The Albert Freeman Diaries - 1918
January 14th
At Croxley Green re coal requisites including Dugdales.
January 21st
Tyler disinfected at Mr Couchman's after death.
February 8th
At Ebury Hall 7pm till 10pm Lecture by Tom Bevan "War on Land – Lantern slides – very good.
(Tom Bevan a Rickmansworth school teacher, author, historian also lived in Nightingale Road)
February 13th
Rickmansworth Park, soldiers fitting up quarters in stables for German prisoners.
February 14th
Assisting food committee with food cards.
February 17th
Rickmansworth Park stables, re quarters for German prisoners, and as to gas service, meeting Mr Dyson there.
At Croxley Green re coal requisites including Dugdales.
January 21st
Tyler disinfected at Mr Couchman's after death.
February 8th
At Ebury Hall 7pm till 10pm Lecture by Tom Bevan "War on Land – Lantern slides – very good.
(Tom Bevan a Rickmansworth school teacher, author, historian also lived in Nightingale Road)
February 13th
Rickmansworth Park, soldiers fitting up quarters in stables for German prisoners.
February 14th
Assisting food committee with food cards.
February 17th
Rickmansworth Park stables, re quarters for German prisoners, and as to gas service, meeting Mr Dyson there.
February 18th
Gunfire very heavy at 10pm
(Albert mentions attending another lecture by Tom Bevan at Ebury Hall)
Heavy gunfire 8.30pm -11pm all clear 1.15pm.
February 24th
At LMS Station at 5.14pm, met Lieut Guess & Jenkinson, 30 German prisoners arrived by train, went to Ricky Park with them re employment on farms etc.
8 -8.30pm phoning farms re Prisoners of War (POW) and arranging for next week, start work on Monday.
(LMS Station, most likely the station Church Street, Rickmansworth)
Gunfire very heavy at 10pm
(Albert mentions attending another lecture by Tom Bevan at Ebury Hall)
Heavy gunfire 8.30pm -11pm all clear 1.15pm.
February 24th
At LMS Station at 5.14pm, met Lieut Guess & Jenkinson, 30 German prisoners arrived by train, went to Ricky Park with them re employment on farms etc.
8 -8.30pm phoning farms re Prisoners of War (POW) and arranging for next week, start work on Monday.
(LMS Station, most likely the station Church Street, Rickmansworth)
February 27th
POW camp, giving Sergeant list of farms and number of men to be sent.
1 man remains in camp as cook.
March 3rd (Sunday)
Going through register taking out deaths for last 2 years (males)
March 28th
Rickmansworth Park POW, to inspect prisoners’ sanitary arrangements. (Toilets)
April 5th
Copthorne Road setting out line of road etc – Mr Barton-Smith land.
(Mr Charles Barton-Smith mill manager for the John Dickinson paper mill, was in the process of overseeing a house for a staff member. Copthorne Road, a new road off Scots Hill)
April 27th
Stones Croxley Green, re coal returns from Jan 5th
(Referring to Stone’s Orchard on The Green)
May 10th
Complaint from Jackson New Road. Frozen beef bad. Visited there with Ministry of Health (MOH) inspected a fore quarter of frozen beef, condemned same, Dr Clark gave certificate, part of it green.
(Refrigeration for food storage was in its infancy at this time)
May 21st
At Croxley Green Red Cross Hospital re leak at meter.
Fosters, cowsheds re complaint of smell at Hospital saw Mr Foster.
At Jackson's New Road re frozen meat, alright - Saunders re same alright.
May 24th
Motored to Halton Park Camp with Mr Ayres to see Commandant POW Camp, re more German prisoners and as to management of guards for farms.
(Halton Park Camp near Wendover, Buckinghamshire, now an R.A.F cadet training camp.)
May 27th
Tyler at Copthorne Cottages, Croxley re nuisance from cesspool.
May 30th
Heard from Sergeant POW camp, that one of the German prisoners had met with a fatal accident at Hill Farm (Ayres) fallen from rick on to pitchfork. (Possibly North Hill farm, Chorleywood)
Phoning Commandant Halton Camp re same and arranging to meet Lieutenant Guess, meeting him going to Mortuary, and camp to arrange for prisoners work tomorrow.
At Police Station making copies of report re accident.
June 3rd
Sergeant Bunnett, called re funeral of German prisoner tomorrow, and Corporal from Wendover camp called with letter from Major Campbell re same. Seeing Miss Smith re Burial forms etc
June 7th
At Warwick's Cottage Croxley Green smell from cesspool overflow.
(The Warwick family previously lived at Highfield House, Scots Hill. It was sold to Mr. Catesby and Richard Warwick now lived at The Cottage, Scots Hill.)
June 16th
At POW Camp Ricky Park to meet General Robb and Major Campbell, inspecting camp and arranging as to work.
General Robb suggested that accommodation was limited at stables, and servants’ quarters in large house might be taken.
(A suggestion that Rickmansworth Park mansion could offer more accommodation for the German prisoners. It would appear Albert was very conscious about the living standards offered for the prisoners.)
Asking for another 30-40 prisoners.
At POW Camp, inspecting rooms etc and filling up return of sanitary condition (quality report)
July 4th
(During the year there was a need for more special constables. Charles Barton -Smith was contacted for volunteers – caps were given out to wear)
Mr Kennedy's, Scots Hill given list.
July 19th
Nobbs, Croxley Green re coin stuck in meter.
Rance's New Road, re gas A/c for Primitive Methodist Chapel.
July 23rd
To Town by 1.30pm to see Dr Peters at Wimpole St re eyesight. (London)
July 24th
Capt. Maxwell St Albans, phoned re billeting 1000 soldiers in Rickmansworth and district, arranging to meet him this evening re same.
Looked at Ebury Hall, empty shops in town, Rickmansworth Park and Glen Chess.
(The Green, Croxley Green was used for large numbers of soldiers in bell tents for overnight/short stay accommodation)
POW camp, giving Sergeant list of farms and number of men to be sent.
1 man remains in camp as cook.
March 3rd (Sunday)
Going through register taking out deaths for last 2 years (males)
March 28th
Rickmansworth Park POW, to inspect prisoners’ sanitary arrangements. (Toilets)
April 5th
Copthorne Road setting out line of road etc – Mr Barton-Smith land.
(Mr Charles Barton-Smith mill manager for the John Dickinson paper mill, was in the process of overseeing a house for a staff member. Copthorne Road, a new road off Scots Hill)
April 27th
Stones Croxley Green, re coal returns from Jan 5th
(Referring to Stone’s Orchard on The Green)
May 10th
Complaint from Jackson New Road. Frozen beef bad. Visited there with Ministry of Health (MOH) inspected a fore quarter of frozen beef, condemned same, Dr Clark gave certificate, part of it green.
(Refrigeration for food storage was in its infancy at this time)
May 21st
At Croxley Green Red Cross Hospital re leak at meter.
Fosters, cowsheds re complaint of smell at Hospital saw Mr Foster.
At Jackson's New Road re frozen meat, alright - Saunders re same alright.
May 24th
Motored to Halton Park Camp with Mr Ayres to see Commandant POW Camp, re more German prisoners and as to management of guards for farms.
(Halton Park Camp near Wendover, Buckinghamshire, now an R.A.F cadet training camp.)
May 27th
Tyler at Copthorne Cottages, Croxley re nuisance from cesspool.
May 30th
Heard from Sergeant POW camp, that one of the German prisoners had met with a fatal accident at Hill Farm (Ayres) fallen from rick on to pitchfork. (Possibly North Hill farm, Chorleywood)
Phoning Commandant Halton Camp re same and arranging to meet Lieutenant Guess, meeting him going to Mortuary, and camp to arrange for prisoners work tomorrow.
At Police Station making copies of report re accident.
June 3rd
Sergeant Bunnett, called re funeral of German prisoner tomorrow, and Corporal from Wendover camp called with letter from Major Campbell re same. Seeing Miss Smith re Burial forms etc
June 7th
At Warwick's Cottage Croxley Green smell from cesspool overflow.
(The Warwick family previously lived at Highfield House, Scots Hill. It was sold to Mr. Catesby and Richard Warwick now lived at The Cottage, Scots Hill.)
June 16th
At POW Camp Ricky Park to meet General Robb and Major Campbell, inspecting camp and arranging as to work.
General Robb suggested that accommodation was limited at stables, and servants’ quarters in large house might be taken.
(A suggestion that Rickmansworth Park mansion could offer more accommodation for the German prisoners. It would appear Albert was very conscious about the living standards offered for the prisoners.)
Asking for another 30-40 prisoners.
At POW Camp, inspecting rooms etc and filling up return of sanitary condition (quality report)
July 4th
(During the year there was a need for more special constables. Charles Barton -Smith was contacted for volunteers – caps were given out to wear)
Mr Kennedy's, Scots Hill given list.
July 19th
Nobbs, Croxley Green re coin stuck in meter.
Rance's New Road, re gas A/c for Primitive Methodist Chapel.
July 23rd
To Town by 1.30pm to see Dr Peters at Wimpole St re eyesight. (London)
July 24th
Capt. Maxwell St Albans, phoned re billeting 1000 soldiers in Rickmansworth and district, arranging to meet him this evening re same.
Looked at Ebury Hall, empty shops in town, Rickmansworth Park and Glen Chess.
(The Green, Croxley Green was used for large numbers of soldiers in bell tents for overnight/short stay accommodation)
July 27th
Alice broke up from school, won 4 prizes, including top girl in school for the year.
(Girls’ Grammar School, Watford.)
August 20th
Tyler condemned 12lbs of bacon at Wells, New Road.
August 23rd
At Croxley seeing Mr Kennedy re Coal rationing forms and Special Constables – swearing in.
August 25th
At Croxley Laundry seeing Cheetham re gas A/c and arranging to test meter.
August 28th
Albert mentions the POW had a weekly inspection.
August 29th
(Albert mentions meeting PC Haggar, who lived in New Road, the surname was often spelt two ways, ending er and ar)
August 31st
Cycled to Stones, Croxley Green re Church coke.
(Stone's orchard on The Green, Walter Stone and sons Jesse and George had a coal and coke business, also from the premises – coke a form of fuel produced from coal)
Alice broke up from school, won 4 prizes, including top girl in school for the year.
(Girls’ Grammar School, Watford.)
August 20th
Tyler condemned 12lbs of bacon at Wells, New Road.
August 23rd
At Croxley seeing Mr Kennedy re Coal rationing forms and Special Constables – swearing in.
August 25th
At Croxley Laundry seeing Cheetham re gas A/c and arranging to test meter.
August 28th
Albert mentions the POW had a weekly inspection.
August 29th
(Albert mentions meeting PC Haggar, who lived in New Road, the surname was often spelt two ways, ending er and ar)
August 31st
Cycled to Stones, Croxley Green re Church coke.
(Stone's orchard on The Green, Walter Stone and sons Jesse and George had a coal and coke business, also from the premises – coke a form of fuel produced from coal)
September 20th
At Zoological Gardens in afternoon with Alice back 7.26 pm.
(Most likely Regents Park, London)
September 27th
At Mr Barton -Smith Croxley Green, with tenders for Potatoes - he opened them.
October 5th
At Loudwater in afternoon re coal form for Mr Birch.
October 10th
Office afternoon. Seeing Mrs King re gravel from Croxley Pits wants 4/- a yard.
(A ‘yard’ was a measurement, 4/- = 4 Shillings)
At Zoological Gardens in afternoon with Alice back 7.26 pm.
(Most likely Regents Park, London)
September 27th
At Mr Barton -Smith Croxley Green, with tenders for Potatoes - he opened them.
October 5th
At Loudwater in afternoon re coal form for Mr Birch.
October 10th
Office afternoon. Seeing Mrs King re gravel from Croxley Pits wants 4/- a yard.
(A ‘yard’ was a measurement, 4/- = 4 Shillings)
October 16th
Seeing many callers re fuel rationing order and explaining forms.
October 18th
At Scots Hill to measure stock and as to coke for Green Houses.
October 25th
At POW Camp Ricky Park and Glen Chess stables. Men putting up barbed wire for further German prisoners expected next Thursday.
October 26th
7.45 Seeing Mr Barton-Smith re mangold tenders. He opened same.
(mangold- a root vegetable)
November 4th
At L & NW Railway Station with Major Campbell, 40 German prisoners arrived for Glen Chess camp
(The station was at Croxley Green)
Seeing many callers re fuel rationing order and explaining forms.
October 18th
At Scots Hill to measure stock and as to coke for Green Houses.
October 25th
At POW Camp Ricky Park and Glen Chess stables. Men putting up barbed wire for further German prisoners expected next Thursday.
October 26th
7.45 Seeing Mr Barton-Smith re mangold tenders. He opened same.
(mangold- a root vegetable)
November 4th
At L & NW Railway Station with Major Campbell, 40 German prisoners arrived for Glen Chess camp
(The station was at Croxley Green)
November 10th (Sunday)
Tyler and Barlow disinfecting schools at Croxley (bad bout of influenza everywhere)
November 11th
News in paper that the Kaiser had abdicated.
(Wilhelm II, German Emperor)
November 13th
News came through this morning that the Armistice had been signed and hostilities were to cease.
Putting up flags at Council Office - General rejoicing.
November 18th
Lord Ebury died early this morning aged 84.
(Lord Ebury owned and lived at Moor Park Mansion)
Tyler and Barlow disinfecting schools at Croxley (bad bout of influenza everywhere)
November 11th
News in paper that the Kaiser had abdicated.
(Wilhelm II, German Emperor)
November 13th
News came through this morning that the Armistice had been signed and hostilities were to cease.
Putting up flags at Council Office - General rejoicing.
November 18th
Lord Ebury died early this morning aged 84.
(Lord Ebury owned and lived at Moor Park Mansion)
November 21st
At Northwood attending Lord Ebury’s funeral.
December 13th
Writing Ministry and others, re names of men who had won distinction on the field and getting out list.
December 14th
Phoning – also Mr Barton-Smith and writing letters to Military Authorities, National Services, asking for return of men.
December 16th
(A General Election took place on 14th December following the end of the war in Europe.)
December 19th
At Croxley Hall Farm re repairs to road for Caius College.
At Grammar School - Prize Day, Alice top of School.
At Northwood attending Lord Ebury’s funeral.
December 13th
Writing Ministry and others, re names of men who had won distinction on the field and getting out list.
December 14th
Phoning – also Mr Barton-Smith and writing letters to Military Authorities, National Services, asking for return of men.
December 16th
(A General Election took place on 14th December following the end of the war in Europe.)
December 19th
At Croxley Hall Farm re repairs to road for Caius College.
At Grammar School - Prize Day, Alice top of School.
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1917
CLICK HERE for Albert Freeman Diaries 1919