell Walker as to smell in garden. Found plug in sewer overflow under bridge, had come out. Panther put it right.
October 4th
At Metropolitan Goods Yard with Peak re unloading 4" pipes for Croxley Green housing site and arranging for cartage.
October 5th
At Croxley Green housing site with Dawe and Raymond re gas points, position of WC in pairs. Interview housing applicants.
(Water Closets - could be outside toilets or inside bathrooms)
October 6th
To London Conference - Law Institution of Herts C.C. and Local Councils re unemployment and to works of road widening etc to be put in hand. Mr. Barton-Smith and I attended for R.U.D.C.
(Rickmansworth Urban District Council.)
October 15th
Took Alice back to College in afternoon, back axle of Cole's car broke on Egham Hill, took 3 hours to repair not back until 8pm.
October 16th
At Cassiobridge in afternoon calling at Colebrook's as to ownership of meadow between Public House (Halfway House) and Croxley Green Station belonging to Gonville and Caius College.
At Waterworks re Agreement for laying Water main Croxley Green housing site.
August 26th
Barnes and Milton on Service at Croxley Green, late Dr. Fenton's Hollowtree House.
August 29th
At Croxley Green inspecting concrete footings to Holland's house, Dickinson Avenue.
At Mr. Barton-Smith re housing forms at Croxley Green housing site, inspecting progress.
At 54 New Road inspecting Fish frying place for Hawlin(?) wood shed adjoining.
Mr. Barton-Smith came down for an hour to go through housing forms.
August 30th
Town by 9.33am train At Stanton's Ironworks Office re Tender for Iron pipes and agreeing on prices. Back at 2pm.
On housing applications with Mr. Barton-Smith sending letters re rents. On this work until 6.30pm.
September 1st
Seeing Mr. Dawe re water services Croxley Green housing site and phoning Water Company re same.
September 5th
Seeing Mr Dawe re water services Croxley Green housing site and phoning Water Company re same.
September 6th
At Watford with sidecar for repairs.
Mr. Barton-Smith called re housing applications going through same with him.
September 7th
Crayford testing drains with smoke test and giving Certificate.
Seeing Mr Guy, re number of houses built in District last year.
September 9th
At Croxley Green housing site with Mr Dawe inspecting work and getting particulars as to progress for Report to Council.
September 10th
Water Company started main at Croxley Green housing site seeing Powell as to position in new road.
Phoning Mr Roberts Metropolitan Railway lamp outside station.
September 11th
Started holiday motor cycled to Marlow in afternoon.
September 12th
At Marlow started on motor tour 11am. Lunched at Winchester and on to Bournemouth where we stayed the night. Had puncture in New Forest.
September 13th
Started from Bournemouth about 10.30am through Poole, Lyme Regis to Sidmouth for the night. Went through Dorchester, Axminster etc.
September 14th
Motored from Sidmouth to Exmouth where I lunched with Mrs Sharman. Trained to Exeter to meet Alf and (?) Called at Mrs Gills then motored to Torquay via Starcross, Dawlish & Teignmouth. Stayed at Grand Hotel.
September 15th
Motored from Torquay over Dartmoor via Newton Abbott, Dunsford etc to Princetown. Lunched there and came back via Dartsmeet, Buckfastleigh and Totnes.
September 16th
Motored to Dartmouth and went up River Dart to Totnes returned same way and motored back to Torquay.
September 17th
Stayed at Torquay sat on front in morning, called to see Mrs Beeson at Marsworth. On pier in afternoon watching submarines come into harbour.
September 18th
Very wet morning but went to Babbicombe by train. Saw Rugby football in afternoon.
September 19th
Started from Torquay at 10am via Newton Abbott, Taunton etc to Bridgewater. Lunched there then on to Glastonbury, Frome, Devizes, over Downs to Beckhampton, Marlborough, Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, Twyford to Marlow. Arriving there at 9pm splendid run about 235 miles.
September 21st
At Marlow returned home in afternoon at office seeing to Correspondence.
(Albert, Jessie and Alice probably called in to see the Davis family on the way home from their holiday?)
September 24th
At Dawes office re Croxley Green housing site and going to Croxley with him re position of gate in main road, Fire hydrant.
September 26th
At Scotsbridge with Panther re complaint from Mrs. Campbell Walker as to smell in garden. Found plug in sewer overflow under bridge, had come out. Panther put it right.
October 4th
At Metropolitan Goods Yard with Peak re unloading 4" pipes for Croxley Green housing site and arranging for cartage.
October 5th
At Croxley Green housing site with Dawe and Raymond re gas points, position of WC in pairs. Interview housing applicants.
(Water Closets - could be outside toilets or inside bathrooms)
October 6th
To London Conference - Law Institution of Herts C.C. and Local Councils re unemployment and to works of road widening etc to be put in hand. Mr. Barton-Smith and I attended for R.U.D.C.
(Rickmansworth Urban District Council.)
October 15th
Took Alice back to College in afternoon, back axle of Cole's car broke on Egham Hill, took 3 hours to repair not back until 8pm.
October 16th
At Cassiobridge in afternoon calling at Colebrook's as to ownership of meadow between Public House (Halfway House) and Croxley Green Station belonging to Gonville and Caius College.
October 17th
Fine view of eclipse of moon 9.15pm to 10.54pm.
October 18th
At Croxley seeing Mr. Barton-Smith re mangolds. He opened them and decided which I was to accept.
At housing site with Mr. Barton-Smith as to tenants of first 6 houses - inspecting same houses.
October 19th
Mr Rowe phoned from Press & Company and starting Main at Croxley Green tomorrow.
Watford Road Croxley Green meeting Press's foreman re 6" main & instructing him when to open ground at end of Dickinson Square.
October 20th
Croxley Green men started on 6" main near Dickinson Square, 2 visits.
Croxley Green housing site with Raynor taking over first 6 houses, inspecting each house with Brightman's foreman.
October 25th
Motored to Cassiobridge with Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman to meet County Surveyor, Mr H Brown and representative of L.& N.W. Railway Company as to widening main road near station and from Nuttfield to Canal bridge.
(Nuttfield a house built at the top of Mill Lane for a mill manager at the John Dickinson paper mill. It was eventually demolished and became Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road)
Press's men with junction with Dickinson Square laying service to street lamps.
October 26th
At Croxley church re special burner in outside lantern.
At Croxley Green gas main syphon, fixed main to be finished tomorrow.
Fine view of eclipse of moon 9.15pm to 10.54pm.
October 18th
At Croxley seeing Mr. Barton-Smith re mangolds. He opened them and decided which I was to accept.
At housing site with Mr. Barton-Smith as to tenants of first 6 houses - inspecting same houses.
October 19th
Mr Rowe phoned from Press & Company and starting Main at Croxley Green tomorrow.
Watford Road Croxley Green meeting Press's foreman re 6" main & instructing him when to open ground at end of Dickinson Square.
October 20th
Croxley Green men started on 6" main near Dickinson Square, 2 visits.
Croxley Green housing site with Raynor taking over first 6 houses, inspecting each house with Brightman's foreman.
October 25th
Motored to Cassiobridge with Mr Lomas, Mr Bateman to meet County Surveyor, Mr H Brown and representative of L.& N.W. Railway Company as to widening main road near station and from Nuttfield to Canal bridge.
(Nuttfield a house built at the top of Mill Lane for a mill manager at the John Dickinson paper mill. It was eventually demolished and became Nuttfield Close and Frankland Road)
Press's men with junction with Dickinson Square laying service to street lamps.
October 26th
At Croxley church re special burner in outside lantern.
At Croxley Green gas main syphon, fixed main to be finished tomorrow.
October 27th
At housing site in afternoon with Barnes, measuring for service to first 6 houses position of supplies etc.
Press's finished main today.
Seeing Brightman's foreman re shelf in sculleries.
(A scullery was the name given to a room in a house or cottage, possibly extra to the kitchen but could be the kitchen itself).
October 28th
At Watford Road re Barnes men laying on service to 6 houses Croxley Green housing site.
October 29th
Croxley Green housing site Barnes and Sills laying on services.
At Mr. Barton-Smith's re burners Croxley Green church, gave orders for them to be cleaned etc.
November 2nd
Mr. Curtis and Mr. Barton-Smith called re housing applications.
November 3rd
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas, re -place of widening Cassio Bridge near Croxley Station sent by City surveyor.
Mr. Dawes office going through estimates of expenditure on housing schemes, roads etc.
Office - tracing plan of widening - Croxley Station and showing proposed land to be taken. Seeing Mr Bateman on same.
Case of Scarlet Fever, at New Road. Phoning Isolation Hospital to remove.
(There was an Isolation Hospital in Tolpits Lane, near the Holywell Estate, West Watford 1896-1982)
November 4th
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re plan of widening at Croxley.
Making fair copy of plan to send to L.&N.W. Railway Company
Tyler disinfected after case of Scarlet Fever at Croxley.
November 5th
Getting out list of fittings required for housing at Croxley Green.
Case of Scarlet Fever New Road, phoning Matron and Dr. Evans, re father going to work at Croxley Mills. Not to go for at least a week.
November 7th
Tyler at Browns New Road spraying kitchen after case of Scarlet Fever. Phoning Dr Gruggen and Dickinson re case.
November 8th
At Dawe’s Office re ceiling at Croxley houses.
November 10th
At Croxley Green housing site with Raymond. Ceiling down in living room of No 5. Saw foreman re same. Arranging for gas supply to 3 houses in Avenue. Called at 135 New Road re repairs.
November 11th
Writing draft letter re Metropolitan extension to Watford and correcting same at home.
November 14th
Drafting letter re met extension to Watford. Copies for Ministry of Transport.
November 17th
Old Sills to light lamps in town as the evening was dark.
(Sills was obviously an elderly person!)
November 18th
Seeing Dawe re housing scheme and number ready for occupations next week? Croxley.
November 19th
At Croxley Green housing site re 3 houses nearly finished, promised they should be ready by end of next week. Called at Beaumont's re fowl houses. Foster called re killing pigs on his premises - said he did not know it was illegal and promised not to do it again.
November 21st
Mr. Barton-Smith called re Watford Observer as to Metropolitan extension.
I phoned Mr Raggett and his letter and explained as to Croxley Green station and found he had been misinformed by particulars in paper.
(The extension referred to would be the planned route from Moor Park/Sandy Lodge to Watford Park via Croxley Green as well as a loop from Rickmansworth Metropolitan station.)
November 22nd
Seeing Mr. Oddie re letter in Watford Observer re Metropolitan extension to Watford.
Drafting letter re railway extension and seeing Mr. Bateman re same.
Taylor and Sills at Croxley Green opening main in Watford Road.
Mr. Tyler on holiday – "moving"
November 23rd
At Croxley Green seeing Taylor & Sills opening road near Beigels to find service to main. 1½"main not more than 12" deep. Told them to go on until they found syphon near Duke of York.
To Town by 12.28pm train attending Road Congress at Agricultural Hall and seeing Sir H Maybury re Metropolitan station site at Croxley Green.
Home at 7 pm. At office, letter to Sir H. Maybury's secretary, re appointment.
(Brigadier-General Sir Henry Percy Maybury was a British civil engineer. He began his career as a railway engineer, working on many railways in England and Wales. Director General of the Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport, a position he held for nine years.)
November 25th
At Croxley Green, Taylor and Sills opening road near Duke of York to find syphon could not trace it yet.
At housing site in afternoon with Barnes, measuring for service to first 6 houses position of supplies etc.
Press's finished main today.
Seeing Brightman's foreman re shelf in sculleries.
(A scullery was the name given to a room in a house or cottage, possibly extra to the kitchen but could be the kitchen itself).
October 28th
At Watford Road re Barnes men laying on service to 6 houses Croxley Green housing site.
October 29th
Croxley Green housing site Barnes and Sills laying on services.
At Mr. Barton-Smith's re burners Croxley Green church, gave orders for them to be cleaned etc.
November 2nd
Mr. Curtis and Mr. Barton-Smith called re housing applications.
November 3rd
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas, re -place of widening Cassio Bridge near Croxley Station sent by City surveyor.
Mr. Dawes office going through estimates of expenditure on housing schemes, roads etc.
Office - tracing plan of widening - Croxley Station and showing proposed land to be taken. Seeing Mr Bateman on same.
Case of Scarlet Fever, at New Road. Phoning Isolation Hospital to remove.
(There was an Isolation Hospital in Tolpits Lane, near the Holywell Estate, West Watford 1896-1982)
November 4th
Seeing Mr. Bateman, Mr. Lomas re plan of widening at Croxley.
Making fair copy of plan to send to L.&N.W. Railway Company
Tyler disinfected after case of Scarlet Fever at Croxley.
November 5th
Getting out list of fittings required for housing at Croxley Green.
Case of Scarlet Fever New Road, phoning Matron and Dr. Evans, re father going to work at Croxley Mills. Not to go for at least a week.
November 7th
Tyler at Browns New Road spraying kitchen after case of Scarlet Fever. Phoning Dr Gruggen and Dickinson re case.
November 8th
At Dawe’s Office re ceiling at Croxley houses.
November 10th
At Croxley Green housing site with Raymond. Ceiling down in living room of No 5. Saw foreman re same. Arranging for gas supply to 3 houses in Avenue. Called at 135 New Road re repairs.
November 11th
Writing draft letter re Metropolitan extension to Watford and correcting same at home.
November 14th
Drafting letter re met extension to Watford. Copies for Ministry of Transport.
November 17th
Old Sills to light lamps in town as the evening was dark.
(Sills was obviously an elderly person!)
November 18th
Seeing Dawe re housing scheme and number ready for occupations next week? Croxley.
November 19th
At Croxley Green housing site re 3 houses nearly finished, promised they should be ready by end of next week. Called at Beaumont's re fowl houses. Foster called re killing pigs on his premises - said he did not know it was illegal and promised not to do it again.
November 21st
Mr. Barton-Smith called re Watford Observer as to Metropolitan extension.
I phoned Mr Raggett and his letter and explained as to Croxley Green station and found he had been misinformed by particulars in paper.
(The extension referred to would be the planned route from Moor Park/Sandy Lodge to Watford Park via Croxley Green as well as a loop from Rickmansworth Metropolitan station.)
November 22nd
Seeing Mr. Oddie re letter in Watford Observer re Metropolitan extension to Watford.
Drafting letter re railway extension and seeing Mr. Bateman re same.
Taylor and Sills at Croxley Green opening main in Watford Road.
Mr. Tyler on holiday – "moving"
November 23rd
At Croxley Green seeing Taylor & Sills opening road near Beigels to find service to main. 1½"main not more than 12" deep. Told them to go on until they found syphon near Duke of York.
To Town by 12.28pm train attending Road Congress at Agricultural Hall and seeing Sir H Maybury re Metropolitan station site at Croxley Green.
Home at 7 pm. At office, letter to Sir H. Maybury's secretary, re appointment.
(Brigadier-General Sir Henry Percy Maybury was a British civil engineer. He began his career as a railway engineer, working on many railways in England and Wales. Director General of the Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport, a position he held for nine years.)
November 25th
At Croxley Green, Taylor and Sills opening road near Duke of York to find syphon could not trace it yet.
November 28th
Croxley Green housing site with foreman and arranging to start gas main on Monday. Inspecting houses with Wilkins ready for taking over Block of 3.
Baines and Milton on 1½ main near Duke of York. Tapping for water re Main - none there.
November 29th
At Boys School Croxley Green with Baines re fixing point for griller.
At housing site men excavating for 4" main.
November 30th
Office on plans of Metropolitan Railway extension for Ministry of Transport.
December 1st
Office, finishing plan re Metropolitan Railway extension. Croxley widening etc.
At Croxley Green housing site men laying 4"main round Avenue.
December 3rd
To Town 9.48am train at Ministry of Transport seeing Sir Henry Maybury re Metropolitan extension to Watford and widening at Croxley Green.
At Stantons Ironworks re pipes. Stanfords getting Ordinance maps.
Expenses 4s.6d + 3d + 2s 9d = 7/6d.
December 5th
Mr. Oddie called re Metropolitan extension to Watford.
December 6th
Seeing foreman re- main, Croxley housing site.
Watford by train at U.D.C. offices re Croxley Road widening showing plan to Mr. Newman and Mr. Hudson.
December 7th
Office signing application for Water Service to 24 houses Croxley Green housing scheme.
December 12th
To Town by 3.28pm train seeing Mr Selbie at Baker Street Station re Watford extension and widening of corner near Nuttfield - Expenses 4/6.
December 15th
On housing applications and letters to applicants selecting for 2 houses at Croxley- seeing applicants re agreements and handing keys and rent book to Fred Parker.
December 16th
On housing applications all the afternoon making list and preparing for Housing Selection Committee - Committee 5.35-7pm.
December 19th
Writing out corrected list of applications for houses, letters and agreements for new tenants at Croxley Green.
Tyler at Croxley Green housing site testing length of drain.
December 21st
Hayrick on fire near Scotsbridge Mill.
At Stanton Iron Company re price of 6" pipes for Croxley Green.
Croxley Green housing site with foreman and arranging to start gas main on Monday. Inspecting houses with Wilkins ready for taking over Block of 3.
Baines and Milton on 1½ main near Duke of York. Tapping for water re Main - none there.
November 29th
At Boys School Croxley Green with Baines re fixing point for griller.
At housing site men excavating for 4" main.
November 30th
Office on plans of Metropolitan Railway extension for Ministry of Transport.
December 1st
Office, finishing plan re Metropolitan Railway extension. Croxley widening etc.
At Croxley Green housing site men laying 4"main round Avenue.
December 3rd
To Town 9.48am train at Ministry of Transport seeing Sir Henry Maybury re Metropolitan extension to Watford and widening at Croxley Green.
At Stantons Ironworks re pipes. Stanfords getting Ordinance maps.
Expenses 4s.6d + 3d + 2s 9d = 7/6d.
December 5th
Mr. Oddie called re Metropolitan extension to Watford.
December 6th
Seeing foreman re- main, Croxley housing site.
Watford by train at U.D.C. offices re Croxley Road widening showing plan to Mr. Newman and Mr. Hudson.
December 7th
Office signing application for Water Service to 24 houses Croxley Green housing scheme.
December 12th
To Town by 3.28pm train seeing Mr Selbie at Baker Street Station re Watford extension and widening of corner near Nuttfield - Expenses 4/6.
December 15th
On housing applications and letters to applicants selecting for 2 houses at Croxley- seeing applicants re agreements and handing keys and rent book to Fred Parker.
December 16th
On housing applications all the afternoon making list and preparing for Housing Selection Committee - Committee 5.35-7pm.
December 19th
Writing out corrected list of applications for houses, letters and agreements for new tenants at Croxley Green.
Tyler at Croxley Green housing site testing length of drain.
December 21st
Hayrick on fire near Scotsbridge Mill.
At Stanton Iron Company re price of 6" pipes for Croxley Green.
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1920
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1922